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Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:39 pm

Stuyvesant wrote:I see your 'Rub' puns and I raise you... Actually, I'm folding, to stick with the poker analogy. I got nothing. ;)

But your plot for a worldwide sand monopoly continues apace! Najd has been eliminated (for some reason, 'Playing hunt the Najd' sounds vaguely like a filthy euphemism to me) and the Ethiopian sand supplies are also being safeguarded. Foolish backpacking tourists notwithstanding.

I noticed you continue to have problems with your steel production - or rather, your ability to produce and import steel does not keep pace with your wishes. This raises the question: do you have any idea how much steel the British produce and/or consume? Are they also limited in their steel (and hence, battleship) production, or is this a case where the British have an increasing lead over you? Oh, and how much will those two steel plants contribute, once they come online? Enough to start churning out battle wagons at a steady pace?

There is a particularly bonkers (and I mean stand out bonkers even by the standards of the current Conservative Party) Tory MP who is sometimes described as Mad Nad ... so its not a long leap to Najd. But yes, it is accurate as to what I was doing, but perchance, open to misinterpretation.

The image below shows the steel position in mid-1886:


In effect, domestically at the moment I am breaking even. The two being built (their production shows as white in the image) will give me +40 per turn and even if some is then used for development I reckon that will sustain a building programme of one battleship squadron per year (& 3-4 other naval units).

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Nice work on the colonial side. How is it that negative Sphere of Influence territories become positive? I thought you were playing with historical claims.

On another note I just realized most of the world probably sees Italy as the enemy of Islam. You control a huge geographical chunk of the Muslim world and are really enslaving millions of innocent people! Looking at that colonial map I see that Muslim population areas are most of your empire.

If you hold a region, you slowly gain SoI as there are random events that fire and improve your score by +1. I guess it reflects the wider world coming to accept what you have done even if they feel it is a bit pushy to have grabbed such a region in the first place.

To be fair, my Italy has been pretty even handed. At different stages, Garibaldi has shelled the Vatican, burnt down Jerusalem and captured Mecca (at least twice, maybe 3 times), I think that covers the full range of Abrahemaic religions?

More realistically, it would be intriguing to imagine just how an Empire such as mine would survive once the wider decolonisation/national liberation movements took off in the 1920s. I guess, quite appropriately given how much desert I do own, it would collapse like a castle built on sand.

Director wrote:It seems to me that you have a magnificent business opportunity just waiting for development. Dig a giant trench through all that sand and name it 'Silicon Valley.'
Investors will then fill up the hole with money, and after you siphon it all out the walls will fall in - no cleanup needed.

I'm sure I could find some clever soul who could start to bundle my sand with other products to create just the type of financial product that is essential for long term stability on the financial markets :cool:

But yes, I now own Silicon desert.

Sir Garnet wrote:Catching up on this increasingly gripping tale - two dozen collected comments below in no particular order.

1. You are making the right moves in expanding trade, but maybe not enough. Does Italy already have merchants in every Maritime Trade Box (except maybe Hawaii)? As a GP this allows you to sell as well as buy in every MTB which lets you drive world trade and development. By stocking up and heavy resales you have an easy way to avoid supply issues by raising or lowering your sales and even "manage" prices, if you care, while also developing your trading partners (paying a premium is a nice way of getting the goods or providing a subsidy, as is buying excess items from some countries even if they go to wastage). Less taxes mean more PC to load up on everything, and why not have a full inventory of everything if you have the PC?

In the CIE MP Brazil is around 10th rank overall and militarily but 1st in commerce and 6/7th in total output, with (according to the report scripts) 2nd largest stockpiles of products in both value and volume. Why not spend extra PC on stockpiles? This helps Brazil be a one-stop-shop for buyers' merchant ships. BTW Brazil is a good SP trade partner given its range of investable resources, like the USA but with different items such as Gems, Gold, Rum, Sugar, Coffee (and Tobacco, an overlap with USA). There is a lot of Tropical Fruit in the Americas just waiting for buyers.

2. A huge merchant marine generates profits and taxes but does eat up a lot of coal, and coal can go from surplus to deficit quickly when more advanced structures come on line that eat it up, so build out coal mines, and then petroleum in the next decade. Your move to buy rather than internally produce things is supply abroad is also good for development and relations. No harm having extra capacity for when you need it, especially in something like Steel, Coal, Mfg Goods, or Mech.

3. I like your descriptions for Asset Balance (B) and F4 - I have those open at the same time as well as usually having the relevant T window for trade orders to allow more precision than +10/-10 on the Asset Balance and to allow paying a premium.

4. Torpedo Boats are only in Coastal/Shallow waters, which can limit their use - I have not figured out how to get use from them yet but look forward to info.

5. I see you are losing some images from imageshack - curses to those digital bookworms, eating up the archives. If there is an image limit, maybe put in some "CODE" tables instead of pix?

6. Even negative SOI can be improved by development, but I learned to stagger such efforts in order to be quick to develop each in turn up to snuff rather than spread too thin and having them sit as a long-term drag on prestige (if one cares about prestige).

7. The misnamed "Defensive" alliances and Local Support each give one chance to declare war against each declaration of war by anyone against the ally, and a stiff penalty for each not honored as well as the small automatic penalty for Local Support failing to deter attack. The time limit for DOW is a few turns and can easily be missed. At 10% penalty per failure, a web of alliances can get expensive in prestige with declarations flying around back and forth. Which encourages WW1 cascades of DOWs.

8. One peace option available is to force empires to release peoples - I did that as France to Russia to nerf it and protect Turkey. Austria and Britain are candidates for that treatment. I don't know in the current version if you get an alliance with the released nation, but that would make sense to script if not.

9. When you script territorial changes, how are you handling the residual Austrian loyalties?

10. Prisoner counts are in elements (100 men) on the battle report, actual men on the F10 display - which is not obvious.

11. Austrian Wars: Fighting in the narrow battlefields of the Dolomites was just providing just enough fighting to perfect the skills of your troops. A human player might well have pushed hard to take Venezia and thus turn the Trentino defenses. The contact frontage would be much larger and movement in easier to allow a full hammer blow and active rotation. The battles would be much costlier, meaning both sides would tend to lose elements from the start. The consequences of losing control of the Venezia countryside would be dire since the invader can hit Lombardy, Trentino, or cross the Po. In CIE MP Austrians have run around central Italy a number of times. On the Austrian side, I would encourage an Italian advance into Udine or beyond as a trap, though if Italy controls the sea it would be much less effective.

12. Take your time to enjoy the economic advantage of occupation of enemy manufacturing centers.

13. "The odd consequence is I exited the first Austrian war with a superb army - 6 corps were elite. I exit this one with only 3 elite corps left and the loss of a cadre of experienced generals."

Indeed. And in peace you lose experience stars to training upgrades. My thought in the second war, since you discovered the Reserves save their experience when demobilized (nice catch), would be to use them along with the lower quality formations in the front line and hold better veterans as army group reserves for MTSG, for key assaults if needed, but largely for holding strong defensive positions efficiently. Napoleon conserved his guardsmen for decisive strokes against an enemy already weakened by prior attacks, which is a good model.

14. I'm glad to see you stock up on depot battalions (replacement chits). It is the best peacetime use of manpower flow if additional units are not needed. I say think of it like ammunition - too much costs something, but too little is fatal. A thick cushion can avoid the disasters that occur when heavy losses force the use of severely attrited units and elements that are low in power/frontage ratio and easily eliminated permanently - Britain suffered this a couple of times in the CIE MP under earlier governments.

15. What other game alliances exist beyond AUS-PRU and IT-FRA-BEL?

16. Britain can be defeated by drawing forth and tying up its land forces overseas (India, Africa, Americas, etc.) and then landing and taking Britain itself. A secure launchpoint in Northern Europe is very useful - Scandinavia is ideal in order to swing north of interception from the usual fleet stations in the south (which was a reason for the anchorage at Scapa Flow in the far north).

17. Italy with the canal under control and blocking British transit has the central position and interior lines, cutting off its key possessions in India and dividing its fleets, which offers the possibility of defeating them in detail. It is a long way round to ship troops back and forth, and they are vulnerable at sea...

18. As a consequence, the relative positions mean the Royal Navy can effectively lose the war in an afternoon by a mis-step, ideally one leaving Britain exposed to attack or at least exposed enough to force a pullback and concentration of naval forces to home defense. Italy, however, can use even a battered force in essentially the same way as a full force so long as it is a significant force in being.

19. Consider making friends with Spain, getting passage rights, and seizing Gibraltar with a massive attack at the start of the war. Very good for you and very bad for Britain.

20. The British like islands but their armies landing on islands can end up as self-run POW camps if they can't then get off. Think about lures and traps. Summer, Autumn, and Winter in Corfu . . . or Sardinia

21. The large British fleet takes a long time to update, meaning that with fresh cutting-edge construction timed for the war you can have a qualitative advantage if you attack at the right time - so scout the British fleets with corvettes and evaluate their forces in detail. Steel Battleships vs. Ironclads is good, or Dreadnoughts vs. earlier battleships, or cruisers vs. earlier types.

22. Re crises, there are specific strategies focused on pulling out prestige rather than winning, which can make sense for crises without substance.

