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Entrenchment Question

Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:13 pm

I have noticed the following:

A unit can be in a city with entrenchment value of 3, but if the icon is placed outside of the city, the entrenchment value goes to zero. What is going on?

And...trenches seem to be value of the stack, not the terrain - so if a stack leaves a region the trenches are gone; the only way to preserve a trench is to move a new unit into the stack, and then remove it from the stack, and then the original stack can move away and the trenches stay. Is this correct?


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Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:19 pm

Hi marquo.

Unit can entrench behind city walls, or in front of city.
When they go outside they will loose their entrench value and would have to entrench from the beginning.

You have guessed the mechanics correctly. A unit has to guard the field works (entrenchments), or they will be lost when th units move.

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