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Legion and African Units

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:41 am
by elxaime
The Nationalists have a number of commanders who provide combat bonuses to either/both Spanish Foreign Legion, Falange or African troops. However, it is not always clear which troops are covered by this. The ones with "legion" in their name are obvious, but there are others that are less so. The Falange seem obvious.

Can we get a run-down of which categories of troops are covered by each bonus?

Also, on the to-do list for a coming patch, maybe the symbol for each can be added to each unit that is covered? Then there won't be any doubt.


Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:04 pm
by Leibst
Hi elxaime,
It is just as simple as you say.
Legion and Falange is clear.
All the africanist give bonus to all african army units: Regulares, Me-hal-la, Ifni and Cazadores.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:54 am
by elxaime
As I poke around some of the order of battle information on the web, I noticed that the early Italian light tank Company in early 1937 became the Tank Bandera of the Legion (Bandera Legionaria de Carros de Combate). See this link:

Anyway, looking forward to continued tweaking of this gem of a game. Insofar as I know, this it the only computer game dealing with this topic. We are fortunate it is in the hands of someone who clearly considers it a labor of love.