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limits on town occupation?

Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:04 pm

Is there a limit on the number of units that can occupy a city/town? I don't mean the warning you get when you scroll over the little circle in the elements box and are told that you are stationing, say, 75 units in a town with a max of 25. Because the game has, up until now, still let me station units above those warning levels. I mean a limit whereby the game - without any explanation - will not let you move units into a structure - does that exist? For me it has started to exist ONLY since I applied the two quick fixes (which had nothing to do with this, I think). Anyone else get this? For example - start up GNW and try to move the Swedish force led by Stromberg (Pommerska Armen) inside Stralsund, without merging them with any of the garrison forces already within the town, or the town commander - just try to move the army encamped outside Stralsund into the structure. I cannot. Is this WAD?


UPDATE: It must be a bug of some sort because now - loading the game again - I can do it no problems. Odd.

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Re: limits on town occupation?

Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:21 am

Yes, sometimes you just need to let the game burp and then return.

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Re: limits on town occupation?

Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:50 am


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