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Union merchant shipping?

Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:58 am


Since playing the latest patch, 1.04, I've noticed something strange: Union shipping hasn't earned anything at all in a very long while. It's June 62, and the last time I saw money or war supply from my shipping was almost a year ago. I haven't moved my merchant ships from the merchant lanes (why would I?) and I even added the bonus merchant vessels I received from an event several months ago. Still nothing. Is this WAD?

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Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:56 am

...are you sure that you're looking at the correct group of messages? I'm pretty sure that message should be under the "System and various" group, where the other shipping messages are under "Battles, retreats, and sieges".

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Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:26 am

It feels like something changed with the advent of 1.04 regarding the income from the shipping box. I had been monitoring various stats on my game and as soon as I applied the patch my income from the shipping box almost halved which may well be WAD but I didn't see anything in the change log which would account for it.

In the shipping box I had 43 transport /merchant units and there were 9 raiders. After applying the patch the income dropped from 130ish Money + WS to around 75 per turn which has remained consistent over the following turns. Obviously there is still an income there which is different to what you were describing.

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