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Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:45 pm

June-July 1621

Fortuna remains a fickle mistress for the Imperial forces! Tilly easily defeats a Protestant group at Brunn, but his men are lacking in personal hygiene and so suffer the ravages of dysentery. He will have to retreat to Wien to recover (and will require more expensive replacements!) Bucquoy finally arrives at Prague and invests the city (and I play both the 'Expert Gunner' and 'Landmine' RDCs - Prague is a level three fortress and will be a challenge to breach.) But the wily Count Thurn appears and cuts Bucquoy's supply lines by besieging Budweiss - not good!


Tilly will move to Wien to recover and then swing west and north to relieve Budweiss, hopefully before Bucquoy's men start chewing their shoe leather. Marradas is not strong enough to attack Thurn, so will attack Mansfeld instead, hoping to clean up that minor annoyance.

Taxes arrive from Wien, but the CP has moved ominously in the Protestant direction. It now stands at 115%. Prague must fall before winter, or the Imperial cause may well founder.
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Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:11 pm

July - August 1621

Tilly's army is in worse shape after the march to Wien and will require at least another month's rest before any action. Meanwhile, Thurn is making progress with the siege at Budweiss. If that city falls Bucquoy will be cut off, especially since his siege of Prague is not progressing. Bucquoy must move south the relieve Budweiss and reestablish his supply lines.


In the west, the main Protestant force under George Frederick is besieging Frankfurt, and is also conducting single-regiment sieges (!!!) of Stuttgart and Nuernberg. If Marradas is successful against Mansfeld (the rebel coward fled last month!) I will send him west to relieve Nuernberg. Problems, problems, problems...
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Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:28 pm

August - September 1621

Bucquoy defeats Thurn breaking the siege of Budweiss. Thurn was slightly outnumbered but had the benefit of entrenchments. The Imperial superiority in artillery was a benefit, but it took a vigorous assault and 'push of pike' before the rebels broke and quit the field!


Tilly's force is somewhat recovered and will move towards Bavaria. Hopefully they can reach Munich before the rains come. Marradas pushed Mansfeld further south into the wilderness, so he will now return to Linz before the weather turns. For some reason the Protestants lifted the siege of Frankfurt, but Stuttgart and Nuernberg are still invested. Spanish troops continue to be sent to the Low Countries, further weakening Imperial forces.

An entire campaigning season gone with nothing to show for it. The Emperor will not be pleased!
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Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:02 pm

October 1621 - April 1622

Over the winter Tilly relieved the siege of Nuernberg, and Bucquoy and Marradas stayed in garrison at Budweiss and Wien respectively. Surprisingly Count Thurn chose to move west and is currently besieging Frankfurt. Mansfeld moved just south of Wien but his force must be terribly weakened after a winter in the snowy hills. Other Protestant forces are at Brunn and Mannheim.


To make up for the failures of 1621, the Emperor demands an aggressive plan of campaign for 1622. Bucquoy will strike north to Prague and Tilly will move east to invest Pilsen. If successful these twin attacks will crush the Bohemian rebellion in just a few months. Marradas' dwindling force will hold at Wien. The Imperial cause was bolstered over the winter by money from Wien, Bavaria and our Spanish cousins. Let's see if we can put that money to good use!
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Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:13 pm

April - May 1622

Success! Tilly's forces seize Pilsen without a fight. Bucquoy invests Prague and prepares landmines and concentrated artillery fire to breach the walls. So far there is no threat to Wien.


But the Protestants are reacting swiftly to the threat to Bohemia. The armies of George-Frederick and Count Thurn and hastening east. Will Tilly be able to withstand their onslaught?
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:26 pm

Hopefully Prague will fall soon and Bohemia will be quelled and forced out of the war.

In my Imperial game I have reached the Summer of 1624, and having defeated Bohemia am driving towards the Rhine. I notice you're not ordering Spanish replacements. The Spanish force in my game at 1624 under Marradas remains intact. The only Spanish troops to be sent to the low countries were from the force that originally appeared at Frankfurt.

