Can't open the game at turn 27 of the campaign game (PBEM). Keep getting an error message in French. I've removed the latest turn file in case that was corrupted. That did not fix the problem. Unable to proceed. Can't seem to post the screen capture of the message.
I have tried to post a screen shot of the error message multiple times. I just cant make it work. I'm sure it's something I'm doing, or not doing correctly. In any case the following is the error message I get when ever I try to open the game: Exception EAcessViolation dans le module CW2.exe dans 000C7E08 Violation d'acces a l'adresse 004C7E08 dans module 'CW2.exe',Lecture de l'adresse 00000004.
Thanks for your suggestions and the fact that you are still trying to support this great game. After trying everything I could think of to make this error message and abend go away it seems to have done so on it's own. Is it possible that plugging in a lose speaker wire could have fixed this situation? That sounds crazy to me but that's the last thing I did before the error message went away and I was able to play again.