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Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:47 am

Do you folks ever raise taxes? If so, how often, when/why and why not- what are the s/t, l/t (short term, long term) effects?

Differences Union vs CSA?

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Re: Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:45 pm

The CSA initially needs every penny the can get.

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Re: Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:23 pm

Citizen X nails it, but a bit more detail might be:
In the early game when soldiers to put into uniform are not always there, I take a pause in raising money. I do taxes last, but rotate through each option to raise money whenever the option to raise money is available.
Because raising taxes does cost NM, I may delay raising taxes if I have low morale and a good prospect to win a major battle this turn.
Inflation is a long term consequence of all money options, taxes the most, if I remember correctly; but inflation is low enough that it does not really impact what I need to buy.

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Re: Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Tue Sep 15, 2020 4:33 pm

Taxes actually help inflation (unless im mistaken) . As CSA, I always do taxes. I might be wrong on this as well but i find it more doable to get Union morale very low instead of capping CSA morale to victory. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:30 pm

I use the 3 income infusions as often as I can. I think the $cash is worth more than the 2 morale or 25 victory points in most cases. As far as the one that increases inflation by 4%.....I may delay that infusion until the other 2 options are available, as they lower inflation by 1% each. I try to keep inflation below 5%.

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Re: Taxes, taxes, taxes...

Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:11 am

Me, I tax the shit out of them. First, you can always use the money. Second, taxes and bonds give a negitave inflation modifier. You can build up a fairly large negitave inflation rate over the course of the game, which really cheapens units.

The only money option I hesitate to use is printing money, because inflation can get out of hand in a hurry.

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