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Union shipping

Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:27 am

I've posted on this subject before, and was convinced that I had missed something or that I was losing it. Anyway, I've confirmed it now, and I think it's escaped detection because the vast majority of Union players don't watch their income closely.

It's this: Starting at some point in the game, Union shipping in the Atlantic fails to earn anything at all. I mean, it doesn't show up at all in the log (and yes, I've checked every log, over and over again). It just started happening in my 1.06 game as Union, and it's late dec. 1862.

I tend to play the increase merchant shipping card, because I like the increase in money and WS, so I watch income every turn. Back in an early version of the game, I noticed that earnings stopped, and I posted on it, but nothing came of it. Now I'm sure.

Is this WAD? I mean, are there certain turns when the union merchant fleet will earn NOTHING? If not, there's something amiss. I've gone over my turn again and again to be sure, and there's no earnings at all.

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:31 pm

Are you sure?

I know the "supplies sent overseas" type message decreases each turn, eventually turning into zero and disappearing- but I ALWAYS get money every turn from my shipping.

That being said, I load the box with transports. I suppose its possible that the merchant ships stop giving me money, and its only the transports I've added. If you don't add any transports, and the South adds raiders, and you don't sink any of those raiders, then yes- it would be working as designed.

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:36 pm

The only thing I've seen that I know affects shipping returns is raiders in the shipping box. I don't think I've ever noticed that Naval Transportation is affected by this but I certainly wouldn't discount it and it would be logical. I've never had shipping returns drop to 0, but I also generally put a lot of transports into the shipping boxes, sometimes all of then that I can build.

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:04 pm

Thanks for the replies. I think it's because I haven't added any transports at all, just the extra merchant ships that come with the option. Also, the Atlantic fleet is transporting less and less supplies per turn (down to around 800 or so per turn now, in mid-63). So is the lesson here that one should add as many transports as possible to the merchant shipping fleet?

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:24 pm

Linstock wrote:Thanks for the replies. I think it's because I haven't added any transports at all, just the extra merchant ships that come with the option. Also, the Atlantic fleet is transporting less and less supplies per turn (down to around 800 or so per turn now, in mid-63). So is the lesson here that one should add as many transports as possible to the merchant shipping fleet?

I always max out my transports with the Union, it's the best way to get $ or WS IMO since it'll prioritize whatever you need. I think it also has the quickest ROI, although you do spend CS that won't ever be returned. Plus you can always use those transports to stage large amphibious operations and then put them back in the shipping box when they're not used. As far as the supplies go, the question is why are they shipping less. Do you have a specific supply issue at one of your ports? I'm going to assume that by mid-63 or so that most of the ports are chock full of supplies/ammo and you have a fair amount of excess rail transport? If there's not a need to transport much by sea due to sufficient rail and because the front line cities already have tons of GS/ammo then I'd assume you'll see a decrease in what's transported.

If you're playing against the AI, you could test it out some by using up all your rail transport and then putting a large force at an isolated depot in the far NE like Augusta, ME where there's not a lot of supply/ammo production in the area. Or possibly just invade a Southern port city that doesn't produce much supply but has a depot to attract supply like Jacksonville or Tallahassee, Florida or Houston, TX. Putting a corps sized force in the far NE (with no excess rail capacity) or in the South should trigger the ships you have in the transport box into transferring GS/ammo to the intended city. If not, then maybe there is an issue.

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Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:32 pm

To keep Naval Transportation and shipping income as high as possible you will need to increase the number of transports in the Shipping Box AND reduce the number of Raiders. You should get a report each turn telling you how many Raiders were spotted in the Shipping Box --it may actually say "Shipping Lanes"--.

To optimally attack Raiders form small fleets each containing about 2-4 sailing frigates and 4-8 steam frigates. Sail them into and out of the Shipping Box each turn, not necessarily all at once, but each fleet should either be entering or exiting the Shipping Box each turn. Entering the Shipping Box during a turn greatly increases the chance of the fleet finding Raiders, far more then them simply patrolling in the Shipping Box. The fleets do not have to be in OP in the Shipping Box to initiate battle, so you can leave them in DP for that. The only time you will want them to be in OP is if you are chasing down Raiders outside of the Boxes.

This requires some management and the patrolling fleets will have to be returned to port ever 4 turns or so to recover cohesion, do repairs and take on supplies, but this the the cost of keeping the Shipping Lanes open.

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Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:43 pm

Moving the frigates in and out of the boxes to increase the interception rate seems gamey. There shouldn't be any difference in the change to intercept when entering the theater and patrolling there.

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Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:50 pm

But there is a difference. If you just put patrolling fleets into the box and leave them there without doing anything else they will practically never intercept any raiders.

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Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:32 pm

Some never intercept my CSA raiders, some send them home with so many hits(lost 4 or 5 once) It's really really annoying. I would shelf brigs as a tool of war if a person actively pursues a campaign of hunting them. It's much like the U-boat wars of WW1/WW2..quickly becomes counterproductive.

Captain_Orso wrote:But there is a difference. If you just put patrolling fleets into the box and leave them there without doing anything else they will practically never intercept any raiders.
For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863 ~~~

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