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Invasions: new board-game by Philippe Thibaut

Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:29 pm

A new boardgame by Phillippe Thibaut is getting ready. :dada: :dada:

It's called Invasions and a very successful kickstarter campaign has begun a couple of days ago (already 600% funded ! and all the first stretch goals achieved )

A quote from the kickstarter:

Invasions simulates 300 years of European history, from the late days of the Roman Empire to the start of the Muslim expansion. During this period, known as the Dark Ages, many people invaded the continent, each hoping to colonize it or conquer a realm there, replacing other people established before them. But the new conquerors would never maintain their new powers for long, as they were also invaded by other invaders.

The game ends by the time those great migrations ended. In this epic game, each player controls many different peoples. Each of them is a realm at the best possible location, in view of historical objectives assigned by the rules. Some will prevail and found strong kingdoms and prosperous empires ... others will vanish in the void of history.

Invasion marks the return to board game of Philip Thibaut, the creator of the critically acclaimed Europa Universalis, that he also adapted for PC, and of The Great War '14 -'18. Philippe is also the creator and designer of American Civil War games, Pax Romana, Rise of Prussia or Birth of America.

A digital version of this game has also been just added, as a further stretch goal !

Check the Kickstarter: ... escription

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Re: Invasions: new board-game by Philippe Thibaut

Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:47 pm

Hi Franciscus, he himself announced it here:


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