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Poll on decisions

Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:29 am

Dear players,
Here is the list of decisions that are not nation-specific.

Please indicate which ones you find the less useful.
If you have suggestions for improvements.
If you have ideas for nice additions.


Land Tax law
Merchants and Patricians (x3)
Slave Markets / Exchanges
Emergency levy
Gather Mercenaries
Gather food from the land
Develop Infrastructures
Gods of Old: Religious Ceremony
Sanctification decree
Dura Lex Sed Lex: Justice in Ancient Time
Impose common language and practices
Elites conversion
Corn Law and health regulations
Slaves status and freedmen laws
Citizenship status and state reforms
Exploration Expedition x12
Military Reform x6
Seize commerce light ships
Buildings development focus
Support Science and Culture
Improve Trade Efficiency
Change our Civilization society (qualifier)

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:51 am

The least useful (ie which I have never used except one time each in a test game as I wanted to see what they do) for me have been:

Merchants and Patricians (x3)
Gather food from the land

Those are not useful at all in my opinion.

I have never used, and find it hard to think of any situation where I would use "Seize commerce light ships" or "Buildings development focus", but I suppose there could be some obscure situation when those could be used. They have a way too underwhelming effect IMO.

The ones I always keep looking for are "Slave Markets / Exchanges" and "Corn Law and health regulations". Both are extremely important. Without the ability to shuffle slaves every few years things go drain real fast, and to have +5% Health buff (and the chance to generate extra population) from health regulations is very good.

All the other decissions are IMO situational. Ie I have used them quite often, but there have been times I have chosen not to enact them

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:01 pm

Develop Infrastructures
Gather food from the land

By the time it really makes a difference, my empires tended to be of a size where I didn't need to rely on them and so any drawbacks had more impact than the benefits.

The others I used especially for small nations, where each of them could be a gamechanger.

Never used Exploration Expedition though

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:20 pm

Exploration Expedition x12

Some are totally inaccessible to a faction, and so just sit and distract me for 20+ turns.

Maybe a "decline" choice to remove it, with an "accept" choice to start the clock.....

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Re: Poll on decisions

Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:47 am

To me, gather mercenaries is hard to use well, when I need it I have no money. When I can afford it, I do not need it.

There are several I have not yet had the opportunity to play, but for the most part the other decisions work and make sense.

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:40 pm

Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated!

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Re: Poll on decisions

Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:03 am

I have yet to see "academy" even offered to build so that shuffling decision has never been used by me.

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Re: Poll on decisions

Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:21 am

Academy decision?

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:27 pm

I have never used the land tax law, or the exploration decisions.

But I think the point is to have a wide variety of decisions available. We are all different, and a particular game can require different decisions, based on your play style and the nation you are playing.

For example, the Gods of Old decisions is not particularly useful for a republic, as it gives only a plus five loyalty bonus, and it is not effective unless you have a religious building in particular province. But if you have a theocracy, such as Judea, it is an incredible tool for keeping people loyal. Why, it can give you a plus five loyalty bonus in each province where you have a religious building. I have made a point of having at least one religious building in each province, and using this event regularly. It makes sense for a theocracy to do this. it is invaluable for keeping loyalty up.

The exploration events do not seem to fit the era, and require a fair amount of effort to use. I can see getting rid of those, but no others.

If you are considering dropping a particular decision, i would appreciate your posting a list so we ca comment on it, before you remove it from the game.

Again, thank you for this masterpiece.

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Re: Poll on decisions

Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:25 pm

Just wanted to see if there is a consensus on a decision, either being too convenient/powerful or never used.

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