How reliable do find Bucquoy? Now that I have able Bavarian commanders to lead the offensive, I have left Bucquoy behind to defend the front between Prague and Wien (Anhalt still threatens from the north). But I find that Bucquoy spends most of his turns inactive.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:45 pm

My dear brother-in-arms Garuda: greetings from the front lines in the sacred struggle against the heretics! Thank you for taking the time to review my feeble efforts. The war to bring the recalcitrant sinners back into the fold of Holy Mother Church continues - the next few months will tell the tale!

Regarding the Spanish troops, in my game the Spanish forces I received have largely been sent to the Low Countries. Marradas group was at CP 600 at his peak and now he is down to less than 200. And the Frankfurt garrison is down to two regiments from eight. It is a great loss to the Imperial efforts and hence, why I do not purchase replacements for them at this stage of the conflict.

As for the noble Count Bucquoy, since I play with 'all commanders activated' - an option selected from the initial game screen - all commanders and their forces are active every turn. With month-long turns and the ravages of disease, bad weather and supply difficulties I find it hard enough to get anything done in TYW already without having to worry about inactive generals! But if and when Prague falls I will, most likely leave Bucquoy and his army in Bohemia to defend the newly reconquered province.

My best wishes to you and your forces as you carry the Imperial standard from victory to victory!

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:35 pm

May - June 1622

The Protestants recoil from the Imperial armies in Bohemia. Both George Frederick and Count Thurn return to the Rhineland. In Bohemia, Tilly will attack a small Protestant force south of Pilsen. Bucquoy continues the siege at Prague. As long as his supply line to Budweiss is open he should be able to bring the siege to a successful conclusion.


But the war expands even more! Christian of Brunswick-Luneburg has appeared with a large army in northern Germany. A small Catholic force under Colonel Anholt is badly outnumbered and will attempt to flee south, but the odds are against him. The CP has shifted in the Protestant's favor at 113%. Prague must fall soon so Imperial forces can shift to the Palatinate.
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Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:46 pm

June - July 1622

Tilly easily crushes a Protestant force south of Pilsen. He will pursue and hopefully destroy the remnants of that force. Bucquoy continues the siege at Prague but no progress has been made. In the north, Christian of Brunswick remains stationary and Colonel Anholt continues his march southward. Stuttgart and Ulm have been placed under siege, and taxes were received from Wien. The war continues.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:21 pm

July - August 1622

Tilly crushes the Protestants, capturing an artillery battery and a supply wagon. Bucquoy remains in place at Prague but without success. The city's walls remain intact. He is fully supplied but it is already August. If winter arrives with the Imperials still outside the walls of Prague it will be a challenge to keep him supplied.


In the north, Hanover falls easily to Christian of Brunswick. Anholt continues his march south unhindered.
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Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:37 pm

August - September 1622

Minden falls to Brunswick in the north. No breaches at Prague yet, but hunger is starting to affect the garrison. Bucquoy's force is still fully supplied. Tilly will move south to cover Linz , as Count Thurn with a small force, moving at amazing speed, is approaching the city from the west.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:49 pm

September - October 1622

Finally, one breach at Prague and the garrison continues to dwindle from hunger. Bucquoy will attempt an assault, just in case additional breaches are achieved this month. Tilly will winter in Linz, as Thurn must have caught wind of his presence and fled northwards. Anholt is almost at Frankfurt and he will attempt to enter the city before being intercepted by George-Frederick, who has moved his army north to Mannheim. In the north, Brunswick and his army reign supreme. It looks as if all the Imperial cities in northern Germany will fall to the Protestants, but it will all be worth it if only Prague falls!

Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:07 pm

Looks like the One True Religion is posed to triumph over the Papist Apostates. Or maybe not... Anyway, nothing quite so satisfying as pillage and murder in the Good Lord's name, regardless of which lord it might happen to be. Thanks for the continued updates. I think that the TYW really does a good job of capturing the essentials of the conflict and your AAR reflects this.


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Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:45 pm

Thank you for your kinds words and support, Master Random. The war is in the balance at this point. If I don't get Prague soon the dreaded AI mega-stack will appear and drive all before it - that and the events that send Imperial forces to Italy and Poland will further weaken the cause. While the Imperial position is decent the Emperor is not terribly happy - too many heretics left in Germany! He seems to not understand that the persuasion-conversion-harassment-torture process takes time! As underlings and staff officers the world over have always lamented: 'Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself."
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Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:18 pm

October - November 1622

The bells of Wien and Munich sound the joyous news - Prague has fallen! Bucquoy and his victorious army march into the conquered city with flags flying and immediately begin suppressing the heretics. The fall of the city comes just in time as winter arrives in Bohemia. At the same time, Count Thurn with a small force is marching towards Budweiss. But that threat is three months too late. Bucquoy's force will be well-supplied in Prague, a level 4 city with a level 3 depot. And the beer is rather good there, too!