23. Narwhal's SP War Pool idea of having guest players to play the enemy is an interesting one, especially if the player is capable and determined. The AI, however, has the advantage of rigid tenacity and can't be bullied or negotiated into concessions - it's all the numbers. Sometimes humans give way too easily - more so than the real protagonists would have done.

24. Finally- re CP Leakage, let it be proclaimed on the Garibaldi Memorial that: "Wherever is soiled by Italians, there is Italian soil."

This comment is almost impossible to answer, but thanks for taking the effort to put together so much. So lets see:

Trade etc.

I did a double check and found I had a few gaps, only one of any importance was off S China so built some new merchants and sent them off to fill in gaps. I also adopted your idea of running up the stocks (it won't appear in the AAR tilll later in 1887). Originally I was being cautious as I was trying to conserve PC but at the moment my only shortage is in terms of Steel so I can use the PC as I wish. I've also adopted an approach of paying over the odds for things like tobacco etc, both of which help to speed up the international circulation of capital and to keep demand for my own products as high as possible.

Diplomacy etc

Those are the only alliances I'm aware of. Russia might have a defensive alliance with Bulgaria as a result of that event chain. I'm trying to draw in Russia but while it likes me, and offers regular state visits, it won't sign a defensive pact till I improve my relations with Serbia and Bulgaria - so doing that is my current priority in international relations. I need to rethink this as we get nearer to 1900 as I don't want to be friends with both sides of the later Balkan Wars.

If I do get into another war with Austria, then I'd certainly force the release of say the Czechs (as that would cripple their industrial base), not least I don't really want to take Split (which is the only remaining objective of mine they hold). All the N Italian provinces have some Austrian loyalties. For Alto Adige this is correct but historically some of the Milanese industrialists preferred Austrian rule (they could sell into a larger market) and of course the NE regions have Slavic minorities. So I've left them untouched so far.

The balance between letting my qualitatively superior army meet their larger numbers on an open battlefield as opposed to in the mountains is interesting. It was clear, esp in the first war, that once I met them on relatively open terrain it was then that I started to inflict very heavy losses. But I was aided by all the NM that the Dolomite battles had cost them. I was very clear that I was a single bad defeat away from losing that war and that if they retook Alto Adige (or turned my flank in the Veneto) it would be very hard to recover. I think generally the AGE AI does well but it lacks the patience that sometimes you need - given the cohesion loss for movement and that most games favour the defense, a player is often well advised to sit and wait, the AI tends to find something to do.

I've been steadily building up my replacement pools, esp as manufactured goods are no longer such a serious constraint. Agree, it is the best use of conscript companies that otherwise go to waste.

Strategy for Britain.

I'm in two minds over Gibralter (I won't get a Spanish alliance in time as we are about -15 on relations). One is a major naval invasion to seal the Med. I can then project power as/when I wish leaving only a minimal army in Italy. The other is to leave it and hope the UK invades. Unless they have massive sealift (which I doubt), I think that could set up a rather useful killing ground and source of NM/WarScore for me. At the moment I tend to inviting them to come and visit (and creating major traps in Sicily and Sardinia).

Offensively, the idea of an overland attack on S Africa is becoming attractive and I think I have the naval power to land 2 armies in India (and still defend Italy). But I think I'll opt to open the war on the defense and see if I can lure them into my territory. I am also putting in place some commerce raiding squadrons in addition to the main battle fleet.


I've been building some of those smaller ships, as much for colour as out of any appreciation of their value (and the steel situation is badly hampering my ability to create cruisers never mind battleships.

Military things.

I only noticed the issue with the reserves as the two Austrian wars were so close together, but it is a nice feature. I tended to use the regulars (for experience) but perhaps I should have re-organised my armies a bit better. Problem was in the second war, I was split up and detaching and re-attaching corps to reflect immediate need rather than any particular idea of how the OOB should have been.

Sir Garnet wrote:24. Finally- re CP Leakage, let it be proclaimed on the Garibaldi Memorial that: "Wherever is soiled by Italians, there is Italian soil."

Stuyvesant wrote:Very interesting thoughts (I would expect no less from someone who clearly knows his game) and that final remark is certainly fitting for the tone of the AAR and the somewhat haphazard expansion of Italian colonial dominion. :)

One does lke to set and maintain standards :)
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
WIA Burning down the Houses; Wars in America; The Tea Wars

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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July-December 1886: Peace reigns across the Globe (maybe)

Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:45 pm

Domestically this was a quiet period, with the temporary crushing of the Najds I acatually had no colonial wars ongoing. Internationally, as we will see, things were much more lively.

I also upgraded to the 1.4 beta in October and this may, or may not, have set off a slowly growing militancy problem.

[CENTER]Regular Reports


It seemed in this period that it was a little bit easier to buy steel internationally (helped by paying +25%) but most of the extra flow then went on a series of industrial and transport imporvements. My first domestic automobille plant commenced production so the stock is a combination of the 'business men have bought' events and domestic production of 14 per turn (of which I am selling 3 internationally). All Europe will soon be driving Fiat Cinquecentos (and suffering from bad backs as a result). [1]


This is part of the problem. Although in one sense I want to keep steel back for battleships, it is also important to improve the transport systems (advanced rails improve the productuctiivity of everything in a given province. So I add some more (La Spezia and Parma), build Fiat in Parma (so maybe the I Gialloblù will be the side to gain all those dodgy referee decisions in this time line .. anybody but Juve). I also add another steel plant to the list, there is enough coal to sustain this for now.

At the moment, oil is not that important (there is plenty for sale and it is cheap) but I suspect that is about to change. So not only do I have a new oil well under production (Trucial) I decide its now a good idea to upgrade the one I built ages ago in Texas. They are loss making but I'd like a decent stock just in case.




As ever, less to say in this respect. Coffee stocks are falling as I export a lot more, and my investment in domestic (well E African) sources of Tropical Fruits starts to pay off with a much more steady supply.



That seems one effect of the beta patch, I've lost the nice lines on the population screen. Apart from that, slowly rising militancy but that is having no impact on contentment.

At this stage I wasn't sure if it was war weariness (my various colonial wars have been pretty non-ending) or patch related. Given what happens in 1887 I'm reasonably sure its patch related, as they are having all their needs met, taxes are very low and I'm playing all the relevant options.

I do, however, redeploy the MP units to the most militant provinces.


Well this was 6 months marked by disputes and war. First up, the US and Japan.


Well Japan backed down and I'm sure there will never again be a US-Japanese dispute over islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Nigel Farage's ancestors threaten Scotland.


Mel Gibson was last seen wearing a very dodgy shade of blue.

Russia goes to war with China (and, as we will see, does incredibly well).


Oh and Prussia is the next Germanic nation to try and test the capabilities of Italy's famed diplomatic corps.


So its a pretty low key dispute (intensity of 13), I am the dominant partner (the -1 as I was the recipient of these petty complaints).

Naturally Italy does all it can to bring this dispute to a speedy and mutually acceptable end.


Thank you Prussia, that is another 2,500 prestige points. Note the intensity went up to 37 but my dominance went up to -3 (ie I was seen to be in the right .... as always).


Unusually, this was a calm period with no battles anywhere (probably for the first time in about 15 years). Also as I am now relatively rich in manufactured goods I start to carry out some actions (the various exploration parties) that I haven't bothered with for some time (the loss of manufactures was more of an issue than missing out on the prestige). I'm now ok for manufactures (mainly as steel is the only bottleneck so I decide to see if I can find anymore resources in Libya, to see if there any extra goodies I can uncover.


In E Africa, I carry on finding new provinces, some of which are already held by Belgium.


Equally my resource teams find some useful rubber plants.


So I decide to open some rubber plantations and extend the railroad (to improve the rate of exploitation),

Next couple of images give an overview of how the situation in E Africa is now looking.


That one shows the territory occupied by the various powers (regardless of its actual status). Basically my goal is to push into the 'independent (for now)' section and see if I can generate a border with the UK. Being able to attack S Africa overland is an attractive addition to my wider war plans. It maybe unlikely (I'll need a lot of depots and preferably a rail line) but the option is rather intriguing.

This map is more or less the same but shows the difference between colonies (the unbroken colour) and regions that are simply occupied. Where I have discovered the relevant colonial capital you can see who owns the colony (so in this case I haven't, yet, discovered the capital of Belgium's colonies).


Prestige, in the meantime grows rather nicely, especially when Prussia decides to help out.


So I have gained 3,200 (up from 56,700 to 59,900) thanks to Germany helping out and the British have gone from 82,400 to 84,100 (so their usual +1,700). The relatively static nature of GB's prestige gains is welcome as it suggests I probably produce a fair bit more from my economy.

Of course this could just be divine retribution for them being beastly to Scotland ... ?

[1] - To keep this realistic, I'll then sell the design to the Russians (yep the Lada was actually an Italian designed car) but built in that particular Soviet manner.

This deal was the product of a rather strange deal done by the PCI, Enrico Mattei (who died in a very dubious aircrash soon after) and the Soviets. Mattei was trying to build up an independent Italian industrial policy that would, in turn, become the basis for a much less pro-US international policy.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
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Sir Garnet
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Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:20 pm

Nice to see the updates. Thanks for the kind words.

