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Richard Taylor

Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:57 pm

Richard Taylor:

155 CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 10 2 12 General 1 NULL 4 1 1
CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 23 General 1 NULL 4 1 1

1. One can make the argument that Taylor should get either the "Recruiting_Officer" or "Training_Officer" trait (see wikipedia entry). Does anyone have any thoughts on whether he should get either of these or both?

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Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:15 pm

I think Master Driller fits him better.Perhaps that along with recruiting officer. I strongly disagree with his ratings. He was one of the best commanders the confederates had. If he had fought in Virginia his whole career he would be much better known. Given few troops, he raised a small army in western Louisiana and equipped it with mostly captured union material. He was outnumbered 4 to 1 by Banks' army but had several successes against smaller union forces. If Port Hudson had held out slightly longer Taylor may have been able to retake New Orleans. The next year he humiliated banks in the Red River Campaign and possibly could have destroyed his army had Kirby Smith not sent a large part of his force to Arkansas. Ended the war as Forrest's commanding officer. Forrest said of him "He's the biggest man in the lot. If we'd had more like him, we would have licked the Yankees long ago." I would rate him at 5|4|3. Master Logistician would fit him as well. He made the most of what little he had.

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Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:33 pm

agreed, he's rated too low. i'm ok with anywhere from 5/4/3 to 4/3/3. its hard to say. shoot, to come down square in the middle, i say 4/4/3 :)

he def. deserves a training officer/drilling officer trait, and i can see the argument for master logistician. esp. since so few leaders have it at this point.

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:01 pm

Master Driller is a VERY powerfull ability. It was designed for leaders such as Von Steuben during the AIW (we are thinking to balance it a little).
Training officer might be better.
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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:54 pm

155 CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor2 $Training_Officer $Good_Cmd $Forager NULL 10 10 2 12 General 1 NULL 4 4 3
196 CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor $Training_Officer $Good_Cmd NULL NULL 5 5 1 23 General 1 NULL 4 2 2
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:25 am

Toned down in current version, gives only one XP per turn, so you need more than 6 months to have a unit progresses from level 0 to 1, and one year from 1 to 2. Should be ok. One level is good, but won't prevent you from being beaten if you have a poor leader ;)

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