Unfortunately, Anholt was prevented from reaching Frankfurt by George Frederick. He will attempt to move south towards Bavaria but the odds are against him. Brunswick and his force are moving south from Hanover (through the wooded hills in winter...) and whatever is left of Mansfeld and his force are still shivering south of Wien. All Imperial forces (except Anholt) are safely ensconced in their winter quarters and the Emperor and Archduke Maximilian are looking to the Palatinate for the 1623 campaign season.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:51 pm

November 1622 - April 1623

Over the winter the remains of the Bohemian rebellion fell apart. The heart of the Protestant cause is now to be found in the Palatinate, specifically the twin vipers nests of Heidelberg and Mannheim. The CP is at 107%, but the fall of Prague has disheartened the heretics - their morale is at 85 while Catholic morale is at 107. But they are still a potent threat with two major armies in the field: George Frederick's force at Mannheim and Brunswick's army somewhere close by.

The Emperor calls an Imperial congress to persuade the princes of the realm to support his cause but it is only a small success. More diplomacy will be required to increase the level of their support.

Anholt's force was caught in November by the amazingly speedy Brunswick and thoroughly trounced at Donauworth. But Anholt was able to escape and took refuge in the fortress of Ulm.

The general plan of campaign for 1623 will see Bucquoy (leaving a strong garrison at Prague) move east to conquer the last Protestant garrisons at Brunn and Olmutz. Tilly will move west to Augsburg and Anholt will move east to link up with him. Bolstered by additional cannons Tilly will seek to parry any Protestant moves towards Bavaria. If possible he will move on Bamberg and Wurzburg to open up the road to Frankfurt. If he can do that the Protestants in the Palatinate will be cut off from their brethren in the north. Marradas will remain at Wien.


Bid farewell to the bawdy house, my soldiers, farewell to the ragamuffin whores and nightly bouts of song and drink! The campaign trail beckons and battle is sure to follow!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:08 pm

April - May 1623

And just like that the Protestants send the Imperial plan right into the chamber pot! Thurn lays siege to Pilsen, George Frederick attacks at Frankfurt, and Brunswick appears at Ulm (he definitely bears a grudge against the unfortunate Anholt!). So much for offense! The Imperials now scramble to respond to these bold moves.


Bucquoy will do an about face and march on Pilsen, and Tilly will continue westwards towards Ulm, although his movements are hampered by late Spring rains. Both armies are two to three months away and all three cities are at risk. It will be an interesting summer!

(I have added the combat power values for each major force on the map in parentheses.)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:19 pm

May - June 1623

Thurn abandons the siege at Pilsen and moves west. Brunswick and George Frederick stand fast but with dwindling supplies.


Bucquoy will remain at Prague to cover both it and Pilsen. Tilly marches west and hopes to make Augsburg this month.

(And yes, I did misspell 'besieged' on the slide but I am too lazy to redo the whole thing to cover my many flaws!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:32 pm

June - July 1623

Thurn joins George Frederick at Frankfurt, creating the largest army yet seen in the conflict. Brunswick continues to invest Ulm. Tilly's exhausted force is approaching Augsburg - they will require some rest before crossing the Danube to relieve Anholt. Bucquoy will move south and east to attack Brunn and Olmutz. Fortunately the Empire has plenty of money to pay for replacements - they will be needed soon.

Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:34 pm

July - August 1623

Tilly arrives in Augsburg to be met by messengers from Ulm: the city is almost out of supplies and will fall soon. Rest for his force is now out of the question. Tilly will have to march on Ulm immediately. The garrison at Frankfurt is also out of supplies, but no help can reach them in time, especially against George Frederick's huge army. In the east, Bucquoy will attack Brunn, seeking to disperse the small Protestant force there.