Regarding Spain, I was thinking in terms of getting passage and supply agreements against Gibraltar. It's got to be easier to take by land than sea, not that I've seen or heard and details about it being attempted.

The Congo map is interesting since the capital at Leopoldville shows unexplored. That means no one has discovered it, not even the Belgians, whose King owns the area through a shady series of events - the greatest global scam in history, followed by decades of horror.

When the map is uncovered, the discovery is reported globally and it is open season for everyone, meaning there are strategic timing issues with exploration.

The 25% premium indicated when buying is a UI typo - the % is higher (50% IIRC, but worth testing in 1.04).

If you get south fast enough maybe you can wrest control of the diamond and gold mines before the Boers get run over by the British.

P.S. This great AAR has stimuilated my interest enough to start an Italy 1880 game - I think the unification chain and troubles would give me a headache and the 1880s look to be exciting - plus the Suez Canal is open. Italy is strong enough to do things but weak enough to be cautioned by the potential risks. Goals to start - outstrip the French to take Tunis, then Eritrea, Somalia, and the Trucials - that 3000 CPwr Ethiopian army stack nosing around Eritrea suggests Ethiopia is a concern for later. I may open a thread for occasional observations, but for AAR I'm hoping to press on with China in its Siberian War.

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Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:22 pm

loki100 wrote:Domestically this was a quiet period, with the temporary crushing of the Najds I acatually had no colonial wars ongoing.


Naturally Italy does all it can to bring this dispute to a speedy and mutually acceptable end.



[1] - To keep this realistic, I'll then sell the design to the Russians (yep the Lada was actually an Italian designed car) but built in that particular Soviet manner.

Well, yes, after the good kicking in the Najds, I'm sure your potential rebels will be lying low (doubled up?) for a while... :p

I like the Italian negotiation tactics for their trade agreements: "Sure, okay, you think our merchants are too aggressive? How 'bout we bring over our army to show you what real aggression looks like? Ask the Austrians, if you need a reference."

Ah, the Lada. This reminds me of a story when I was but a pimple-faced teenager and Intel had just released their awe-inspiring Pentium[sup]tm[/sup] processor, running at a whopping 60 MHz. The dad of a friend of mine sold his car - a Lada - to help with the then-gargantuan cost of the computer: I don't think the Lada was worth enough to cover the entire cost. ;)

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:49 am

Sir Garnet wrote:Nice to see the updates. Thanks for the kind words.

Regarding Spain, I was thinking in terms of getting passage and supply agreements against Gibraltar. It's got to be easier to take by land than sea, not that I've seen or heard and details about it being attempted.

The Congo map is interesting since the capital at Leopoldville shows unexplored. That means no one has discovered it, not even the Belgians, whose King owns the area through a shady series of events - the greatest global scam in history, followed by decades of horror.

When the map is uncovered, the discovery is reported globally and it is open season for everyone, meaning there are strategic timing issues with exploration.

The 25% premium indicated when buying is a UI typo - the % is higher (50% IIRC, but worth testing in 1.04).

If you get south fast enough maybe you can wrest control of the diamond and gold mines before the Boers get run over by the British.

P.S. This great AAR has stimuilated my interest enough to start an Italy 1880 game - I think the unification chain and troubles would give me a headache and the 1880s look to be exciting - plus the Suez Canal is open. Italy is strong enough to do things but weak enough to be cautioned by the potential risks. Goals to start - outstrip the French to take Tunis, then Eritrea, Somalia, and the Trucials - that 3000 CPwr Ethiopian army stack nosing around Eritrea suggests Ethiopia is a concern for later. I may open a thread for occasional observations, but for AAR I'm hoping to press on with China in its Siberian War.

I hadn't thought about helping to liberate the Boers from the evil British by instead teaching them Italian subjunctives ... but now you mention it. :cool:

I'd really like to see your China AAR carry on, it was one that went a long way to convince me it really was worth investing the learning time in this wonderful game. I picked up the 1880 DLC but haven't even looked at it since then, but I can see the attraction of starting at that stage. The unifications are all done, colonisation well under way and all the underlying tensions about to increase ...

Makes sense about Belgium (well nothing about the colonial period in the Congo really made sense), as I think they are expanding by event rather than by chosen actions. There are a couple of buildings and small forces wandering around my area of E Africa but they are no threat (ie not taking CP off me) so I'm ignoring them.

Stuyvesant wrote:Well, yes, after the good kicking in the Najds, I'm sure your potential rebels will be lying low (doubled up?) for a while... :p

I like the Italian negotiation tactics for their trade agreements: "Sure, okay, you think our merchants are too aggressive? How 'bout we bring over our army to show you what real aggression looks like? Ask the Austrians, if you need a reference."

Ah, the Lada. This reminds me of a story when I was but a pimple-faced teenager and Intel had just released their awe-inspiring Pentium[sup]tm[/sup] processor, running at a whopping 60 MHz. The dad of a friend of mine sold his car - a Lada - to help with the then-gargantuan cost of the computer: I don't think the Lada was worth enough to cover the entire cost. ;)

Yep, hai ragione, domande tutti is the motto of the Italian diplomatic corps. I suspect one of these times that is going to go very wrong but if I am on the defense then hopefully it will trigger my Franco-Belgian alliance.

A good friend of mine was brought up in West Cumbria (the old industrial dumps that no tourist to the Lake Distict ever visits) and he said the dominant form of car was either very old European ones (the ones that were worth as much as scrap as on the road) or a wierd and wonderful collection of E European junk. The local garages specialised in all sorts of creative repairs. It was much the same in some of the more remote corners of Central Scotland, and of course in Fife there were numpties who actually bought Ladas et al to show their loyalty to the USSR.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
WIA Burning down the Houses; Wars in America; The Tea Wars

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January-June 1887: Italy drives South

Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:55 am

This was another relatively quiet six months. I spent a fair bit hunting down that rebellion in Ethiopia and had dreams of an easy passage south to the Boer Republics (where I could offer proper stewardship over their gold and gems). Fortunately, for those of you who demand death and disaster, both will return in a substantial propotion later this year.

[CENTER]Regular Reports[/CENTER]


Since this is all pretty stable at the moment, I'll simplify these tables to an opening and closing balance and indicate any major industrial developments.


In a way my industrial planning is all about steel. I even have a huge stock of manufactured goods (which is one reason why I am doing colonial actions that cost manufactures on a much more frequent basis).

I did a check over Britain and I think they have 6-7 steel plants. I have 10 (and some extra steel from the arms manufactures). If so, they have the same bottleneck as I do and I have never seen any steel up for sale from GB.

This gives me some confidence in terms of naval building and instead of trying to construct more battleships, I opt to start a minimal building programme of secondary warships (in particular cruisers) and to enhance my naval transport and merchant marine instead.

I'd still like more steel but if I can keep my stocks relatively stable, add some modern ships and generally develop the economy that seems a more realistic goal.


This shows the full steel position at start/middle/end of the period. Key is that I can spend it every now and then (that opening expenditure was some ships, more rails in Africa and the car plant) and it seems to stay more or less equal.



Perhaps the only real thing of note there is I have stabilised the tropical fruit production and consumption. This does help with contentment as people like variety as well as quality in their food stuffs.



I'm really not sure why militancy is on the rise, especially in the north (any early version of the Legia Norda?). I've used up all the cards and the MP units are allocated to the worst affected provinces. I'm not sure if this is patch related (its certainly started since I installed the 1.4 beta) or a reflection of war weariness due to the unending colonial wars.

Anyway, average militancy is up to 14% but so far it is having no impact on contentment.



My decision to restart looking for more goodies in the colonies pays off. Well not very much but I find a second sheep in Benghazi (obviously it had been hiding from the Italian navy) and, more usefully, some Tropical Fruits in Cyrenica.


In the meantime, my explorers push steadily south, encountering more people who, for some reason, are just not happy to see Italy arrive on their doorstep.


Well the resulting campaign starts well, I mean with this sort of success, just nothing is ever going to go wrong?


Even so, I decide to reinforce the mix of colonial brigades and native troops with some European regulars. Given what is due to happen very soon, this was a rather prescient move.


While in Ethopia I start the long campaign to destroy that rebellion


Guiseppe's magic alice band inspires the troops to victory, but unfortunately they prove hard to trap (not helped as he opts for a life of leisure - ie is inactive - for most of this period)

International Affairs (but no Ugandan relations)

Elsewhere, Russia is doing well. Beijing has fallen ... what could possibly go wrong for them now?


France and Brazil have a hissy fit. This worried me as both are close allies of mine, but fortunately they sort it out between them.




Again, I am making progress with respect to GB. I have gained almost 3,000 (59.900 to 62,800) with this very much reflecting my industrial development. They have moved from 84,100 to 85,900 (so in their usual +1,700-1,800 range). If this carries on, then in 12 years (ie 1900 or so) I will actually catch them up.

As usual, their NM is pretty low. Mine is staying in a range 125-130 as I am winning enough small battles in the Empire to offset the tendency for it to drop towards 100.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:29 pm

You're making good progress, although the scramble for Africa looks even bloodier than it was in reality. I have a feeling that there weren't quite so many pitched battles as you seem to be fighting.

