What should be our next game subject. Max 5 choices please!

Antiquity Greek (Peloponnesian, Alexander the Great...)
Antiquity Roman (including late Empire and invasions)
Ancient China
Middle/Dark Ages (incl. Byzantium, excl. Crusades)
30 Years War
Feudal Japan
Conquest of Americas/Age of Colonialism
War in Americas II
American Civil War II
Napoleonic era
China (Feudal, Taiping...) (excl Ancient China)
World War I
Pride of Nations II
World War II (Global)
World War II (Europe)
World War II (Pacific)
Sci-fi, Fantasy or post-apoc
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Which topic for a future AGE-engine game?

Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:16 am

Time for an update! Multiple choices allowed.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:23 am

Thirty years war.

Do you think actual engine will work for WWII?
Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:43 am

It will need optimizations to speed up turn processing, but as part of the development time of a new game, this is definitively doable (should have been done for PON, we lacked perhaps 3 months in the end, but this is the past now). Plus AI will need a significant update to think 'WW2', like maintaining a front, but again, new project = months and months allowed for these things.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:18 am

Middle\Dark Ages. I got a DB with Factions and leaders if it could help.


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Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:31 am

WW2 - Europe - most specifically North Africa Campaign :coeurs:

Late Roman empire and invasions I did not vote because I want it as an expansion of AJE... :wacko:

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:44 am

-Three kingdoms, Ancient China. Millions of people eager to buy it (not from Europe, I guess)
-30 Years War, to fill the gap
-Ancient Rome, of course.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:53 am

Voted. A little explanation (and ranking my choices).

1.- American Civil War 2.
Undoubtely, number one of my options. It's a great game, there's a big community, it's popular and it could make ageod basis grow. But, why? Besides interesting additions like the Strategic Map (from RUS)... the big one is bringing a little more of politics into the game. I'm thinking in a load of regional decisions (à la AJE). I'm thinking in bringing the research system from PON to develop tactics and army organization and logistics. Making the map bigger won't be bad at all. Even some economics would be fine -the capital/money system from PON, very streamlined, would be terrific, making of it not the abstraction it's now with blockades, etc. but a game feature-. Even foreign intervention could be handled with the 'crisis minigame' from PON.

2.- WWI. 2014 is very tempting for a WWI game. PROs... not playing the alliances but each country (Austria, Ottomans, Russians... would make you enjoy more than France, for example). Of course, the static front is a big handicap. But, well, in a certain sense it would be good for the development of AGE engine. I mean... you have a mix between what AGE is doing now (mobility and decisive battles) and what it should be to handle WWII (fronts). In fact you should have very mobile fronts, and... even in the Western Front, localized offensives should be the way to go (not juggernauts like Barbarrosa or Bagration in the sight!). AGE would take the training it needs to represent and handle tanks and planes... Once again, some of PON features (a little streamlined) could be adopted.

3.- Napoleon. It deserves a second chance. And I assume some work has been made already when AGEOD were trying to develop it under Paradox engine.

4.- PON II. If you could vastly improve this gem with a little development... you've got me into it. More strategy than wargame, monthly turns could be enough (and a shorter timeline won't be bad also).

5.- WWII (Europe). I'd love an AGEOD approx to World War II, but I think it could be soon. WWI is a good way (and maybe easier) to learn to implement fronts in AGE (as well as air and tank dynamics).

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:16 pm

1- American Civil War 2. A great game gets even better, (it could be amazing...IMHO)!
2- Either of the Chinas sounds interesting.
3- Napoleon

Thanks for asking :)
AGE games I own; RUS ,AJE, BOR, H:ToR, AACW, WIA, ROP,NC, CWII, Espana 1936, TYW

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:20 pm

Great! Ageod is moving on.

Now if I could vote five time the same project, it'll be WW2 global.
Yes, it'll be a beast to design. But there's not much competition for such a game. And there'll be a market.

Anyhow, with the actual voting procedure I'd love to see:

1. WW2 global (weekly turns, corps sized containers with division sized elements, diplomacy and economics).

2. WW2 Europe (same, gimme some *smaller* alternative to the Gary Grigsby monsters, scale more like his old Dos game War in Russia / in the West).
3. WW2 Pacific (same, gimme some *smaller* alternative to the Gary Grigsby monsters, scale more like his old Dos game Pacific War).
4. WW 1 global (weekly turns, corps sized containers with division sized elements, diplomacy and economics. 2014 we've got an anniversary).
5. China Warlords (1921 or 1934-1949, 3 month turns, with NatChin, ChinCom, Japan playable plus minor warlords and Western advisors, corps sized containers with division sized elements, diplomacy, economics an a big chunk of hefty, nasty charakter management, like in Kremlin or Junta). I could help with the data.

6. 30YW also would be fine. There's already this vast European map project.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:53 pm

Hello !