Sad news from the Vatican. His Holiness Pope Gregory XV has died. We seem to be cycling through a lot of Popes these days...must be the stress of combating the heretics!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:57 pm

August - September 1623

In a hard-fought engagement Count Tilly's forces are able to outlast the Protestants and win the Battle of Ulm, August 16, 1623. From reading the reports it appears that Tilly's superior artillery was able to shred the massed columns of Brunswick's infantry. But the Catholic cavalry was brutally repulsed and Anholt's sortie from Ulm collapsed when his weakened troops ran out of ammunition. It took a final supreme effort by the Catholic infantry to drive the Protestant army from the field and win the day.


The other major factor contributing to the Catholic victory was that Tilly is much superior commander (4-3-4) to Brunswick (4-1-1) and his second-in-command Knyphausen (3-2-2). But it was a close-run thing and bloody. The Catholic forces require 19 gold worth of replacements, almost half the Imperial treasury! And with winter not far away Tilly opts to retreat his army (now joined by Anholt) back across the Danube to Augsburg. It is a level 5 city with plenty of supplies and it puts the river between him and Brunswick and George Frederick. It should be an ideal spot to rest and recover over the winter.

Bucquoy invests Brunn after sweeping aside a small Protestant force. There are additional supply wagons at Wien, but a winter siege is always painful.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:32 pm

October 1623 - April 1624

It was a busy winter. The most important event was the growing hostility of Denmark towards the Catholic cause. Christian IV, King of Denmark, now fancies himself to be the savior of the Protestant cause in Germany, and while his small army is not a major threat his huge treasury is. Due to his control of the tolls levied on merchant shipping passing through the Danish Straits Christian IV is the richest monarch in all of Europe. If he enters the war for the Protestants it will be a very dangerous time for the Empire.

Secondly, Frankfurt fell to the Protestants in November 1623. It is a major defeat for the Catholic cause and a much-needed boost to the Protestant one. The city was surrounded by hostile states and there was no way to defend it adequately or come to its relief once besieged. Still, it is a hard blow.

The third major development is the entry of Albrecht von Wallenstein to the Imperial ranks. A minor Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Wallenstein was able to dramatically increase his lands and wealth following the defeat of the Protestant rebellion in his country. Now he offers to raise and equip an army in support of the Emperor. Ferdinand II gladly accepts but there is unease at the Imperial court with the rise of this nouveau homme. He will need to be watched.

Taxes were received from Wien and Bavaria so the Imperial treasury is adequate. With the army costing 3 gold per turn and a single battle requiring 19 gold in replacements, barely adequate may be a better description.

With the expanding war the struggle on the diplomatic stage also expands. The support of Spain and Bavaria are critical to the Catholic cause and these states must be assiduously courted. The minor states of the empire: Koln, Trier, Mainz, Munster and Bremen, are also important to the Imperial war effort and will provide additional money and replacements if they are sufficiently enthusiastic. Ambassadors, away!

Finally, Generals Pappenheim and Aldrich have reported for duty. Aldrich will join Wallenstein at Prague and Pappenheim will wait at Munich for future possible assignment.

The stage is now set for the campaign of 1624.


Tilly will move north and east hoping to engage Brunswick again and relieving the sieges of Nordlingen, Heilbronn, and Stuttgart. Bucquoy will once again attack at Brunn hoping to capture it and Omutz before winter comes. Wallenstein will raise additional troops before moving west to besiege Bamberg and Wurzburg. Of course as we saw last year the Protestants may well disrupt these well-laid plans, especially as the whereabouts of the main heretic army is not known.

The CP is at 135% and morale is 101 for the Imperials, 98 for the Protestants.

(Some game notes. Denmark brings an astounding 400 gold to the Protestant cause, and when they enter the war it is the most dangerous time for the Imperials. Regarding Wallenstein, he is a good commander [4-4-4?] and he arrives with a small force. But his arrival also gives the Imperials the ability to raise 12 new regiments [6 infantry and 6 cavalry] for the cost of only 1 EP each. Such a force would cost at least 50 gold if raised conventionally. Regarding diplomacy, diplomatic RDCs are played in the corresponding national boxes located at the top of the map. Each diplomacy RDC costs 5 EPs so they must be used judiciously. In my experience only Spain, Bavaria, Koln, Trier, Munster, Bremen and Mainz directly benefit the Imperials with periodic gifts of gold and replacements if the support level is 85% or higher [I think]. I don't waste EPs on any Protestant country. I once had Denmark at 100% Imperial support and it had no affect on the game.)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:49 pm

April - May 1624

Count Tilly unexpectedly meets and handily defeats the Protestant army of Mansfeld at Nordlingen, April 9, 1624. Mansfeld's force was pounded by Tilly's superior artillery and his regiments then fled in disarray after a combined infantry/cavalry assault. It is a stunning Catholic victory.