Regarding the Franco-Brazilian tiff, if it came down to it I assume you'd side with the Great Power on your border. Having said that, if you do go to war with the British isn't it likely that the French will keep well out of it? I know I would given a similar situation.

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:38 pm

If you are able to build a battleship squadron every year then you are matching the hottest tempo of the dreadnought race! Assuming a battleship squadron contains 2 to 4 ships, that is. If somehow a squadron contains only one ship then you are still matching the usual construction rate of navies of the period.

Given the ongoing lack of steel on the market, either the British are building battleships like mad or - more likely- they are floating on a sea of overconfidence, buoyed up by tradition and equipped with obsolete ships.

I'm not sure how the game models naval mechanics, but from a strategic point of view having a decent number of smaller cruisers and the like should be most helpful. You will be able to go commerce-raiding, which is always nice, but consider another use. If you leave Gibraltar in British hands to lure them into an amphibious invasion, consider using large numbers of small ships to block the Strait. At best you will shred their transports; at worst you can use the light ships as a trip wire to tell you when to commit the battle squadrons.

Not sure if the Royal Navy can transit Suez if they are at war with you - I would not think so - but if they can, then the same tactic would work there too.

Who is Britain allied with? Anyone important?

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:56 pm

Fortunately, for those of you who demand death and disaster, both will return in a substantial propotion(sic) later this year.

"Smiles with glee"

Some good steady progress it seems, although the whole "let's sit back and build our industry" always feels rather alien to me in an AGEOD game. But I suppose it does make the occasional orgy of destruction and slaughter all the more gratifying.

Would it be too much to ask for an overview of your current fleet (military and commercial) and of your construction programme?

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Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:34 pm

Dewirix wrote:You're making good progress, although the scramble for Africa looks even bloodier than it was in reality. I have a feeling that there weren't quite so many pitched battles as you seem to be fighting.

Regarding the Franco-Brazilian tiff, if it came down to it I assume you'd side with the Great Power on your border. Having said that, if you do go to war with the British isn't it likely that the French will keep well out of it? I know I would given a similar situation.

The key problem is about 75% of the nations I 'discover' flip to being at war with me. I can't make peace as on the diplomacy screen I'm actually shown as being at peace. This is relevant to the west of my main axis of expansion where I have no interest in taking more land, except to repell raids into my provinces etc. Oddly me and the mad Mahdi are the bestest of mates, he doesn't seem at all fussed at the degree of Italian control over the upper NIle.

There is a mechanism that fires every now and then to end some of these struggles.

If that Franco-Brazilian hissy had got serious I would have backed France. All I have in Brazil is a coffee plantation and now I have a lot in Ethiopia and across E Africa.

In diplomatic terms, France has some deals with the UK (access, supply rights etc) but has a defensive alliance with me. So since I assume that it will be me who starts the war, then I guess they will just sit it out.

Director wrote:If you are able to build a battleship squadron every year then you are matching the hottest tempo of the dreadnought race! Assuming a battleship squadron contains 2 to 4 ships, that is. If somehow a squadron contains only one ship then you are still matching the usual construction rate of navies of the period.

Given the ongoing lack of steel on the market, either the British are building battleships like mad or - more likely- they are floating on a sea of overconfidence, buoyed up by tradition and equipped with obsolete ships.

I'm not sure how the game models naval mechanics, but from a strategic point of view having a decent number of smaller cruisers and the like should be most helpful. You will be able to go commerce-raiding, which is always nice, but consider another use. If you leave Gibraltar in British hands to lure them into an amphibious invasion, consider using large numbers of small ships to block the Strait. At best you will shred their transports; at worst you can use the light ships as a trip wire to tell you when to commit the battle squadrons.

Not sure if the Royal Navy can transit Suez if they are at war with you - I would not think so - but if they can, then the same tactic would work there too.

Who is Britain allied with? Anyone important?

Each counter is 4 battleships so in that sense, the high cost is realistic. I'm starting to have second thoughts about building more of this generation of battleships as I'm assuming around 1890 a new block of techs will be available and that may include the pre-Dreadnought classes. If so I'll save my steel and just develop secondary ships (Cruisers and Destroyers) that can indeed be allocated to commerce raiding.

In a partial answer to Matnjord's question below, I'll do a report that concentrates on the fleet but probably closer to the war. At the moment (I'm up to late 1888 in game) I have a main fleet of 5 battleship, 2 cruiser and 3-4 destroyer squadrons. I'm building a commerce raiding fleet of 1 cruiser and 3 destroyer squadrons (this will go to the Indian Ocean). I have an antiquated fleet (sail) of 2 battleship squadrons and 3 support squadrons. This is currently in the Red Sea hunting pirates but again could be used for commerce raiding. Then there are the 2 squadrons of coastal defense ships (sort of monitors) guarding Suez.

My guess is the British must be relying a lot on sail as, since they have 7-8 steel plants, I can't see how they can manage to build many modern ships (given my problems). But I lack any knowledge so its all hope and guesswork.

GB is isolated. I have defensive alliances with France and Belgium and very good relations with Russia and the US (but neither will give me a defense pact).

Matnjord wrote:"Smiles with glee"

Some good steady progress it seems, although the whole "let's sit back and build our industry" always feels rather alien to me in an AGEOD game. But I suppose it does make the occasional orgy of destruction and slaughter all the more gratifying.

Would it be too much to ask for an overview of your current fleet (military and commercial) and of your construction programme?

I think PoN is unique in so many ways. One of course is the lulls in serious action. In part this is due to the diplomatic model, few states have limitless targets they can genuinely seek so the reasons for wars tends to be crises (which I think lay behind the earlier Anglo-Prussian war and the current Sino-Russian stushie) or taking scripted cores (hence the current Prussian-Danish war). But the game forces you to take your time, building a fleet is slow, and then you start to worry that all those shiny ships will be made obsolete pretty soon (& cost you prestige if you scrap them). It really is an industrial/diplomacy/colonial game with some war attached. In that it is utterly different to AGEOD's usual focus on a specific military campaign.

As may be clear, I find the mix, and the long term planning, completely addictive (prob helped by the ongoing low intensity colonial wars).
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July-December 1887: Black August and other problems

Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:45 pm

Well this period saw a major series of colonial defeats. Combined with a relative stalemate in crushing the rebellion in Ethiopia, this led me to a significant change in the force levels I have deployed in Africa. In the longer term, this perhaps fits with my emerging view that an overland drive into S Africa could be a useful addition to my plans for war with GB.

Regular Reports

Due to the focus of this update, I'll just put in the industrial reports or the overall post will be too long. I presume AGEOD don't have the Paradox 20 images/post rule, but then that does tend to mean that updates don't take too long to load so I like to keep to it.


The main thing there is that coal stocks are starting to fall but that steel is becoming a bit easier to acquire. I suspect there has been some expansion of the steel industry in other countries, which is good, but it may indicate that coal will become the new production bottleneck.

In addition to the car plant, I built 1 modern cruiser, 1 destroyer squadron as well as some lighter ships (minelayers – don't have a clue if this was a good idea but they are cheap).


This shows the steel position in some more detail. As you can see my actual stock has fluctuated substantially (the top box). Helpfully, my regular domestic production is now +37 per turn and I have one more plant (in Liguria) still to come on line. As above, given the hint that coal is less easy to obtain, I'll stop my industrial expansion at this point.


For this, I'll mostly concentrate on the war in the southern portion of my African Empire. This has been rumbling on for a couple of years as I uncover new provinces and find the locals are so glad to be 'discovered' that they immediately declare war. Anyway, early July and its pretty much business as usual with the usual sequence of small skirmishes.


At this stage, I still felt I was making slow gains to secure my expansion and that new regular corps was securing my flank. I'm also, once a province is fairly secure, building depots and some forts. Now that the worst of the steel crisis seems to be over, I'm also pushing the rail line south. It may never run to Cairo but I think it may end up running to the Cape.

By early August, two things change. Another province is 'discovered' – complete with the standard quota of unhappy locals, and ... the British (boo hiss) are spotted wandering around.


They can do this as those coastal regions are Portuguese but only 'influenced'. At that level of colonial control anyone can move into and through the region. Now this worries me as I don't have the type of army in the region to deal with that force (2 regular corps and some artillery). Om the other hand, if I had more regulars in the wider region, I could defeat an isolated column like that with some ease.

At the same time I was able to convert Lilongwe (west of Lake Nyasa) to a Protectorate and Dar Es Salaam to formal colony. Here's the regional map after those two decisions completed in mid-December. I have no dispute with Portugal so as far as I am concerned they can keep the coastal region.


I have a much bigger prize in mind:


However, all this optimism was but the prelude to disaster.


Known collectively in Italy as Black August. That is bad news for lots of reasons. First it leaves all my battered brigades out of supply (in Zomba province if you look back at the map above). Equally the incursion of a 40,000 strong army rather shifts the balance of power in the region.

Various reasons were put forward but many blamed Depretis. He was visiting the regions and his beard seems to have inspired the locals to all sorts of warlike deeds. Crispi steps into the political vacuum.


Now 'alice-boy' is still slumbering in Ethiopia making no progress at all.


Its time to escalate the conflict by deploying more European regulars (with lots and lots of supply wagons as this is going to really change the nature of war in that region). However, my logic is not just stamping out this revolt but also eyeing up that British army.


