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CSA Sea Mine Damage CSA Ships?

Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:42 pm

Is it possible/intentional that my own sea mine would damage my own ships if I passed through the region. Now, the message says the sea mine damaged Union ships and I appeared to gain the 1 NM, however, there were no Union ships in that area.

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Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:31 am

The RGD doesn't check if there are actually ennemy ships in the region. It evaluates if the sea mine explodes and, if it is the case, the CSA gets the +1 NM and Union ships are damaged if present. In other words, the event can be played and triggered even if no ennemy ship is present or pass through the naval region !

This is a little bit "abusable" from my point of view but it doesn't break the game balance.

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Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:21 pm

Well, actually the event only affects 'enemy' ships, but the whole thing is a two step process. Once the card is played, there's a 50% chance of whether it is successful or not. If it is, you get the message and probably the 1NM. But it also allows the actual event to fire which then looks at the region where played and checks for enemy naval units and tries to apply damage to these.

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