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Lost 8 submarines during retreat ?!

Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:00 pm

Hi !

I just wanted to move my coastal submarines to another port so i set them to avoide combat.
Still they got into a battle, lost not a single submarine during it but after it both submarine units with a total of 8 submarines were gone from the map.

I saw that in the massages it said "during retreat from battle we lost 8 submarines"...

Bad luck or a bug ?

Also, can it be that sea-recon planes are buggy ?
I have them in the same region as my fleet and never spotted anything in the waters next to my port. then i moved some ships and instantly run into the enemy.
How can that happen, looks like the naval-recon planes never did any recon mission !

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Re: Lost 8 submarines during retreat ?!

Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:33 pm

EAW lacks some specific code for submarines that would prevent them to take damages from retreat. This might be do able by tweaking data but as you know Altaris had some IRL issues (hurricane Matthew) and then he has a project underway. But he will get there. The best thing you can do for him is a single summary thread referencing others threads.

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Re: Lost 8 submarines during retreat ?!

Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:09 am

Pocus wrote:EAW lacks some specific code for submarines that would prevent them to take damages from retreat. This might be do able by tweaking data but as you know Altaris had some IRL issues (hurricane Matthew) and then he has a project underway. But he will get there. The best thing you can do for him is a single summary thread referencing others threads.

Ok, and what about the Sea recon planes, why do they never spot enemy ships ?

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Re: Lost 8 submarines during retreat ?!

Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:05 pm

sea recon planes, they do what they are suposed, recon some regions, sometimes inland, you can allways see in report that planes from xxxx reconed yyyyyy region.
recon just give +1 to detection of that region (if that was 0 it will be 1), and thats all. region selection is totaly random, and search range is very limited, especialy for earlier models. max posible recon is 3 regions from airbase.
and not sure if sea recon planes can operate from non port/coastal regian at all.

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Re: Lost 8 submarines during retreat ?!

Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:58 am

recon is not totally random but weighted by the importance of the regions in range. For seas in FOW, you'll get a random region indeed. But if a sea is already showing some enemy activity, because you happen to have 1 detection, then the planes might go there also, so more details on the enemy ships.

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