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Directx Error

Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:07 pm


I am had been errors with Wars of Napoleon.
In first times, I had been errors after the AI calculate the rounds.
Then I had read the thread from Pocus with the memory setting of 10 (32 GB Memory in my computer) in the game.
Now I think its resolved.

In the morning I had read an other Message: Directx Error, I guess Burst Mode. (See edit below)
This will be sometimes upcoming, when I changed in the game on my desktop and back to the game.
I am using Win 10 a64 bit, and Directx 12 Version is install.
Can that be from the changing to the desktop.



Edit: That is the Directx Burst Mode Error Message...... :siffle:

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Re: Directx Error

Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:18 pm

DirectX Burst Mode Error is known to come from switching the focused 'window' while the game is running. It depends on to which window to change, and is not always 100% reproducible.

It also happens if you let your monitor go to sleep, ie let your PC stand unused until the power settings set the monitor to blank.

One thing I can suggest, is restarting the game at the latest every 3-4 turns. There appears to a memory leak issue. If you run too many turns in one sitting, you can get a message, or CTD, or simply some wonky behavior. Optimally would be restarting the game after every turn execution, but that might be very time consuming and boring if you don't have the game installed on an SSD.

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Re: Directx Error

Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:28 am

Thank you Captain_Orso for your explanation.

It's help me to understand that be "normal" in particular situations. :pleure:
This game is very complex and I love it :coeurs: .



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