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Recruiting Officers for American Civil War Game Club!

Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:44 am

A club of ACW wargamers is actively recruiting new officers to fight under either the Union or Confederate Flags. This wargaming club is composed of many skilled and experienced wargamers who enjoy playing various pbem games including the HPS/Tiller series and several others, with an increasing number of AGEOD ACW gamers. The club has many active members who are very respectful individuals and solid strategists. Each officer advances through a ranking system by gaming, and multiplayer and tournament matches are regularly available for participation.

If you are interested in joining this Civil War wargaming club, please check out the site at

Enjoy the battles, Sirs!

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Joined: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:49 pm

Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:49 pm

Question, just glancing at the page, if you join the confederate or union must you play them in all of the PBEM's? Or can you play the PBEM games as any side?

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:51 am

My apologies for the delay in responding, Sir.
When playing in a battle against an opponent from the other side (USA or CSA), you will usually play as the side you sign into, but when you play in a battle against an opponent from your own side (called a maneuver in this case), you can play as either side. To answer you directly, yes, you will mostly (but not always) play as the CSA if you sign up for the CSA, or the Union if you sign up for the Union. It is possible to transfer to the opposing side of the club, as a note.

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