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Civil war soldier vocabulary

Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:16 pm



Infantry- soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight by foot

Cavalry- soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight on horseback

Artillery- soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight using cannon

Flank- the right or left of a formation

Cartridge Box- box made of leather used to hold ammunition

Cap Box- small box attached to belt to hold caps which fire musket

Haversack- canvas sack used to carry soldier's food

Gum Blanket- made of rubber on one side and canvas on the other, used to sleep on

Dog Tent- very small tent which buttons together in the middle

House Wife- small sewing kit

Ration- a fixed daily food allowance of one person

Hard Tack- very hard biscuit made of flour, water, and sometimes salt

Salt Pork- pork cured in salt or brine

Knapsack- pack carried on soldiers back, holding clothes and personal items

Minie Ball- rifle bullet having a cylindrical body

Fife- small flute with shrill tone used to accompany the drum

Scabbard- leather sheath in which the blade of a sword or bayonet is enclosed when not in use

Cap- small device used to ignite powder in musket barrel

Cartridge- paper tube which contained bullet and gun powder

Sharpshooter- person skilled in shooting

Canteen- tin or wooden container on a strap used to carry water

Foraging- roving the countryside in search of food, sometimes taking from farmers

Sack Coat- four-button woolen coat worn by Civil War Soldier

Kepi- cap or hat, part of uniform

Brogans- shoes made of leather and often scarce in the South

Slouch Hat- wide brimmed hat, sometimes worn instead of kepi

Rifled-Musket- muzzle loading gun, fired with cartridge and cap

Campaign- a connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of war


"Raining cats and dogs."

"Snug as a bug in a rug."

"Simple as pie."

"Fit as a fiddle."

"Smart as a whip."
Forrest said something about killing a Yankee for each of his horses that they shot. In the last days of the war, Forrest had killed 30 of the enemy and had 30 horses shot from under him. In a brief but savage conflict, a Yankee soldier "saw glory for himself" with an opportunity to kill the famous Confederate General... Forrest killed the fellow. Making 31 Yankees personally killed, and 30 horses lost...

He remarked, "I ended the war a horse ahead."

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