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I need help

Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:37 am


That is my current situation. I'm unsure where to go next. In Staunton I have a division entrenched. My builds in this theater are 5 infantry brigades. 3 or 4 for my battered divisions and 1 for the Staunton division. I'm not very good at this game but I want to get better. Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:

Something I just noticed. The picture looks different than when I edited it in paint. I tried reuploading it multiple times but failed. The editor told me the picture size was too large. So I had to condense it into that, which looks awful. Any way to change this.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:59 am

What are your plans and why do you feel you are in trouble?
Also, what is the current turn?
It looks like you made an attack up the Valley and the opposing forces attacked on a more direct route.
Some further development of the nature of the help you seek would clarify responder comments.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:26 am

You have two main choices. Go after Alexandria to cut them off from behind, or pull all your forces back down the valley in the hopes they can get to the Richmond and create a stable front (possibly behind the Rapidan river, but preferably at Culpeper/Fredricksburg if that 800 PWR stack moves and gives you the chance).

The riskier strategy is going after Alexandria. To so this, concentrate everyone in Leesburg. If you have Corps formations already (I am guessing you do not and this is winter 61-62) put Jackson in command of as large a Corps as you can gather in a turn or two and go after Alexandria. Unfortunately in a turn or two Manassas and Falkirk will likely fall, both of which have depots that have probably amassed thousands of supply that the enemy can use. If you could somehow manage to take Alexandria and prevent one or both of the depots from falling into Union hands, Athena (this is against the AI, right?) would then be forced to pull back or turn around and try to kick you out of Alexandria. In this scenario, you probably would have to cede HF, since you do not have enough troops in the region to hold everything. This is a high-risk/high-reward choice. If Athena gets Manassas or Falkirk those menacing stacks will be well supplied and with nothing preventing them from continuing south straight to Richmond. OTOH, threatening those stacks' supply is the best way to force them to turn back north.

More conservatively, rail everyone you can back down the Valley and across to Richmond in the hopes you can rally enough around the capital to stave off an assault. It will take a few turns to get this done, but it will also take the Union several turns to secure the depots and then march south, so you should have just enough time to get into position (send a few units to the places you plan on establishing your line to get a head start on entrenching while the Valley forces are on the move).

Spend all your money building brigades and artillery in Richmond no matter which path you choose. You are seriously outnumbered here and you need every man you can get as soon as you can get them in this theater. PGT's retreating stack in Manassas has a good chance of being caught and destroyed as it retreats. If it safely arrives in Strassburg in a turn or two you can then think about getting some replacements to bring it back up to strength, but more troops around Richmond should be the priority for the next turn or two.

If the Union stacks turn West toward the Valley, you will have lucked out! Simply retreat and give it to them and live to fight another day with Richmond intact. If they advance toward Richmond and you can win a big defensive battle against them somewhere, look for opportunities for PGT's by-that-time replenished stack to retake Manassas/Falkirk/Alexandria, hoping to cut them off from behind.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:01 pm

ArmChairGeneral discussed 2 options already. But you have a 3rd. It's like in chess. If an opponent threatens a piece or a side, you can create your own threat.
You could assemble your forces to move on Washington as well.
It might trigger some Union troops to retreat back to Alexandria/Washington.
However it's risky.
If possible a retreat from the valley to Mannassas might achieve both. Stop the Union's advance & supply, and threaten Alexandria and Washington.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:50 pm

minipol wrote:ArmChairGeneral discussed 2 options already. But you have a 3rd. It's like in chess. If an opponent threatens a piece or a side, you can create your own threat.
You could assemble your forces to move on Washington as well.
It might trigger some Union troops to retreat back to Alexandria/Washington.
However it's risky.
If possible a retreat from the valley to Mannassas might achieve both. Stop the Union's advance & supply, and threaten Alexandria and Washington.

A move on D.C. might work, but I noticed that the Union AI doesn't seem to care much about protecting its own territory so much as its moves southward. If you gain D.C. in an assault, but the Union takes advantage by taking Richmond, it's still more of a loss for CSA than for the USA. Check vs checkmate.

My take on that situation would be to pull Johnston back to let those new recruits in Staunton get up to speed, then regroup either there or further south, maybe New Market. For PGT I'd get him and any other forces you can to build a new front south of the Rapidan. The river crossings will hurt any Union attacks in that region, and may cause a Fredricksburg type suicide assault. I've had game where the Union AI has lost upwards of 80k men trying to push through on a southward Richmond offensive.

As ArmchairGeneral stated, an attack towards Alexandria could relieve pressure, but I wouldn't do it with anything more than a diversion force. Plus you'll be likely to lose a lot of troops trying to take a city that you can't hold any way. With the South it's all about keeping troops in the field. Losing cities isn't half as calamitous as losing men. Sooner or later the numbers game is going to play out in central Virginia along the Rapidan/Rappahannock line. Best to confront that wall of blue units with armed Southern steel. Then again, that's human vs AI. A human player would be smart to push further west and/or make naval landings south and east of Richmond/Petersburg.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:16 pm

Save game would help, so we can give more detailed tips.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:18 pm

frogmonkey wrote:8<
Something I just noticed. The picture looks different than when I edited it in paint. I tried reuploading it multiple times but failed. The editor told me the picture size was too large. So I had to condense it into that, which looks awful. Any way to change this.

Use Photobucket to host your illustrations. They don't have a size limit or it's so high that I cannot recall them ever resizing or refusing an upload, even with full-screen screen shots. It offers BBC code links that can be copied directly into a post to insert an illustration.

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Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:34 pm

Frogmonkey, when you have the screenshot in paint, use "Save as" to change the format to .jpg. That's what I do and the file is then much smaller. You should be able to upload the whole shot to a new post with fairly good resolution.

The redoubt at D.C. is done and it seems the Union capital is full of those green dots indicating that the 10 locked brigades are present. You don't seem to have many Divisions. I'm guessing that it is at least November 1861. You need to form Divisions with your Generals ASAP. Use whoever is active.

Beau is retreating to Winchester, so Longstreet and the rest should move there ASAP and form one strong army with him.

Everything else available in the CSA should head to Fredricksburg. No, I'm not joking. Hold there and make a fighting withdrawal back to Richmond. Use one of the locked elements in the capital to prepare an entrenchment in the region for your force.

A Union army on the coast can be supplied by sealift from nearby transports. Athena may not be aware of this, so a move on Alexandria may or may not be of any use to cut Union supply lines overland.

I can't see what you can muster to defend Richmond. The army you might assemble in Winchester will be out of position to get to Richmond, so an assault on D.C. may be the best option for Beau, as minipol correctly deduced. Good luck!
I'm the 51st shade of gray. Eat, pray, Charge!

Rod Smart
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Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:09 pm

Bring everything within a two day rail trip to Richmond.

The troops you were using to garrison Norfolk and bottle up Fortresss Monroe? Forget those secondary fronts. On to Richmond!
The division you were forming to defend against seaborne attacks? On to Richmond!
The corps you were assembling in TN to break through Kentucky? On to Richmond!
The free brigades you are getting in the western theatre? On to Richmond!

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