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Treaty of Preßburg Event

Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:03 pm

A friend and I are playing a PBEM game, and I (France) just captured Wien, unlocking the Treaty of Preßburg decree. Before I activate it, I'd like a clarification on how the Treaty of Preßburg event works: when you activate the decree, does it automatically create a state of peace between France and Austria, or does it simply unlock more conditions that can be added to a peace offer?

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:13 pm

Also, a more general question about peace treaties: Say two nations (eg. France and Austria) sign a peace treaty. If France has captured some Austrian cities and/or regions (in this case, Salzburg and Wien among others), and the peace treaty does not stipulate that Austria give those cities to France, will the cities be automatically returned to Austria?

(We've played CW2 and EAW before, but this is our first play through of WON, so we are still getting used to the diplomacy mechanics)

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:00 am

Hope you are enjoying. This is a fun and challenging game.
There are two very different ways to think about peace treaties. The game has some 'automatic' treaties which reflect historical treaties; but players who gain a war score of a sufficient success can also impose or offer a treaty.
You are asking about a treaty by event.
When activated it does automatically create peace and other occupations and results. And Austria will remain in charge of her key cities and regions.
When you create a condition for peace without a scripted treaty, you can usually select regions to annex.
Most of Napoleon's early treaties are scripted, creating the Rhine Confederacy and the free Polish Duchy for instance, but many treaties of peace flow from other actions.

One total side comment, at some point you two may wish to find a way to play all seven factions.

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:25 pm

Thanks for the info! Another related question: the Treaty of Preßburg event description mentions that activating the event will cause Austria to give up Venetia; however, I am aware that the historical treaty caused the Kingdom of Italy to gain Istria and Dalmatia in addition to Venetia. Does this event do that too? I'm not sure I want to activate it if I can't gain Istria and Dalmatia, given that it seems I currently have the Austrians on the run.

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:57 pm

PeaceThroughWar wrote:Thanks for the info! Another related question: the Treaty of Preßburg event description mentions that activating the event will cause Austria to give up Venetia; however, I am aware that the historical treaty caused the Kingdom of Italy to gain Istria and Dalmatia in addition to Venetia. Does this event do that too? I'm not sure I want to activate it if I can't gain Istria and Dalmatia, given that it seems I currently have the Austrians on the run.

If you are playing the standard game, you will gain Istria and Dalmatia through the Treaty of Schoenbrun, after you give a second drubbing to the Austrians. However, I think that most will be kept by the French. You can check out event in AUS Peaces file.

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:13 pm


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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:25 pm

Hey, checking back in with new confusion regarding this event. Given the information I learned here, I decided to delay activating the Preßburg event for a few turns, giving me time to withdraw my French forces with the benefit of friendly cities to shelter in along the way (it is winter 1805-06).

On turn 23, I finally activated the Preßburg event. After the turn processed, I saw a scripted message noting "France offers peace to Austria," but we were still at war. My options in the Diplomacy menu for a peace treaty with Austria were the same as before, and my friend who's playing as Austria reported that he had received no peace treaty offer in the Diplomacy menu (despite also getting a scripted message).

We both played turn 24 more or less as if France and Austria were already at peace, assuming the peace would just take another turn to take effect. Now turn 24 has been processed, and still neither of us see any further signs that the treaty has taken effect. Should we expect to see something on turn 25 (two full turns after I decided to activate the event)? Can someone provide some insight?

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Re: Treaty of Preßburg Event

Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:46 pm

Usually, when the French activate it, the Austrians have to react to it on the next turn (ie accept it), and on the third turn, the lands change hands.

Actually, once the treaty is accepted, you will get a passage treaty that allows you to move through Austrian territory and which can only be removed after several months or a year. Thus, whilst marching to the Rhine, your French army will have free passage and supplies both through Austrian lands and those of your allies.

However, if you want to quicken the pace, split up the Grande Armee in about three parts (2 parts of 2 corps and the rest with the third with Napoleon) and march by different routes to avoid attrition as much as possible.

Hope that helps!

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