AGEod Grognard
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Temporary Fixes

Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:28 pm

For those of you getting frustrated, feeling the game is unplayable or thinking incorrectly that it's a scam, I've fixed a few of the main issues I've seen.

- Combat Coefficient was multiplying the final to hit number by 4, so a 16% chance to hit was becoming a 64%. For all other AGEOD games this coefficient is 100% (no change to final number) or 125% (25% bump up to final number). WON was set to 400%. This was causing the massive casualties and corp decimation. You will now see results more along what we've come to expect in AGEOD games. The French Leadership quality over Austria (at least around Nappy) becomes apparent also. Losses are much lighter overall now and closer to historical results

- Treaty of Pressburg - This is working in the base game, but it takes 5 turns to complete. However, the treaty is granting France passage rights only when it should be granting supply and passage rights. Also, it's only granting this to France and not her allies, like Kingdom of Italy. This has been fixed.

- Annexation of Hannover/Oldenburg - wasn't annexing anything. It was giving France ownership and control over these faction regions, but the faction still exists and that's causing the Hannover DOW against France beginning of August 1805 Scenario which shouldn't be happening since Hannover is already annexed. This has been fixed and now Hannover is actually annexed.

- Replacements tweaked - All replacements have been lumped into 5 generic categories. The replacement costs weren't even remotely close to even an average of the purchase costs. I've tweaked these a bit. Replacement costs for ships has gone up (might have been super cheap to support England, but not convinced on that). Artillery replacements made cheaper. INF and CAV adjusted a bit. Support was not even close and that's been adjusted.

Please PM me if you would like these files. NOTE: this is in advance of the patch, so this is temporary only.

AGEod Grognard
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Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:56 pm

I wasn't expecting this many PMs, so I'm going to upload here.

Take the files and unzip them somewhere, doesn’t matter where

For GameLogic.opt, copy unzipped file to c:\program files (x86)\matrix games\wars of napoleon\ngc\settings and replace the file that is there.

For aus_peaces.sct and fra_annexations.sct, GC1805_OptionsDip.sct, copy unzipped files to c:\program files (x86)\matrix games\wars of napoleon\ngc\events.

If you want to be safe, copy the original files to anything else such as GameLogic.old, etc..

(2.74 KiB) Downloaded 216 times
(3.07 KiB) Downloaded 247 times
(10.91 KiB) Downloaded 232 times
FRA Annexation
(1.67 KiB) Downloaded 231 times

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Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:53 pm

Impressive work vicberg, and thanks for making it available. Just wondering, have you been in contact with Pocus or Philtib to get these into the first patch?

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Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:56 pm

vicberg wrote:I wasn't expecting this many PMs, so I'm going to upload here.

Take the files and unzip them somewhere, doesn’t matter where

For GameLogic.opt, copy unzipped file to c:\program files (x86)\matrix games\wars of napoleon\ngc\settings and replace the file that is there.

For aus_peaces.sct and fra_annexations.sct, copy unzipped files to c:\program files (x86)\matrix games\wars of napoleon\ngc\events.

If you want to be safe, copy the original files to anything else such as GameLogic.old, etc..


Vicberg, outstanding work! Thank you. I hope you find time to comb through a few other titles too, specifically AJE. AGEOD needs to get you on board officially. I've never seen anyone sort through issues like these so quickly and effectively.

AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:01 am

TJD wrote:Vicberg, outstanding work! Thank you. I hope you find time to comb through a few other titles too, specifically AJE. AGEOD needs to get you on board officially. I've never seen anyone sort through issues like these so quickly and effectively.

Not yet. I just figured out their scripting language today and just made/posted those changes. I'm sure I'll get a response from one or both of them tomorrow.

The goal is to buy them some time to produce a solid patch and hopefully help them fix a few more issues in the process.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:02 am

Yes, really appreciate your work vicberg. Great job, thanks so much!

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:41 am

Excellent, sir! I've been able to get everything I think we're supposed to get by scripting Pressburg myself. But I hadn't given attention to the Hannover problem, yet. And I'm still not sure what to do with the HRE firing event. Not sure if it is working WAD or if it also has buggy issues. Thanks again for your work!


AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:09 am

I think I fixed the HRE event to fire. New file uploaded at top of this thread. Please check it out because you are at that point in the game and let me know if event fires correctly FYI, I fixed the AI version of the event also.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:10 am

Vic, you are amazing :)

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:28 am


Firing the HRE event is next on my list. Right now, as I posted in the HRE thread, getting Ulm to WUR and Uberlingen to BAD is my first priority, and I can't get it to fire. I posted the code in that thread for you to look at, my friend.


AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:33 am

Ulm in Austrian hands will definitely keep the HRE dissolution from firing. Now the question is what to do about it? Remove Ulm from the HRE event altogether so it doesn't matter who owns it? Change Ownership? Not sure. AGEOD and the Devs, with user input, will need to figure that one out.

I'm working right now on getting that event to fire.

AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:57 am

You had a few issues in your script. Bold syntax was missing. These are required by the parsing routine.

StartEvent = evt_nam_AUS_TEST|1|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL



SelectFaction = WUR
SelectRegion = $Ulm
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS;FRA;BAV
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = BAD
SelectRegion = $Ueberlingen
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS;FRA;BAV
SetControl = 100


AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:27 am

Once Ulm was freed from the Austrians, the Dissolve HRE event unlocked. I found another bad =>=;100 statement in another HRE Event. Fixed that. Event still not firing

Line 28049: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 28052: Started processing event: evt_nam_FRA_HREDissolution
Line 28052: Event already referenced, current occurences 0 Max allowed: 1 <<Active>>
Line 28055: Min date evaluated: 1806/01/01 converted to turn 2689 current turn 2692 True
Line 28056: Select Unique unit: found as an unit which have a sub unit of name Napoleon Bonaparte
Line 28057: EvalIsAtPeaceWith: Evaluating against Prussia
Line 28057: EvalIsAtPeaceWith: France is at peace with Prussia Result: True
Line 28058: EvalIsAtPeaceWith: Evaluating against Austria
Line 28058: EvalIsAtPeaceWith: France is at peace with Austria Result: True
Line 28059: EvalMorale: France Morale: 149 against 100 - Operator: > Result: True
Line 28060: EvalMorale: Evaluating against Austria morale.
Line 28060: EvalMorale: France Morale: 149 against 66 - Operator: > Result: True
Line 28062: SelectFaction, selected: Austria
Line 28063: EvalRgnOwned: Checking 900 Ulm is not owned True
Line 28064: EvalRgnOwned: Checking 909 Wuerzburg is not owned True
Line 28065: CheckOption evaluated: FRA_HREDissolution Checking if 1 equal to (request by player or AI) 0 False
Line 28067: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 28076: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 28079: SelectFaction, selected: Rhine Confederacy
Line 28085: Finished processing event: evt_nam_FRA_HREDissolution

AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:17 am

I found the issue. This is a strange one.

CheckOption = $gmaOptionGov;FRA_HREDissolution;=;1

The above check in the evt_nam_FRA_HREDissolution event was failing. FRA_HREDissolution is set when you click on the event. From everything I've read on the Wiki, FRA_HREDissolution should have been set, but it wasn't, and I couldn't find anything wiping it out.

So I modified to

EvalEvent = evt_nam_FRA_HREDissolution_On;=;1

and that worked. The problem is that most of the events, such as Rhine Confed, all use the structure that didn't work for HRE Dissolution. So before I make further changes, I'll try to see if a dev can figure out what went wrong. But I do have a fix.

A new version of GC1805_OptionsDip.sct has been uploaded above. The event is working now.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:07 am

It is a bit shame that it should be a member community that fix major bug that should never pass the beta test. The game was really rush like EoAW and it become a bit annoyed.

Thanks a lot anyway vickberg.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:36 am

Thanks for your awesome work Victor. Can these changes be made in the middle of a game or is a restart required? AGEOD should hire you on as a consultant firefighter ;)
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:39 am

Awesome, thx a lot vicberg! Are you able to change region names, commanders names or elements too?

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:59 am

Many thanks vicberg for your considerable and most helpful efforst.

