I'm really frustrated. I always enjoyed TYW and finally got around to installing it on a new computer I purchased last year.
(Win 11 AMD Ryzen 5 5800g 16 GB ram Geforce GTX1660).
I keep getting various crashes. CTD scrolling regional Decisions, CTD viewing stages of a battle report, CTD during battle graphic . Program stopped responding ending a turn.
I'm aware of the potential crash viewing elements from the purchase screen so I've avoided that crash.
I have tried every trick I know cold restart, running the 'default shortcut' as administrator then created a shortcut direct to the TYW exec and ran that as administrator. Saves are set to the TYW folded.
As of now I've uninstalled the game but was curious about memory usage as I had TYW set to75% thinking more memory is better. but noticed CW2 by default is set to use 10%. I have ECW set to 75% with no issues thus far.
Thanks for an suggestions. I'm sad!