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Modding Supply Consumption

Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:53 am

I am interested in modding the supply consumption of the various game elements. I was wondering what sub-file I should reference. The unit data file seems to govern the types units (collections of elements) you can build, but it doesn't seem to contain the base element data...unless I'm missing something.


Edit... looks like I want the CMN files in the model folder...!

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Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:54 pm

right :)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:59 pm

In the game data folder, what is the significance of the Models and the _Models folder?

I went through the CMN model entries and changed the supply values...but it didn't seem to translate through into game play :/

Interestingly enough my little change to stockades, upping production, did work... go figure...

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Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:59 pm

If you didn't delete the model cache file ("models.cached", or at least rename it), and the units.cached file if you made additional changes there, the game will still be using the old values. You have to do this every time you make changes to model or unit files. It gets a little (not alot) trickier if you add unit or model files.

I don't know the technical reason for the _Models folder. I have made several changes to my game's Models folder but I've never changed anything in the _Models folder.

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Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:59 pm

I don't know the technical reason for the _Models folder.

Models define the basic subunit that compose the units. When you collect a bunch of models together, then you have a unit. So if you want a new unit or to change an existing unit, you select amonst existing models to fill up the unit.

And if you want a new model, you create the new model and define the attributes of the model within the models folder. If you create a new model or models, then you can create a totally new unit which didn't exist before.

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Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:48 pm

grimjaw wrote:If you didn't delete the model cache file ("models.cached", or at least rename it), and the units.cached file if you made additional changes there, the game will still be using the old values.

THAT WAS IT!!! YAY :thumbsup:

_Models seems superfluous. In the 1.05RCs, it isn't even present

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The Horses Eat! mod

Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:48 pm

This mod is related to a supply post I made in the history forum a few days ago. The thrust of it was that the supply concerns of Civil War armies were largely constrained by the enormous food requirements of horses and mules that moved everything. The daily ration of a war horse, according to US army regulations was 24 pounds of hay and forage. This compares to about 3 pounds for the daily ration of a solider. In addition, the longest civil war forces could go, without foraging or getting back in contact with a supply base was between 10-15 days. (Approximately 1 game turn)

So the mod is built around the idea that combat land units can only carry 1 turns worth or rations, and that horses eat 8 times as much as men:

Unit Changes:
Infantry Units use 2GS per turn (no change) but only store 2 per turn.
20 hit point Cavalry units (600 men and horses) use 18 GS per turn.
15 point Mounted Vol units use 13 GS
12 gun Horse Artillery: 5 GS
12 gun Artillery: 3 GS
Pontoon Bridges/ Supply wagons: 5GS

Is should be noted that supply wagons are made much less expensive, which should help with depot construction and the increased wagons necessary to have more than 1 turn of GS storage.

Structure changes:
City, settlement and Fort structures produce GS at a double rate. Farms and plantations were quadrupled! (300GS to 75). In a way, this should help make protecting agricultural structures much more important.

The mod is based on 1.06, but should be easily upgradable for future patches. Supply gets much more precarious with these changes. I'm thinking this will perform better for PBEM play, because the AI will have a hard time dealing with the new supply situation....

Backup the files in the CW2 files that are to be changed, and copy into the CW2 directory. (And of course let me know what you think...)

P.S. don't forget to delete the model cash file...
Hardsupply (horses eat)
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Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:21 am

That looks like an interesting mod. Cutting off supply should be a major threat. AI will probably have major problems but in PBEM play, it should be very challenging. Unfortunately, I don't have time to test it right now. Hope you get some feedback. I am curious about the game impact in PBEM play.

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Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:35 pm

I've been running a few test turns against the AI, and it seems to be working. If I wanted to evolve the concept, I suppose I would play with some of the event files. There are some fixed units that are in some tough spots. (I'm thinking Floyd in WV...)

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Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:25 am

Sounds interesting. Supply is one place the game could use some enhancements, IMO. One thing I'd like to see somebody try (or have it included in future improvements) is the option to put forces on 1/2 or 1/4 rations, reducing supply consumption while taking a hit to overall cohesion. This was done very often during the conflict in times of low supply, and it wasn't restricted to specific generals. I think the way the game tries to model it now is to give a few generals a supply ability, and pretend quartermasters don't exist.

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Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:13 pm

This sounds great to me. I don't know how the AI handles the question of how many wagons to put into stacks, but from what I remember, the AI is built to have an interest in certain division and stack compositions, so increasing interest in wagons should be doable.

As for grimjaw's idea, I'm interested in adding quartermaster support units (like signal corps) that have small effects/abilities on consumption (not as big as the effect for generals like Kit Carson, etc). Possibly, these quartermaster units could be allowed to brigade with supply wagons so they could have abilities that affect just the wagons in their brigade as well as abilities that affect the whole stack. There could be multiple types of quartermaster units - with more and less effective abilities for instance.

More to grimjaw's idea, cohesion in the game effects movement speed and fighting ability. Did half rations in the war greatly effect either of these (I'm simply not sure)? One thing I'm sure half rations effected was attrition. So the fact that starving troops don't instantly disappear, but rather lose some cohesion and lose a few hits, seems to fairly nicely model what happened when troops went on half rations as supply dwindled.

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Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:16 pm

More to grimjaw's idea, cohesion in the game effects movement speed and fighting ability. Did half rations in the war greatly effect either of these (I'm simply not sure)? One thing I'm sure half rations effected was attrition. So the fact that starving troops don't instantly disappear, but rather lose some cohesion and lose a few hits, seems to fairly nicely model what happened when troops went on half rations as supply dwindled.

I wasn't thinking about uber-realistic modeling when I brought up the idea. It was more about making it an easier way to get the function into the game. From my limited reading, it seems like CSA forces were on restricted rations for half of the war, yet when it came to fighting they still held up. A more realistic model of the effects of restricted rations could be argued than what I proposed, and reduced hits is a good idea.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:36 pm

I'm bumping this up, because I have made some changes to the original mod. The units still consume as changed, but structures have modified to produce more. City, fort, settlement, and village all produce double the GS rate. Farm structures (farms and plantations) now produce 4 times more GS (300 per turn vs 75). The idea was to help offset the increased supply consumption (esp out west) and give the farm structures a bigger relative importance in the overall supply picture.

Refer to my previous post for the relevant files.

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