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:18 pm

Vicberg is doing on WON what that Stonewall guy (can't remember the exact avatar) did back in the day for AACW.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:30 pm

where is the aus_peaces download? Good work.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:52 pm

great work. thanks a lot

AGEod Grognard
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Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:37 pm

The downloads are in the 2nd or 3rd Post above in this thread.

I ran the peacesigned event manually last night (after day of looking through code) and it looked like it worked. Ran through the August 1805 scenario today and the $diAllianceMembership can't be used in the way I wanted to use it.

I added SettleWhitePeace option and that's working. I added Foreign access to France, and that is working and Army of Italy isn't getting blown away.

I uploaded a new AUS_Peaces.sct file.

The AI signed Peace is working.

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Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:28 am

I spent pretty much all day on Pressburg.

Post treaty, Russia still had access, supply rights and able to persecute the war on France on Austrian soil. I doubt that Nappy was amenable to that. Also, Austria continued to be in the Coalition and since they surrendered to France, doubt that was ok either. So I removed all of that. Easy to put back in if I'm wrong.

Based on coding, sometimes the engine would move units in Austria to closest friendly location. In other situations, those units might be destroyed. I gave France foreign access rights and that worked. However, the French units were still deep in Austrian territory and even with supply rights, not getting enough supply and taking horrendous attrition and supply related hits moving back to France during winter. Not sure if building up depots and turning those over to Austrians would have improved the supply situation. Didn't have time to test that.

So I found commands that would select multiple units and then move those units. This is where things got very painful. In the game data, Austrian regions are part of 13+ different "areas". There isn't one area called Austria. So selecting all French units meant finding all the areas associated with regions. Painful. Next challenge was how to select those units. I could select Nappy, but if Nappy gets injured, it won't work. So I'm select FRA faction units and moving all in northern Austria to Strasbourg and all in Southern Austria to Mantova. Then I realized, same issue with Russians. So I did the same thing and bounce them to Brest-Litovsk. Then I realized that some captured units aren't getting the FRA faction tag. Nada I can about that. There may be a few left behind.

There's a new file at top of this thread. I'm not sure if everything I've done is "historically" correct. Was Russia allowed to continue the war against Nappy on Austrian Soil? Should I move all these russian and french units out of these countries? Should we just leave the French in Austria and let them winter there, though there isn't supply flowing in? Would build depots, that will revert to Bavarian or Austrian control upon peace fix the supply situation?

Anyway, try it out if you want to see how it's working. Please provide feedback if this is the right direction and it might be picked up in next patch.

EDIT: After finishing changes, just found THEATER_AUSTRIA which has all Austrian regions. LOL. But, I did it the correct way anyway because I don't want Army of Italy to bounce up to Strasbourg. Have to keep northern and southern armies separate.

Franz Ferdinand
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Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:30 am

Vicberg, you are amazing. Thanks for all the hard work. Cannot wait to restart that PBEM.

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:09 pm

Vicberg,once again, I am greatly impressed by your fine work, and how much time you have put into working on these issues.

thank you.

Best Wishes,


AGEod Grognard
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Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:11 pm

Just doing my part for King and Country. Oh wait, Nappy isn't of royal blood and therefore can't be a self-proclaimed king. Sigh, I guess it means war.

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Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:06 pm

A commendable work and we appreciate any modding or volunteer work in improving the game!

in the official patch, cohesion losses should make combats less bloody. If that's not enough, we will reduce also to hit coefficient as Vicberg did, because we plan to issue very fast a public beta patch for 1.02.

As for events, some are already fixed in 1.01 but that's good if Vicberg can talk with PhilThib and improves further the scripts.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

AGEod Grognard
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Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:56 pm

i'm in contact. The next question supply with foreign access. Dont think game engine supports it the way that everyone is expecting, unless theres something going on under the hood that I'm unaware of. Have a potential solution for this.

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Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:52 pm

Please check 1.01 when it is out, peace handled by diplomacy window should give passage + supply.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

AGEod Grognard
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Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:02 pm

Ok, I will and just check supply filter for Wurttemburg and it's showing green (with Foreign Access).

But here's the question. With Supply Access, can you utilize other country depots?

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