They don't reach the warzone till the end of November but this radically changes the balance of forces (the army picked up some native units in Dar Es Salaam to improve detection ratings). That is now, including the earlier force, 3 regular corps (1 Guards), a cavalry corps, lots of guns (no siege guns though) and all the support trappings of a European army.

In effect, I've just decided that pushing my empire south is my current priority.

While that force is in transit, I gather all I have in the region and build an ad-hoc army around that regular infantry corps I sent some time ago. This breaks through to my isolated forces



And then the new army brings its combat power to the party


Those victories have seriously culled the size of that 40,000 army that originally threatened my expansion.

With this, the situation at the south of Nyasa shifts back into my favour and I move to regain lost ground. I'll worry about the setbacks to the West later on.


Elsewhere, Prussia seems to have concluded its business with Denmark.




Note my very colourful collection of prisoners – reflecting the range of nations I am at war with. Overall my prestige is up 3,300 (62,800 to 66,100) very much reflecting the industrial expansion I have managed recently. If you look at the source of my prestige gains (and this is just for one turn so its a little bit misleading) of the 300 I gained in that turn, 50% (150) came from my industry.

Worth stressing, it is only industrial plants (not agricultural sites or mines) that produce prestige so the tooltip indicates Britain has a larger economy but I suspect mine is much more based on secondary production (ie I am importing lots of raw materials) and GB is probably more balanced.

Britain has gained 1,700 (from 86,000 to 87,700) which indicates that is its standard gain at this stage of the game.

[1] I apologise for any typos in this update, it was written while under severe cat attack.
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Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:16 am

So Africa is in a state of perpetual war? How very 1984.

I'm always a bit leery of starting major wars in order to win games. Once I've got a state up and running the way I like it, I have problems with throwing it to the wolves, even though it's the best way to win the game. Dragging Italy into a knock-down, drag-out war with Britain seems a little gratuitous, although from the point of view of the reader it should certainly be interesting.

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:27 pm

Dewirix wrote:So Africa is in a state of perpetual war? How very 1984.

I'm always a bit leery of starting major wars in order to win games. Once I've got a state up and running the way I like it, I have problems with throwing it to the wolves, even though it's the best way to win the game. Dragging Italy into a knock-down, drag-out war with Britain seems a little gratuitous, although from the point of view of the reader it should certainly be interesting.

Shhh, don't make Loki change his mind, we have to see the great dreadnought clashes history never gave us.

I was wondering, if you only have a defensive alliance with France, would it be possible to trick the UK into attacking, Ems Dispatch style? It seems to me the crisis system would allow such shenanigans. It would also secure the Italian Diplomatic Corp place in history.

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:49 pm

Egads! I was going to comment, mouth agape, on your 20-battleship strong primary fleet (that's a lot of battleships. Especially concentrated in a single fleet), but that was before I read the following update in which you set Africa on fire from north to south (although a bit less near the north, where Giuseppe is content to laze in the Ethiopian sun). That was some serious army you brought to bear, even if the loss ratio remained pretty even. It certainly got the job done.

You're getting close to those oppressed Boers. Are you going to steamroll your way into the Transvaal with your massive army, or do you still need explorers to open up those remaining unmapped provinces?

Two questions: is the cat in your profile picture the same that assaulted you during the typing of the update? And, though it pains me to admit to my ignorance, what on earth is an alice band?

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:28 am

Matnjord wrote:Shhh, don't make Loki change his mind, we have to see the great dreadnought clashes history never gave us.

I was wondering, if you only have a defensive alliance with France, would it be possible to trick the UK into attacking, Ems Dispatch style? It seems to me the crisis system would allow such shenanigans. It would also secure the Italian Diplomatic Corp place in history.

Probably not trick them, but a crisis between the UK and either of potential mutual allies France and Italy that sparks a declaration of war by UK would give the other partner a CB to jump into the war. Of course, the crisis could involve France or Italy declaring, so no free CB. If, however, there are UK allies who declare war on an alliance partner, the other partner can declare against that UK ally, and we may assume the UK would declare back against the partner, thus via DOW ping pong getting everyone into the war WW1 style.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:11 pm

Dewirix wrote:So Africa is in a state of perpetual war? How very 1984.

I'm always a bit leery of starting major wars in order to win games. Once I've got a state up and running the way I like it, I have problems with throwing it to the wolves, even though it's the best way to win the game. Dragging Italy into a knock-down, drag-out war with Britain seems a little gratuitous, although from the point of view of the reader it should certainly be interesting.

Certainly the colonial process is an unending sequence of war and forced requisition in PoN, but some of the places I took in the early 1880s are pretty calm and peaceful now.

I know what you mean. If my latest interpretation of the Prestige mechanism is correct, I am gaining +2,500 or so on the British every year. So I'll reach parity about 1900 and be well clear by 1920 (but far short of a win for having double their prestige). So the non-game version would be to sit, manage any crises and let the game wind down. Or call it here.

But that is still 31 years (from where I am in early 1889) and I don't think I could face that version. As I've said a few times, my original plan was just to take this to 1870 or so to really offer an insight into the economic model of PoN. I know want to see what happens in the end-game (I've not seen any other AARs that cover that period) and to see if you can win by the game rules with one of the weaker tertiary powers.

Matnjord wrote:Shhh, don't make Loki change his mind, we have to see the great dreadnought clashes history never gave us.

I was wondering, if you only have a defensive alliance with France, would it be possible to trick the UK into attacking, Ems Dispatch style? It seems to me the crisis system would allow such shenanigans. It would also secure the Italian Diplomatic Corp place in history.

1900 is when the Dreadnoughts become researchable, but I guess it depends if GB builds any. Hope so, a Jutland with some agression could be an explosive end game outcome.

If GB attacks me/France/Belgium off a crisis that will be fantastic. Its one reason I'm enthusiastically poking a stick into the Boer republics as that may just create a colonial crisis (akin to the one I had with Prussia over Dar Es Salaam), and in that situation I think the British would lose badly. France would open the scope for a serious invasion of Perfidious Albion.

Stuyvesant wrote:Egads! I was going to comment, mouth agape, on your 20-battleship strong primary fleet (that's a lot of battleships. Especially concentrated in a single fleet), but that was before I read the following update in which you set Africa on fire from north to south (although a bit less near the north, where Giuseppe is content to laze in the Ethiopian sun). That was some serious army you brought to bear, even if the loss ratio remained pretty even. It certainly got the job done.

You're getting close to those oppressed Boers. Are you going to steamroll your way into the Transvaal with your massive army, or do you still need explorers to open up those remaining unmapped provinces?

Two questions: is the cat in your profile picture the same that assaulted you during the typing of the update? And, though it pains me to admit to my ignorance, what on earth is an alice band?

Yep its the bring a very large hammer to crush someone's nuts model. Messy and the floor is a bugger to clean up afterwards, but there are no nuts left at the end.

It will take time, by 1889 I am 1-2 provinces north of their border, so I guess that by 1890 I will be able to guard their northern border.

The cat in my profile is the one I took my forum name off - Loki. He indeed lived enthusiastically up to the expectations of his name but unfortunately died a few years ago. My attacker was one that every now and then decides the only thing you want in the world is a cat cuddle/slobber, followed by him sunbathing next to the cooling vent on the laptop.

An Alice band (& I may be showing my age here) is something that individuals with long hair tied around their head to keep the hair out of their eyes. For some reason Guiseppe's headgear reminds me of one, added to which he is really failing to live up the expectations that he would be the new Garibaldi.

Sir Garnet wrote:Probably not trick them, but a crisis between the UK and either of potential mutual allies France and Italy that sparks a declaration of war by UK would give the other partner a CB to jump into the war. Of course, the crisis could involve France or Italy declaring, so no free CB. If, however, there are UK allies who declare war on an alliance partner, the other partner can declare against that UK ally, and we may assume the UK would declare back against the partner, thus via DOW ping pong getting everyone into the war WW1 style.

Well the UK has taken Euro-scepticism to silly levels in this game - it has no friends or alliances. So if the war started due to their agression then they are really in a bad position. Apart from mine, the only functioning alliance system is Austria-Germany but I am making progress in convincing Russia as I am now mates with their Balkan allies.
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A Birthday bonus: The Italian OOB

Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:20 pm

Since 'Manufacturing Italy' is one [1] today (if we include the time on the Paradox forum) and a few people have asked ... here's a bonus post on my OOB. Its actually for Jan 1889 so a bit ahead of the main narrative but there is only one thing that may surpise any readers. I'll leave it to you to work out what that might be.

So lets split this up into three parts: The mobile army; my fixed defence forces; and, the fleet.

The Mobile Army.

At the moment this is divided into a number of separate columns (should note I have a real lack of leaders) and that in the case of mobilisation, about 8 divisions of reservists will be raised in Italy itself.

So lets start with the Army of Italy.

This is divided into five main forces and I'll ignore the substantial support forces in this account. Basically there are:

2 Guards Corps
6 Infantry Corps
1 Mountain Corps
3 Cavalry Corps

2 Cavalry Divisions
2 Mountain Divisions

11 Field Artillery Regiments
4 Heavy Artillery Regiments

The Army of Africa

This is effectively split into two and I'll report it that way. The Egyptian expeditionary force and Boer liberation army in the south.