1. the mexicans revolutions.
2. the medieval japan era
3. Napoleon's era with the great great campaign (since 1792 to 1815)
4. the war of sucession of Spain 1701 - 1714

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:02 pm

I choose both the Antiquity Greek and late Roman periods along with the Dark Ages (an updated Great Invasions with the Ageod engine!) and would like to see another Pride of Nations.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:11 pm

1. American Civil War - you want to make money, you want to stay alive - it's got to be a hit. Love you guys hope to be buying your games for years to come.

2. Agree with wosung #5 - the Chinese Warlord period as an advanced port of RUS to the pre/post WW2 actions for control of China. That would draw in a lot of WW2 enthusiast and cover a period sorely lacking.

3-5. Carpet Bombing of the timeline from AJE to the Renaissance. I am reading a book about the Borgias (Christopher Hibbert) and longing for the old Avalon Hill game Machiavelli - call it the Pope Wars or something slanderous to get the pub, it would also be a hit. Also building up and over the AJE project is a good marketing stragegy as long as sales warrent it.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:13 pm

I also picked ancient eras. AJE is a great new addition, but to me the AGOD engine is just the perfect fit for moving around big stacks of phalanx troops.

But a AACW II would be nice too. It's obviously one of the most popular ones so far.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:01 pm

1º. Thirty years war.
2º. Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
3º. Feudal Japan
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Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:30 pm

Voted for ancient Greece (total sucker for this setting), 30 years war (could work wonders with this engine) and PON 2 (one of my favourite periods, and i think PON deserves better than being the red headed stepchild that nowadays is).

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:48 pm

My main desires by order of preference:

1. 30 years war
2. Ancient Greece
3. WWI with the AGE engine.
4 Medieval/Dark Age
5. Vietnan.

I don´t have much interest in more WW2 games, but I understand that is an opportunity to attract larger numbers of costumers.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:24 pm

I think an ACW or WWII game would probably attract the most attention and sales, but I'd love to see something dealing with either ancient Greece, the Thirty Years Wars, or the Age of Colonialism (although a game like that might be tricky). I'd also be entirely for ACW 2, but I think ACW 1 is plenty good as is.

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:00 pm

Sci-fi/fantasy as the existing engine could do it well with a few tweaks and scenario designers could let their imagination run free (but only as a sideline - still need the historical games).
The Pacific war as it has not been done for PC on a playable scale - but this would need a lot of engine updates.
Antiquity Greek - as it would be easy to do after AJE. I didn't vote for Antiquity Roman as I assume this could/will be done easily now in any case.
Vietnam - perfect for the engine but with many tweaks required.
No Wars of the Roses?

Anything that is not too huge to be playable!


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Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:05 am

1) WWII Europe or Global: I want a WWII grand strategy game that i care about politics, diplomacy and economy a lot, military doesn't have to be detailed.
2) Napoleonic Era: "My enemies are many. My equals are none. In the shade of olive trees they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharos and kings they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forests and snow, they said Russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing. They fear me, like a force of nature; a dealer in thunder and death. I say, I am Napoleon! I am Emperor!"
3) Antiquity Greek: Because of Alexander the Great and Sparta.
4) Pride of Nations 2: A faster PON would be nice.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:04 am

Apart from Turkish War of Independence(with Rus rules) and Spanish Civil War my next wishes would be China with all the periods mentioned in the poll,

Middle/Dark Ages(Later Roman) that is mentioned already have database, which would be cool and WW1 with limited fronts (to start with improving the AI and the engine).
I can not imagine pasific war with the engine despite in the poll. Which I would care least.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:12 am

Certainly please stick to the history theme. The ancient world (Rome, Greece, China, etc) would be great, perhaps an expansion of the newest game on Rome. No World War Two games because this genre is so ridiculously popular that an AGEOD game of it would probably be just like every other similar game. Also maybe some of the (comparatively) more obsure European wars would be cool, like the Thirty Years' War. I also agree with the Chinese warlord period.

And then all the revolutions:
1. The Chinese Communist Revolution- An incredible conflict fought on a humongous scale, and one with lots of foreign intervention to keep things interesting. Similar to RUS.
2. The Mexican Revolution (the one that started in 1910)- This would be a great complex scenario, with many competing political factions constantly changing sides. United States intervention to keep things interesting. The game should end about 1920 or so, with the presidency of Alvaro Obregon. Similar to RUS.
3. The Revolutions in South America (under Simon Bolivar)- Why not?
4. The Americas- Basically any of the numerous wars fought in the Americas (north and south) since their independence. There are plenty, like the War of the Triple Alliance. This would be similar to PoN except more limited, and more detailed.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:13 am

Oh and the Spanish Civil War.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:41 am

Hobbes wrote:Sci-fi/fantasy as the existing engine could do it well with a few tweaks and scenario designers could let their imagination run free (but only as a sideline - still need the historical games).

