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Looking for like minded

Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:46 am

Alright this is a difficult post to write. I'm looking for some like minded people to begin modding a game with the view to creating something that everyone will enjoy and that encompasses as much war game experience as those offering the game can share. As of this moment almost everything is open to discussion and amendment. Even the choice of the game to be modded ideally it would be to design a game from scratch but with no programming experience only war gaming this seems too much to hope for so modding it is for now.
My hopes are for grand strategy any era of history or fantasy sci fi environment will do. I want character to be very important the counters must feel important to the player. The logistical and production side of the mod will receive a lot of work this is where wars are won. That and the commanders and units on the battlefield which also must feel like they have a character and purpose of their own. Like I said I have no experience of any of this and much feels really daunting but I really want to produce something that others of like mind to me will enjoy and to be honest I have no idea how to begin on my own. Hence this post.
It could be I've gone completely mad and that people have no interest in any of this but either way thanks for reading. PM me if you are interested at all in joining what I hope will be a fun adventure. If so lots of hard work and probably many disagreements ahead but if I'm not totally barking mad then there are lots of people out there like me who want to do something but just don't know how to start might be the kick in the backside we all need.

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Re: Looking for like minded

Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:16 am

If you could define your scope or era, that would be helpful. My thought in reading your post is that if you work with the Pride of Nations game you would have a decent platform for either a reworking of something like world wide scope of the wars of Frederick the Great's time or bringing it up through the Second World War.
Sounds like an ambitious project.

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Re: Looking for like minded

Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:55 am

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. The ambition for such a mod is certainly there something that encompasses as much of history as is possible right through to World War two is indeed very like minded. PON might well be a very good choice also although here I will say that Ageod is currently producing a new game that may well fit the bill even better (I have been fortunate enough to be in on the beta for this and its fantastic to play). I was looking strangely enough at the PON files yesterday in an attempt to narrow down my options. Advanced Tactics Gold and the Community bank available were also games I have looked at with this in mind there easiness to mod and production systems being the attractive features. I have also been looking at the Paradox titles strategic command and Aggressors with a view to the same.
The main idea for my post was to get some people together to fulfil the ambition set up a discord group brainstorm then embark perhaps a pipe dream but if you don't try you can't succeed. Thanks again for responding so far not getting too many takers understandable but a little disappointing I have similar posts at paradox matrix and sitherine like I said the first part of the plan was to draw all the ambition together then the hard work could really begin.

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Re: Looking for like minded

Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:44 pm

Well the elephant in the room and the diamond in the rough is Wars of Napoleon, it is one such mod as you describe from a masterpiece.

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Re: Looking for like minded

Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:58 pm

If I remember correctly, older engines of AGEOD are up for licensing, so this might be the way to go.

From my project experience I would say that, research, scratch, script etc eat up a mountain of working hours even before the first line of code is written or the first graphics are drawn.

I can only advise you to develop a general idea of what the product should look like and who would play it. As clear and sharp as possible. (Think Twitter, not Tolstoi :laugh: ) That spares you a lot of frustration throughout the process.

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