The northern force (I won't list the various native formations but there are a lot and some are pretty powerful) is:

1 Guards Corps
3 Infantry Corps
2 Marine Brigades
2 Colonial Brigades

1 artillery regiment
3 heavy artillery regiments (target practice around Cairo – which is why the Sphinx has lost her nose)

[this army is a mix of those currently sunbathing in Ethopia and a column deployed from Italy).

The army of Boer liberation is:

4 Infantry Corps
1 Cavalry Corps

2 artillery regiments

1 Light Infantry Division

The Army of Arabia.

This is much smaller, basically 4 brigades of colonial formations and some native units. All they have faced for the last 2 years is a short lived Najd revolt, so I expect this sector to remain quiet. If the British invade in force, there is little I can do.

Fixed Forces


The Navy

The main fleet is deployed at Genoa and consists of 4 Battleship Squadrons, 2 armoured cruiser squadrons, 1 lighter 'protected' cruiser and 3 destroyer squadrons. All are modern 1880s ships (the next generation is researchable from 1890). The details below give some idea of the varying firepower of the capital ships.


A second modern fleet is based at La Spezia with 1 armoured cruiser and 3 destroyer squadrons. I'm minded to use this for raiding but it may also serve a role of escorting the transport ships. Also at La Spezia is a minelayer which I built as a test. I don't have a clue if it has any real value.

Scatttered about is the transport fleet. This has an attached destroyer squadron and in total adds up to 14 squadrons (each has an individual transport capacity of 60).

The coastal defense monitors are currently vacationing on the Nile (indeed represent an early version of Death on the Nile)


Also on the Nile (deployed at Fashoda) I have a small captured naval transport squadron.

The final fleet is a bit of a guddle. Its the older sail battleships (2) and a frigate squadron. Useful for scaring pirates and probably for commerce raiding in time of war.

The final part of my OOB is of course the reserve pool. I've been building this up for some time, especially once manufactured goods ceased to be such a huge constraint.


I don't really have a plan at this stage. I think I'd like the British to come to me in the opening phases. Its very hard to sustain the fleet on a sort of blockade so the best is if I can challenge the British in the Med. As you can see, I've built some bearpits on the Mediterranean Islands so if they manage to land, they will make very little progress. A landing in Italy will end in my victory (unless they manage something massive).

My feeling is the army tasked with saving the Boers has two roles. Defend my East African colonies and invade S Africa. The army currently vacationing in Egypt forms the core of a force I'd rather use (plus one of the main columns in Italy) to attack India. The rest can defend the more northerly portion of my Empire.

I'm not going to build any more ships till the 1890 techs are discovered. I may as well use my steel for the most modern stuff I can manage.

Equally, I'm not going to expand the regular army as I have more than I can effectively command already. Perhaps some more artillery, as one can never have enough big guns to play around with.

[1] – I know one regular commentator regards this as evidence of mere dilletantism. I mean I'll probably be finished in around two years in total for the game.
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Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:47 pm

loki100 wrote:I don't really have a plan at this stage. I think I'd like the British to come to me in the opening phases. Its very hard to sustain the fleet on a sort of blockade so the best is if I can challenge the British in the Med. As you can see, I've built some bearpits on the Mediterranean Islands so if they manage to land, they will make very little progress. A landing in Italy will end in my victory (unless they manage something massive).

Well, a lack of plan is a plan in itself :p There are still too much variables running to have a good idea of what would be the best course of action against GB ... basically it all depends of if you can lure them to declare war on you, a thing that would allow you to bring France and their shore of the Canal to the fray on your side. That would make taking Gibraltar a big priority and would open the real possibility of seeing Italian troops marching over London, instead of the more sedate option of inviting the Brits to die in the Med shores. In either way, it is too soon to do much more than the waiting game and buildup your economy and army for the big clash with the perfid Albion.

Anyway , that is for later. Now you should clean up the African mess and relieve the poor boers of their hated freedom ...

P.S. Happy 1st aniversary ;)

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:57 pm

loki100 wrote:The ... Boer liberation army in the south.


Also at La Spezia is a minelayer which I built as a test. I don't have a clue if it has any real value.


The coastal defense monitors are currently vacationing on the Nile (indeed represent an early version of Death on the Nile)


The final fleet is a bit of a guddle.


Its the older sail battleships (2)

1. To take some wisdom from the American intervention in Vietnam and apply it to the Boers: sometimes you have to destroy the village in order to save it. The Boers being the village, in this instance. ;)

2. I do so love the fact that you built a minelayer simply to see what it does. It's awfully close to that human tendency to press the big red button that has the 'Do Not Push' sign hanging over it.

3. So... Your gunboats are making over-elaborate plots to kill American heiresses to gain access to their fortune? That's certainly one way to expand your economy...

4. 'Guddle'? 'Guddle'?!? I know you're Scottish (Scots? Scotch?) and I know there are some [s]daft[/s] unique words in use in those parts of the world, but 'fess up, you're just making this stuff up, right? There's no way that's a word.

5. Being an annoying person (mostly I can hide it, but it does come out at times), I feel compelled to state there is no '2' footnote. :p I do wonder what additional wisdom you had to impart about the sailboats.

PS: All annoyance aside, congratulations on carrying this on for a whole year. Yes, Director has AARs that run longer, but I doubt you have any competition in the field of PON AARs.

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:21 pm

r_rolo1 wrote:Well, a lack of plan is a plan in itself :p There are still too much variables running to have a good idea of what would be the best course of action against GB ... basically it all depends of if you can lure them to declare war on you, a thing that would allow you to bring France and their shore of the Canal to the fray on your side. That would make taking Gibraltar a big priority and would open the real possibility of seeing Italian troops marching over London, instead of the more sedate option of inviting the Brits to die in the Med shores. In either way, it is too soon to do much more than the waiting game and buildup your economy and army for the big clash with the perfid Albion.

Anyway , that is for later. Now you should clean up the African mess and relieve the poor boers of their hated freedom ...

P.S. Happy 1st aniversary ;)

One strategy that is in my mind, is to use my military access across France. If I can bring the fleet around, then I can load up an invasion force in their Channel ports and treat everyone to the sight of the Italian army in London.

But before risking all that, I'd like a few sound defensive victories to weaken the British if I can.

In the meantime, the African mess expands, but pretty soon (I think end 1888) two of the tribes I am at war with give up - which helps free up all the units securing my depots and the steady attrition they were inflicting.

Stuyvesant wrote:1. To take some wisdom from the American intervention in Vietnam and apply it to the Boers: sometimes you have to destroy the village in order to save it. The Boers being the village, in this instance. ;)

2. I do so love the fact that you built a minelayer simply to see what it does. It's awfully close to that human tendency to press the big red button that has the 'Do Not Push' sign hanging over it.

3. So... Your gunboats are making over-elaborate plots to kill American heiresses to gain access to their fortune? That's certainly one way to expand your economy...

4. 'Guddle'? 'Guddle'?!? I know you're Scottish (Scots? Scotch?) and I know there are some [s]daft[/s] unique words in use in those parts of the world, but 'fess up, you're just making this stuff up, right? There's no way that's a word.

5. Being an annoying person (mostly I can hide it, but it does come out at times), I feel compelled to state there is no '2' footnote. :p I do wonder what additional wisdom you had to impart about the sailboats.

PS: All annoyance aside, congratulations on carrying this on for a whole year. Yes, Director has AARs that run longer, but I doubt you have any competition in the field of PON AARs.

Ach, regard it as a linguistic kindness. Someone has to stop them speaking Afrikaans and its better if they then have to learn Italian rather than English. Or, as an alternative viewpoint, they have a lot of gems and gold and its better if that belongs to Italy rather than Britain?

Yep, I build a few things on the grounds that they are in the game for a reason, but that minelayer has no special traits, is very slow and wants to stay close to the coast. Well it looks very pretty in La Spezia.

My gunboats are enacting a non-literary version of 'everyone did the killing', and are taking full revenge for the theft of Suez ... well Suez of course is where its always been but as we will see a critical bit has changed hands.

Guddle is a proper word ... Scots for a mess ... but sort of for a particularly chaotic mess and also for trying to solve that mess by random actions. Its not that easy to translate ... but it is very accurate.

Note 2 was meant to set out my discovery about ship upgrades. Basically the original sail battleships upgrade 3 times before they come to the end of that development tree. To make it worse, since I had a lot sunk in the first Ottoman war, my sail battleship squadrons are a mixture of the first and second generations. In effect, if you have sunk elements, then a unit counter will take on replacements from the current ship generation (so if I lost any more they'd replace with my wee steel battleships). This is what I meant by it being a guddle - its a complete mess (& they are pretty useless these days)

No I don't think there are any other GC PoN AARs on the go, hopefully at some stage Powloon finds the time to get his restarted as the differences were fascinating.
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January-June 1888: Suez is stolen and other African adventures

Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:32 pm

So after that brief sidetrip around my overall OOB let us return to the mounting chaos that are my operations in Southern Africa. As I soon discover, I am now on the borders of modern day Zimbabwe and about to trample on a few British toes. Also I decide why have only 2 wars in Africa when you can have three.

