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tilsit + minor incoherent results

Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:12 am

I ve destroyed prussia and select tilsit card peace.
Nothing happens. Card was not avaible anymore but i remain at war...

Minor incoherent result :
1/ I annex tuscany but tuscany still exist in diplomacy screen.
2/ In 1807 i invade Portugal. Spain give me access, but Madrid become kingdom of spain with joseph as king as an england sattelite!!!! So i m at war with joseph??
3/ Is it normal that rhine confederation just have 1 or 2 cities and others german states remain independant?

And finally a question. Is it possible to annex minor state : for example in was at war vs sicily. I took all the island. Impossible to annex it. Is there a way?

Thanks a lot

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Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:20 am

Tilsit fix under way now. For other points

1/ Weird, when done, Tuscany ceases to exist as a nation (event does its absorbtion by France)...possible diplomatic engine bug
2 / Are you sure of the king of Spain being an ally of England? Need a save here
3/ WAD, it's a confederation, so each state member remains "independant"

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