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So with the Completion of my 30hr+ LP as the CP i have some issue's

Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:38 pm

To the developer's i implore you to take a look at the state of Britain and Rebel Alignment as in my LP they were at 100% Rebel Alignment for akin to 3 years. 3 years!.
My understanding is that once a nation reaches 80% Rebel alignment they will have an increasing chance to leave the war as it increases past 80% so say 100% RA = 20% of leaving the war per turn?, Why was Britain immune to this mechanic?.

Russia left the war as scripted once they reached the needed rebel alignment but not Britain ? is this hard corded in which case this should be stated as should be that the USA cannot join the CP ( In-game).

Another gripe would be the amount of event's the Western Entente have compared to the CP ( Namely event's that instantly remove 10NM from the CP )

Also would it be possible to have my LP playlist pinned on this forum :) ?. I realize this will sound bad on my own part but after 30+ hour's of actual recording and all the many many many hours of editing that has gone into it, i feel that with the positive feedback it has been enjoyed by some and may prove useful for others as i went into this LP without a prior campaign past August 1914 due to time constraint's.

"Price Of A Mile" Playlist -

Thank you all kindly.

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Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:38 pm

Defeat bumped by a late game NM event. Ouch. I feel your pain, buddy. My current CP mid-game is going pretty well. Hope I can avoid those NM loss events that got you. The scope of TEAW might be a bit too big for Ageod's engine. It can start to crush under the weight of its own complexity, especially late game.

Good LP. I watched several of them. Keeping an eye on your TYW LP and look forward to your Civil War LP as well. I have a feeling that one won't disappoint as much.

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Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:54 pm

Boomer wrote:Defeat bumped by a late game NM event. Ouch. I feel your pain, buddy. My current CP mid-game is going pretty well. Hope I can avoid those NM loss events that got you. The scope of TEAW might be a bit too big for Ageod's engine. It can start to crush under the weight of its own complexity, especially late game.

Good LP. I watched several of them. Keeping an eye on your TYW LP and look forward to your Civil War LP as well. I have a feeling that one won't disappoint as much.

Indeed, all the worse as a crash caused what was amazing battle results to be lost and for a new set of move's that led to a horrible downfall :C and Haha aye looking forward to getting in the Confederate boot's soon ! :) .

Good luck with your game, which plan's did you decide on?>

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:24 am

British rebel alignment: I have been very disappointed that the developers & beta testers have not responded to my posts regarding your LP's dilemma with 100% rebel alignment for months and months on end and not having the British revolt and surrender as the game's manual indicated it would. I think the alignment needs to be tweaked and explained when in the nation's diplomacy box what requirements are needed when RA hits 80% (the 70% Russian exception seems to be working as developed and explained in the manual). Regarding tweaking, in your LP, the British were certainly capable of continuing the war, as evidenced by their late game heroics against our beloved peace-loving, CP forces. Understandably, some nations have more will-to-fight during the war, so if possible, Britain should be hard-coded to increase rebel alignment more slowly or have the 80% rule bumped up to 95% to signify the unlikely possibility of this event occurring. Maybe even having more than just rebel alignment affecting surrender. How about a tooltip stating that army combat PWR must be less than 50% of the CP's PWR rating as an additional factor? That would certainly be the case with the Russian surrender and be a good reason why the UK didn't surrender. When a player depends on what is printed in the manual and there is no clarification in the forums, it is very disheartening, because we put so much emotional effort into playing this great game!

The Italian game crash incident. Very bad luck, but nothing we can do about that but dream of what could have been . . .

NM: Do I ever have a post that doesn't include NM??? I think that your use of RGD's contributed to your NM demise, which resulted in late game battle losses that probably would have been wins otherwise. I obsessed about NM (starting with the first year balancing events that I have already posted needs tweaking, IMO). I only used gas attacks once so far in my game (it was a pivotal and successful early game use that eliminated the WE surge into Mulhouse, I believe) and I printed State Funds maybe 8 times (with three inflation sunrise events to have a 5% inflation rate). Mid-game use of this RGD was not needed due to lack of conscripts and just pouring money into replacements and the tanks build limit and one super heavy artillery. By doing this, I have been able to keep my NM over 100 so far.

RGD's with significant NM hits for CP's: It's historical and needs to be kept. Back in June '16 Franz Joseph died and my NM went from 126 to 116, built it back up to 136 by Oct. '16. Lost 10 NM due to taking Lenin event May '17 and NM dropped from 133 to 123. I cannot explain why my battles resulted in NM gains for me and your battles resulted in rebel alignment increases (that proved useless in regard to the UK) for you. It's baffling and I would love clarification on this.

Replacements: I think on your last turn, you tried real hard to get your units more replacements so they could fight better. This late attempt may have contributed more to your downfall than even the NM disparity between the WE and CP. Back in summer/fall of 1916, my German line infantry went into the red after some poorly thought out attacks on my part with the need hitting up to 1200 if I recall correctly (didn't keep notes on this one). I immediately upped my turn purchases from 5 to 10 chits and was able to get it down to under 300 by Jan '17. I was able to keep the Italian and Turkish need for replacements under 100 during this time. I believe most, if not all my units for every major faction have at least 1 replacement chit in reserve every turn (with the exception of line infantry and Austrian militia - I like to garrison with Austrian militia!). As a result, my forces are always fighting at close to or at 100% efficiency without worrying about losing a unit (and NM hit) from fighting with mostly depleted forces.