[CENTER]Regular reports[/CENTER]



Few things to note in there. The global steel shortage has started to ease a bit and I was able to start building some of the cruiser squadrons shown in the OOB post. Worryingly, coal is becoming much harder to access. At the end of the period I cut back on sales of luxury goods which means my balance of payments drops back into a deficit (easily offset by the gains from then selling all the production to my populace).

As I mentioned a few posts back, I've decided to hold off on any more industrial expansion till I am sure that the world economy can cope with my recent growth. Given the emerging coal problem I do start a couple of fresh coal mines in the USA (lots of unexploited resources).



As usual, of much less interest. I now have a single sugar plantation south of Dar es Salaam so taht helps a little but most of my stock is from those 'businessmen have purchased ...' messages.



This is becoming rather confusing. As you can see in the final report, Friuli and Istria now appear in the report. This is welcome but I'm not sure what has triggered the change (loyalty, or some A-H related event is my guess).

Second of course is the growing militancy in the north, especially Alto-Adige, Venezia and Istria. Since none of this affects either basic contentment (3rd column) or feeds into real revolt risk (6th column – the one with the gun), probably best seen as a latent demand for change.

Worth noting that historically the late 1880s-1890s saw major unrest in Italy as the unresolved issues of the Risorgimento fused with industrial and social militancy. In the south, in particular, this took more from Anarchism than Socialism leading to a taste for the 'propoganda of the deed' that culminated in the assasination of Umberto.

Anyway, of more importance, note that my population is now growing at over 3% in almost all my provinces. I'm mostly keeping up with literacy due to the basic education card and the university decisions.



The main task in this area is to wait till Guiseppe wakes up. At the start his army snoozes opposite the Ethiopian rebels.


Finally, the extra coffee supplies pay off.


With the Ethiopians running off to annoy the Egyptians instead. Never fear, we will meet them again.

Lake Nyasa Campaign

For the lack of any other easily defining feature, I'll use this title to draw together my ongoing wars in the south.

My additional forces tend to shift the outcome of the various battles in my favour.


Sometimes ... something else to note is I am starting to lose elements from my native formations. The near constant battles they have fought and the lack of replacements is starting to take a toll on their robustness.

Meantime my explorers push my borders southwards ... and we find even more people happy to be discovered.


Well my troops need the practice.



The Najd return.


This sets off a near endless game of hunt the Najd in the sands of southern Arabia. Every now and then we catch them and administed a quick boot in the najds before they run off again. Frustrating and highly realistic. I'll spare you the details but this is still going on in July 1889 (where I am up to in-game).


In other war news, it seems as if Russia is no longer doing quite so well in its war with China.


Japan takes this as a signal to attack China.

And Egypt steals my canal.


Well I decide I am going to take it back, and deploy a sizeable army from Italy.


This fits my longer term plans as that force, plus some other units, can form the core of any invasion of India. In the meantime, building up my combat experience by wailing on Egypt seems like a good idea. And like many good ideas, will prove to be a bit of a silly idea in the end.

[CENTER]Overall progress[/CENTER]


I'm up 3,700 (from 66,100 to 69,800) in these six months. This is driven mostly by my industrial expansion (note I am now gaining around 200 per turn from this source alone) but also I have reverted to playing all the expeditionary (geographical, ethnographic etc) cards. When I was short of manufactures, these were rather expensive but now I have plenty its a good way to turn cash into prestige.

Britain is up from 87.700 to 89,500 (so they are very much stuck in the +1,700-1,800 range). Not only is this good in itself, it gives me optimism that in terms of industrial sector (as opposed to agriculture and mining) I have the most powerful economy.

Other thing to note, is that as I gain, their chances of a sudden death victory (remember GB needs 4 times the nearest state) are evaporating.
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Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:13 am

Twenty battleships would be a strong fleet in 'our' 1890. The breakdown for the Royal Navy is:

'Admiral' class 5 ships 1880
Victoria class 2 " 1885
Trafalgar class 2 " 1886
Royal Sovereign class 2 " 1889
Centurion class 2 " 1890
Renown 1 " 1893
Majestic class 9 " 1894
Canopus class 6 " 1896

Note that the dates given are 'laid down'; those ships would typically be completed 3-5 years later. Also note the big jump in class sizes at the bottom. Giving allowance for moving older ships out of the battlefleet, Britain probably could have fielded 8-10 battleships in 1890. Their Mediterranean Fleet was the most prestigious and numbered (I think) 8 battleships when George Tryon sank his flagship and himself in 1893. So as it stands I would say that you have clear superiority in capital ships. Time to consider scrapping the old sailboats and replacing them with a few new cruisers.

If the Britain of your era has not yet begun building a big fleet of steel ships then the Beresford 'Old Navy' faction is probably in power, rather than Fisher's 'New Navy'. Just be aware that if ship technology improves enough for you to 'start over' then it probably gives another challenger (Britain or Germany) the power to start afresh and make a race of it. That's the common explanation for the dreadnought race, though it is more complex than that summary suggests.

Sounds like you are facing a Britain much like 'ours' before the Boer War, with a large but antiquated army and navy. If that is true then you should consider striking sooner rather than later. With naval superiority on that scale you will not need help from France. Could you call France in after Britain summons her own allies? Probably not...

I applaud your turning Sicily and Sardinia into 'bear traps'. Given that, you have three options: fight outside the Med (preferably after taking Gibraltar), fight at Gibraltar (with Army and Navy) or let them into the Med and fight at home. Of the three, I prefer the middle choice - invest Gibraltar and fill the Strait with your battleships - followed later by a shift to the first. To that end, I recommend basing your battle fleet on Sicily rather than Genoa, moving the chess queen, if you will, from the edge to the center of the board.

Happy Birthday, Manufacturing Italy! You are proof that quality is independent of length and age.

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:03 pm

Do the intricacies of Egyptian Realpolitik once again mean your well-meaning invasion proves to be less successful than hoped? I mean, not necessarily in the number of people who will spill their blood on the Egyptian sands, but rather in the actual payoff - I sense you might not succeed in regaining the Suez Canal, which would be so utterly unfair.

I'm sorry for such a basic question, but which column denotes militancy? I really should know this by now, but I don't...

Methinks I've finally figured out why Giuseppe is inactive all the time - I don't think it's for lack of coffee: I suspect it's his close proximity to the southern Arabia Peninsula, and the <ahem> pharmaceuticals that are produced there. Sleepy G* must have a wholesale account with the Yemeni opium growers.

*Cue a horribly off-key rendition of The Monkees's Daydream Believer.

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:21 pm

I advise conserving native units as they better handle adverse conditions and some are better at hiding and detecting than regular infantry, so can be used as scouts.

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:11 pm

In addition to all this advantages, natives move better in savage lands and have no command cost if small units, so they are excellent additions to your colonial brigades or native troops :)

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Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:13 am

Director wrote:Twenty battleships would be a strong fleet in 'our' 1890. The breakdown for the Royal Navy is:

'Admiral' class 5 ships 1880
Victoria class 2 " 1885
Trafalgar class 2 " 1886
Royal Sovereign class 2 " 1889
Centurion class 2 " 1890
Renown 1 " 1893
Majestic class 9 " 1894
Canopus class 6 " 1896

Note that the dates given are 'laid down'; those ships would typically be completed 3-5 years later. Also note the big jump in class sizes at the bottom. Giving allowance for moving older ships out of the battlefleet, Britain probably could have fielded 8-10 battleships in 1890. Their Mediterranean Fleet was the most prestigious and numbered (I think) 8 battleships when George Tryon sank his flagship and himself in 1893. So as it stands I would say that you have clear superiority in capital ships. Time to consider scrapping the old sailboats and replacing them with a few new cruisers.

If the Britain of your era has not yet begun building a big fleet of steel ships then the Beresford 'Old Navy' faction is probably in power, rather than Fisher's 'New Navy'. Just be aware that if ship technology improves enough for you to 'start over' then it probably gives another challenger (Britain or Germany) the power to start afresh and make a race of it. That's the common explanation for the dreadnought race, though it is more complex than that summary suggests.

Sounds like you are facing a Britain much like 'ours' before the Boer War, with a large but antiquated army and navy. If that is true then you should consider striking sooner rather than later. With naval superiority on that scale you will not need help from France. Could you call France in after Britain summons her own allies? Probably not...

I applaud your turning Sicily and Sardinia into 'bear traps'. Given that, you have three options: fight outside the Med (preferably after taking Gibraltar), fight at Gibraltar (with Army and Navy) or let them into the Med and fight at home. Of the three, I prefer the middle choice - invest Gibraltar and fill the Strait with your battleships - followed later by a shift to the first. To that end, I recommend basing your battle fleet on Sicily rather than Genoa, moving the chess queen, if you will, from the edge to the center of the board.

Happy Birthday, Manufacturing Italy! You are proof that quality is independent of length and age.

That is interesting in terms of naval strength, on that basis my 16 battleships and 8 modern cruisers is more than the RN had at the same point in time. Supports my view to hold back on laying down any more till I have the 1890 techs researched (may take a while as its not automatic I can start them on 1/1/1890 and equally its not automatic when the unit appears in the force pool).

I'm just about, when I next get time, going to start playing 1890 and there is a definitely feeling of the clock ticking down as I clear out my various distractions and start to deploy forces for the main course. I'm slowly revising my plans as opportunities occur, but I have now decided that stage 1 is to dismantle their Imperial links, then we will see.

