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Issues with Mouse with this Game only

Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:06 am

Anybody out there have an issue with their mouse in this game? I have tried several mouses and tried other games and I know I do not have a hardware problem.

My mouse likes to skitz out in this game, especially when dragging and dropping things, it will just stop dragging anything and then since I have my finger on the left button and I am moving the mouse it will start moving the screen all over the place and I will end up in Mexico or Canada... This is incredibly frustrating. Also when using control and the left mouse button to group units the left button will just stop and wipe out what I just did, so if I have 10 units grouped using control all of a sudden there are none grouped.

Its enough to make me crazy sometimes, and I have troubleshooted my hardware enough to know it must be something with this game as its the only game that does this.

Any suggestions or reasons this happens? I am assuming the game engine is just laggy and can't keep up...

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