Tilly will now march to relieve the sieges of Heilbronn and Stuttgart. It is a bold order, but both cities have been breached and are in danger of surrender.

Additionally, Bucquoy captured Brunn in a coup-de-main and will now move on Olmutz to completely extinguish the Protestant threat in Moravia. Small infantry regiments are raised to garrison the captured cities. Lastly, Wallenstein remains at Prague to raise more troops and to await developments. One victory does not mean an end to the war...
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:06 pm

Wow, you've been busy! Thanks for the updates.


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Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:09 pm

May - June 1624

Tilly sweeps aside Brunswick's force at Heilbronn and then again at Stuttgart, thereby relieving both cities. The Protestants had no stomach for battle and fled the field shortly after the first shots were fired. Tilly's very name is now striking terror into the hearts of the heretics! It is noted, however, that his large force is moving a bit slowly and so may be reduced slightly to improve his mobility.


Tilly will return to Augsburg to refit his army and await developments. Bucquoy crushed a small Protestant force at Olmutz and captured the city. He will now return to Wien, or possibly Prague to protect Bohemia from Protestant incursions. Marradas will cover Olmutz and Brunn until garrison forces arrive.

It was a good month for the Emperor, that is until he received a declaration of war from Christian IV. The war, six years old already, has spread once again.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:14 pm

Thanks, Master Random. The war goes well but the entry of Denmark into the conflict means dark days are ahead for the Empire! The Protestant 'stack of doom' will soon appear! Deus adjutor est iustus!
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Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:35 pm

Thank you very much for a wonderful AAR. Finally one great TYW after action report..

Please, continue crushing the heretics. Deus vult!

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:25 am

Greetings, noble Count Tilly! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! It is largely due to your tenacity and battlefield leadership that the Empire has enjoyed some measure of success. Your campaign against Brunswick was critical in the defense of peaceful Catholic cities. And, of course, the heretics will continue to be crushed! His Holiness has urged that the sword of judgment be tempered by the healing balm of mercy, so will smite them only to the extent required to bring them back into the arms of Holy Mother Church. Misericordia superexultat autem iudicio! (Mercy triumphs over judgment!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:12 pm

July - August 1624

Tilly reaches Augsburg and finds a Protestant cavalry regiment harassing the city. They will be dispersed shortly. Then the good Count will rest his force at Augsburg and keep an eye on Brunswick and his army. Wallenstein reaches Pilsen and will now move on Bamberg. Bucquoy arrives at Brunn and will continue south to Wien. The large Protestant army under Brunswick remains at Philippsburg, besieging the city. The most surprising move is that of Mansfeld, moving swiftly eastward with a small force. He is approaching Linz and may threaten Munich, Linz, Prague or even Wien. Bucquoy will soon be in a position to deal with him.


Lots of movement up north but no sign yet of Christian IV and his army. They are sure to arrive shortly.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:31 pm

August - September 1624

Tilly annihilates the heretic cavalry at Augsburg. Wallenstein arrives at Bamberg and immediately invests the city (landmine and expert gunner RDCs). Bucquoy's force is at Wien but is not ready for offensive operations. His artillery, in particular, is in poor condition. Mansfeld is besieging Linz but Bucquoy will wait an additional month before attacking to relieve the city. Brunswick and his heretic horde remain unmoved at Philippsburg.


In the north the Protestants are besieging Magdeburg. Christian IV and a small force was seen moving at incredible speed (8 provinces in one month!) and was last spotted south of Frankfurt-on-Oder heading towards Bohemia. The city is strongly held and Bucquoy will defend the city as necessary. The CP is at 114%.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The Hanged Man is a representative of humanity who is found between two kingdoms - that of this world and that of heaven."

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