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Is Ageod Happy?

Wed May 02, 2007 6:01 pm

I put this under BoA headquarters by mistake.

I am not asking for sales numbers (wouldn't mean anything to me anyway) but I am curious, is Ageod disappointed, satisfied, happy, or exuberant with the way things have gone in the first few weeks of this game.

It seems that you fellas are in pretty good sprits.

Like everyone here, I hope that sales are through the roof so that you can keep cranking out new titles and support your old ones. (BTW- I think it is totally legit to charge extra $ to backload the ACW improvements onto BoA- not many companies will support their previous titles like this). Anyway good luck! :leprechau

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Wed May 02, 2007 7:04 pm

Prior title support ...

Actually, what is truely unique about AGEOD is that it has one of the few game engines that easily facilitates back porting features from future titles to older ones. Most developers pretty much rapidly become incompatible with their former software base as they move into the next project. I find this to be quite an accomplishment from a systems design perspective.

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Wed May 02, 2007 7:31 pm

That is indeed the core of our philosophy: to keep all our games living...our next (quick) move will be to upgrade BOA with our latest code...but not only, we'll add more life into that 'old' game too :coeurs:

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Thu May 03, 2007 3:21 am

MarkShot wrote:Actually, what is truely unique about AGEOD is that it has one of the few game engines that easily facilitates back porting features from future titles to older ones.

So true!

Actually out of all the many games I have bought over the years, I have to say that Ageod's games and support are right up at the top for quality. They have really hit on something big with this game engine.

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Thu May 03, 2007 5:41 am

PhilThib wrote:our next (quick) move will be to upgrade BOA with our latest code...but not only, we'll add more life into that 'old' game too

Long live BoA! :coeurs:

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