I was actually thinking the other day that a Lord of the Rings mod for AJE would be quite interesting to have a go at (I was palying Third Age Total War at the time - if you own Medieval 2 Total War and have any like for LotR, check it out!). Obviously that would need to be a mod as a full game would require the licenses, but sci-fi/fantasty/post-ap might make for an interesting concept. I agree with your overall conclusions that the historical games should take precedence though:

1. AACW2: I don't think anything needs to be said that hasn't already been said - my no.1.
2. Napoleonic: Sort of like ACW in that it is the bread and butter of these sort of wargames - I think it deserves a grand campaign on an AGEod engine.
3. 30 Years War: If a Napoleonic grand campaign is possible, this would presumably be only a further step - could even be an add-on sort of thing.
4. Various smaller scenarios of the more modern era: Spanish Civil War (though check out Leibstandarte's promising mod for RUS), Turkish Civil War, Mexican Revolution, South American wars of Independence would all make interesting additions. Having recently purchased PON2, a slightly more refined (or engine capable of executing the refined concepts) would be nice too. I'm less convinced about WW1 and WW2.

I could really go on for ever and ever - I'd buy almost anything you make :)

As a last point, from following Leibstandarte and Hobbes, the engine currently already has fairly promising modding capabilities, but a more refined editor to make new scenarios easier to create would also be a welcome addition.


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Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:12 am

deguerra wrote:
As a last point, from following Leibstandarte and Hobbes, the engine currently already has fairly promising modding capabilities, but a more refined editor to make new scenarios easier to create would also be a welcome addition.



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Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:12 am

I believe making yet another WWII would be AGEOD's death kneel. Either the engine would need a massive overhaul - which would take time to enter a market which is already saturated, or the engine is not overhauled, and then it is just the wrong engine for WWII.
in addition : WEGO is not a good system for a war as fluid as WWII.
Same with Viet-Nam, I am afraid it won't work

On the other hand, the engine would work really well for WWI, which some significant but not massive overhaul. That's my first choice, and it could sell extremely well.
I was in love with WIA, but I am not sure that a WiA could add much without sacrificing what makes WiA outstanding : it's simplicity. WiA is in my opinion the "entry game" in AGEOD.

Medieval warfare : not much games in this niche so it could sell well - but the management of armies should change a lot : levy system, commander doing most of the stuff on their own, ... For this reason, Renaissance, in which the army are more "disciplined" would work much better with the existing device. Same with 30 years war.

Finally, I believe a new NCP would sell extremely well - but Paradox Interactive might dislike this initiative.

Twhree games not proposed that would work with the current engine :

- A "South America" game, including all the Independance Wars (including Mexico's)
- A "sandbox" game like PoN, except with dynasties in Europe from the late XVIIth to the French Revolution, no economy, but dynastic claims all around. Scale of the map = ROP or NCP for proper battles.
- A massive MMO Fantasy games with the AGE engine, in which the turn is processed every night from 00:00 to 00:30. During the day, the players plot their moves and send each other PMs to ally against the Orc / Elven / Undead player.

So, my choices (exclusing my proposals) :

1. WWI
2. NCP2
3. Renaissance & 30-years
4. Middle Age
5. Fantasy

I voted WIA 2 as well just because it deserves some love.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:30 am

Laruku wrote:-Three kingdoms, Ancient China. Millions of people eager to buy it (not from Europe, I guess)

I do. Been playing Sango 1 & 2 and 3 Kingdoms: the fate of the dragon for a while now.

Also voted for Ancient Greece, Feudal Japan, WWII Pacific and, why not, science - fiction TBS...
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Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:45 am

Making a game about Ancient China would be a leap of faith, as AGEOD is unknown there I believe. It could tank both directions.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:31 am

My first two choices weren't on the list.

1) The English Civil War / British Civil Wars of the mid-17th Century

2) The War of Spanish Succession / Marlborough's campaigns

My other choices - which are on the list are

3) Conquest of the Americas. Maybe a game inspired by the old boardgame Conquistador

4) Fantasy. A game based upon the Conan / Hyborian genre

5) Renaissance. The Italian Wars. Age of Machiavelli

Some of the other choices were close runners up. A medieval game inspired by the boardgame Kingmaker would be nice, for example.

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Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:46 am

It could be possible a game covering a huge amount of years like AJE but around 1500 to 1700 in Europe.
Several conflicts (scenarys) with multiple sides, factions, lots of differents elements, units, nice portraits of that era uniforms :coeurs: lots of leaders. Multiples possibilities of events, Decisions, Aleas.... it sounds good.

Just one important issue: allow several AI players without impact in playability.
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Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:57 am

A Sci-fi 4x game that actually strays away from the Civ style model that they all seem to copy.A game influenced more with babylon5 than Starwars.

A game where you play Hernán Cortés would be great too.

Pax Romana 2.The original game just needed an A.I.

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