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Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:31 pm

Where would I find a chart or data on allowed attack/defend frontages of the different terrain types?
Also artillery...

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Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:48 am

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Straight Arrow
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Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:26 pm

This is how it works in CW 2; most likely, but not positive, it's the same in WON:

• Frontage determines how many elements fight. Before attacking, check the terrain overlay in the combat area to determine the number of elements usable during any round. This is key to smaller armies defeating more numerous opponents.

• To check, click on a leader's stack and press the "7" key for a terrain overlay. Cursor a region; a menu will pop up with the number of Line (infantry & cavalry) and Support elements (artillery) that will fight under that leader in that region. Extra elements count as a reserve replacing any that withdraw/rout.

• In open terrain only, (clear/prairie/desert/wood) units quotas are modified by leader (rank)*(offensive/defensive rating) depending whether in offensive or defensive posture: This bonus can be HUGE. A 2* general with a 3 off/def. would get a +150 bonus (+60 for support units), so he could bring about 60% more infantry elements to the fight, and twice as much artillery.

• Weather and terrain traversing effect combat frontage. The number of days it takes a force to enter an area directly reduces the number of elements deployable on the battlefield.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.

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