Big Ideas
Posts: 175
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:53 am
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CSA looking for a USA Opponent

Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:02 pm

I am looking for a Union player who is interested in going the whole campaign. I have started 15 PBEM games as the CSA and won seven, lost four, and had four opponents drop out when their plans went awry- (two without any warning!) [I have one on-going game as USA].

I have version 1.15 and would like to play the 1861 campaign- with or without KY options.

foreign intervention on hard to make it more difficult.
standard navy
historical leaders
either attrition option
you can host- I trust ya.
I only use the redeploys for leaders appearing in Richmond after it has fallen.
Otherwise I use rail, river, or foot

I don't try to exploit the UI by wriggling units between inactive/active leaders in a gamey fashion, swarms of entrenching militia, etc.
I don't drive my cav up to Chicago- but have captured Baltimore in two games.
You can attack anywhere/ anytime you want.
I'm open to any houserules or suggestions you might have.
I can do one turn per day most days of the year.

I'll play anyone interested in finishing the game.. live with your mistakes.
Also anyone I have lost contact with. (not the quitters though).

reply below or send a PM if you are interested.


Big Ideas
Posts: 175
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:53 am
Location: in the ambrosia cellar

Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:20 am

I already have heaps of replies so will need to close this thread.
thank you to everyone you sent me messages.

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