All in all, this was a great Let's Play with plenty of ups and downs (the game simulated beautifully the ebb and flow of the war and I will dispute Boomer's opinion that the game engine can't handle the scope of the war - in fact, it is my fervent hope that AGEOD's grand campaign (double entendre) to have a fully updated European map is due to their desire to make a WWII companion to this fabulous WWI game) and urge everyone to watch the series and look for more to come; especially CW2 as the Confederates!

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:51 am

British rebel alignment needs to be fixed. I think AI is poor at keeping Atlantic box defended with ASW units. Maybe that's why developers decided it is lesser evil to forget about its effect on Britain altogether than to result in Brits going out of the war in 1916 because AI can't keep Britain supplied. But this may not be the case.

I wonder why nobody is bothered with the fact that EE and WE units can't share a region?

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:53 am

XTRG wrote:Indeed, all the worse as a crash caused what was amazing battle results to be lost and for a new set of move's that led to a horrible downfall :C and Haha aye looking forward to getting in the Confederate boot's soon ! :) .

Good luck with your game, which plan's did you decide on?>

Moltke and the 'ignore Serbia' option for Austria, can't remember the name of that one. I dog piled the Russians and took the VP cities by mid 1916. NM collapse followed and then I turned everything to the west after the peace treaty with the Eastern Entente. But the Brits haven't caved and the Americans have showed up. The west can become quite the grind if you don't take Paris or at least knock the Brits out.

And Serbia. Yeah... Serbia. I think they have GOD MODE on or something. Best tactic is to sneak around Belgrade and cut of their line of supply with mountain troops and then siege Belgrade. It's the only strategy I've tried yet that doesn't end in a meat grinder.

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Regarding the resilient Serbs

Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:40 pm

I commented on how it was impossible to starve the Serbs out of Belgrade, you have to besiege it. I waited over a year, if memory serves me, before I figured it out. Defeating about 750 PWR will result in casualties, no doubt about it, but once I got the breach, taking it wasn't hard (I didn't have enough artillery to get a good breach and really poor strategic rating generals there - that was my fault as I used about 4 to 6 corps commanders that just wouldn't activate at the same time, one good army general would have done it a lot faster). Once Belgrade is taken, it is just a matter of targeting the remaining troops, remembering that their generals are very good so make sure you have superior forces! After Belgrade, it was only a matter of turns before I defeated the Serbs; I had to defeat the last Serbian soldier and left a bunch of generals without troops sitting around in a province. So far, they have not reconstituted any forces.

EE and WE non-cooperation: Ace, I haven't played the other sides yet, but it is interesting that the two "allies" were not able to occupy the same province. I can't remember if British or French forces fought with Russians in the war, but it seems like there would have been some mutual army fighting somewhere in the east amongst the smaller, eastern European nations.

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:50 pm

Russians shiped a brigade/division sized force to Verdun. One of the lesser known things in the war. Of course, the French had to equip them properly... They did it when the French threatened to cut war supply aid to Russia if they don't do something while Germans were pressing at Verdun.
And Serbs (part of EE in this game) cooperated with the French on the Salonika front intensively. As a matter of fact, they were more WE allies than EE allies in terms of military cooperation, regardles of the fact the war started because Russia came to Serbia aid.

The Serbs will fall easily once Bulgaria joins in, before that it would take much larger effort and redeploying of troops from other fronts. Quite historical if you ask me.

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:00 pm

Ace wrote:British rebel alignment needs to be fixed. I think AI is poor at keeping Atlantic box defended with ASW units. Maybe that's why developers decided it is lesser evil to forget about its effect on Britain altogether than to result in Brits going out of the war in 1916 because AI can't keep Britain supplied. But this may not be the case.

I wonder why nobody is bothered with the fact that EE and WE units can't share a region?

It's funny i had by sub's wiped out in the 2nd turn by a unlucky encounted with the British High sea's fleet, after that no blockade what's so ever just the fact they were grinded into the dust in battle after battle.

Britain not being subject to Rebel alignment is completely broken, it's simply unfair and need's to be fixed as what's the point have them subject to different rule's >.<

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:06 pm

I was never able to fully wipe serbia out as for some reason they managed to pull 100k+ out of their arse's from nowhere as every town and city was under my control. Belgrade does seem to be immune to a siege, cities take an unreal amount of time to siege them out.

I understand that they have supplies within the city but surely supply production would be severely hampered or completely unworkable after a measure of month's ? only managed to siege down a Russian fortified city and Verona in italy

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:17 pm

With regard's to NM; I'm sure at the start of the series you could tell i was much much in the dark about the deeper mechanic's of this as such if i could go back with current experience my god i'd tuck every last point of NM into bed and night.

The inflation from the state fund's event IMO need's to be easyier to find as i only happend upon it's location in the last part of the series ( Lot's of the U.I has hidden information ).

I underestimated the lack of conscript's i would have in the latter year's as i was more or less banking on Britain's withdrawal from the war " Oh hey their at 100% ! woo they could leave soon!...3 year's later.. please just please leave for the love of god ". But britain aside i would like to be able to ramp up auto replacement's from 15% to a high percentage at will as 15% is fairly low, An example of what i mean would be say as in the last few turn's of franticly trying to replace what was needed i would be able to ramp up auto replacement from 15% --> By Jove full speed ahead we need to replace every goddamn one of them ".

As i type im playing a mini test run as the Confederate's ! I really enjoy the more detailed map and the Historical Narrative. I will have to have a map of the state's open as i need to know where my objective's are >:')

Thank's so much every comment was taken into account and had a big impact on what i did and how i did something.

TL :D R Screw you Britain

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