Stuyvesant wrote:Do the intricacies of Egyptian Realpolitik once again mean your well-meaning invasion proves to be less successful than hoped? I mean, not necessarily in the number of people who will spill their blood on the Egyptian sands, but rather in the actual payoff - I sense you might not succeed in regaining the Suez Canal, which would be so utterly unfair.

I'm sorry for such a basic question, but which column denotes militancy? I really should know this by now, but I don't...

Methinks I've finally figured out why Giuseppe is inactive all the time - I don't think it's for lack of coffee: I suspect it's his close proximity to the southern Arabia Peninsula, and the <ahem> pharmaceuticals that are produced there. Sleepy G* must have a wholesale account with the Yemeni opium growers.

*Cue a horribly off-key rendition of The Monkees's Daydream Believer.

Yep the wee-G is sampling all the local wares but fortunately keeps more to the coffee in the coming period.

Militany is col #5 (it has what looks like a camera at the top), the tooltip describes it as 'how much they want changes' - the ungrateful wretches who live in a low tax, highly industrialised country that controls almost half of Africa and most of the world's opium supply. As long as contentment (col #3) remains high, I'm not that worried.

Problem with Egypt is finding a means to exit with any real gains ... quite realistic, I can destroy their armies with ease but I can't occupy the country except by the permanent allocation of masses of troops.

Sir Garnet wrote:I advise conserving native units as they better handle adverse conditions and some are better at hiding and detecting than regular infantry, so can be used as scouts.

I have a lot left, its just when I inherited the Ethiopian army I gained about 6 very powerful (230-250) units that have been invaluable not just as supports to my colonial units or regulars but fighting on their own. Most of those are now very worn down.

I've been more careful with the few native cavalry units I have as their detection values are fantastic for turfing out near invisible enemy forces.

PhilThib wrote:In addition to all this advantages, natives move better in savage lands and have no command cost if small units, so they are excellent additions to your colonial brigades or native troops :)

I know, one of the many things I really like about the AGEOD games is that notional raw power is not the only important factor. So all sorts of odd units have such a powerful effect, in the right terrain and against the right opponents, its unique, I think in capturing the importance of petit guerre in the context of the clash of formed regular armies.

All I need to do is to send Stuyvesant an image of a Soviet partisan unit from RuS and he has bad dreams for a week. ;)
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Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:21 am

So as the 1880s gradually slip away ... I am celebrating (if that is quite the right word) by spreading war all down the Eastern edge of Africa.

Well ... these things happen.

Anyway, on with the update

[CENTER]Regular Reports[/CENTER]



As you can see, steel (3rd column) is suddenly widely available. My recent building campaign has come on line and it seems as if some of the AI countries must have been investing too as it is now relatively easy to buy internationally. I'm going to push my stocks up as high as I can in anticipation of the 1890 series of battleships.

The worries are chemicals and coal. To help with the latter, Italy invests in modernising the backward United States.


For those with exceptionally long memories, it is worth noting the damned lazy Swiss are still on strike so my coal mine there remains non-productive. They really need to adopt Italian style work ethics.



As usual less dramatic. Demand for food is rising as I have been playing the population increasing cards on a regular basis. This includes the relatively inefficient 'Telecoms' card which I'd stopped using. I'm using it now as I have mountains of state cash and manufactured goods have ceased to be a problem.

Not very happy people


Here I am, I've built them a wonderful economy, I've conquered all of Italy's lost lands in the north, they can join the Italian army and get killed almost anywhere in Eastern Africa ... and are they grateful?

As you can see from column 5, I have a growing militancy problem. On the other hand, as per column 3, its not really affecting their contentment, nor, as per column 6, is it spilling over into a real revolt risk.

My reading is that this reflects the extent the population wants domestic change. The Italian state remains very autocratic with a restricted franchise and a parliament with limited powers. Historically this was the combination of Cavour's fascination with Prussia and the absorbtion of the Bourbon State, with very limited changes, in the south. I fear it is going to cause trouble but all I can do is to keep an eye on actual contentment for the moment. I am, of course, playing all the relevant cards and have Military Police units in the most revolting of areas. Also, taxes are not far above 0 (and, as in the industrial report, I am still awash in state cash).


Anyway, in an attempt to find new vacation places for the Italian army, I start out with the now well rehearsed delivery of a declaration of war on Egypt.

As is equally well rehearsed, the army marches straight into Cairo.


And a sequence of one sided battles quickly destroys their regular army.


In the course of looking for someone to have a fight with, I stumble over my old chums, the Ethiopian rebels.


Following which success, Revel decides its time to retire.


This is a real problem as I am becoming very short of commanders who can lead a multi-corps army stack without a large malus. Not so bad in the context of my colonial struggles but a worry if I do face the British. Its also stopped me building up my regular army any more (which I don't really need in any case).

It was about this stage I discovered my coastal monitors could sail up the Nile.


Which seemed like an incredibly fun thing to do.

My problem with the Egyptian campaign was a combination of constant rebellions, which cause attrition even if they are easy to put down, and having no meaningful peace terms I can demand. For the moment, I decide just to keep on with the war and see what comes up.

I am rather unwilling to impose a scripted peace. My logic is that the game engine makes sense and in this case, its the International community indicating that my direct control not just of the canal but of Egypt is more than they will accept. What I am hoping for is that either my warscore goes high enough to trigger some new options or I gain a more useful CB ... in other words I'm in a war I can't see any way to end in my favour.

Colonial Events

With all that drama in Egypt, the south was pretty quiet. The main reason was that my explorers had been badly disrupted in the earlier defeats so I uncovered relatively little new terrain – it seems as if the Boers will just have to wait a wee bittie more than they want before Italy arrives to liberate them.

The other good thing was two of the groups I was at war with gave up. This happens with these undeclared wars (where you cannot make peace with the notional tribal state) that they do fizzle out in the end. One had been tieing down about 5 brigades worth of my army guarding my supply lines back to Dar es Salaam. This reduces the steady attrition of my forces as well as making it easier to mass to squeeze the space that my remaining opponents are campaigning in.

Finally, although I've recently uncovered some more land to the east (sort of modern day Malawi and the borders of Anglola), I've not tried to follow up being content to the screen that region.

Anyway as I push south, I uncover Harare, it will be no surprise to learn that the locals are apparently not happy at this news.


A bit later, I find the Shona next door ... guess I should no longer be surprised at my welcome

In wider colonial terms, Tanganyka now has a positive SoI for Italy, so I start to gain prestige from holding it.


As a result, I am now gaining 8 Prestige Points per turn from my Empire.


Elsewhere, Russia and China kiss and make up. As you can see, my elite businessmen become more incompent in their ability to gain value for money, even if the rice is very welcome.




My prestige has grown from 66,900 to 73,500 (so plus 3,600) which is pretty much the same rate of expansion as in the first part of 1888. Britain has gone up from 89,500 to 91,000 which again indicates they are more or less stuck in their +1600-1700 range that has been the case since the end of my Austrian wars.

Also, their national morale remains low and they have a long running war with the Shona (who I have just met and, yep, they are at war with me too).

Final thing to note, my prisoners screen becomes ever more colourful.
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Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:15 pm

loki100 wrote:Problem with Egypt is finding a means to exit with any real gains ... quite realistic, I can destroy their armies with ease but I can't occupy the country except by the permanent allocation of masses of troops.


All I need to do is to send Stuyvesant an image of a Soviet partisan unit from RuS and he has bad dreams for a week. ;)

Why, your conundrum with Egypt almost sounds like commentary on wars in that wider region in the last ten years or so... Nah, couldn't be: it's just a game, after all. ;)

I do need to correct your statement: I sleep quite well (I am being prescribed medication for that). Instead it should read "All I need to do to Stuyvesant is mention Soviet Partisans or Kliment Voroshilov and he nearly has a heart attack at work."

Anyway, on to the update proper.

loki100 wrote:My reading is that this reflects the extent the population wants domestic change. The Italian state remains very autocratic with a restricted franchise and a parliament with limited powers. Historically this was the combination of Cavour's fascination with Prussia and the absorbtion of the Bourbon State, with very limited changes, in the south. I fear it is going to cause trouble but all I can do is to keep an eye on actual contentment for the moment. I am, of course, playing all the relevant cards and have Military Police units in the most revolting of areas. Also, taxes are not far above 0 (and, as in the industrial report, I am still awash in state cash).


It was about this stage I discovered my coastal monitors could sail up the Nile.

Which seemed like an incredibly fun thing to do.


As you can see, my elite businessmen become more incompent in their ability to gain value for money, even if the rice is very welcome.

So, is there anything you can do to influence the political system of Italy (pass reforms à la Vicky), or are you stuck with the situation the game sets you up with? I know you can play cards, but those seem like temporary bandaids, rather than permanent change.

With your gunboats roaming the Nile, I now have the Madness song Night Boat To Cairo in my head. :)

The acumen of your business men is amazing. Are you sure they are importing rice? Is it coming from the Golden Triangle, by any chance? Or perhaps it's a tax scam, where they can deduct their import duties and essentially get free money from the Italian state? Or perhaps they really are just that daft...

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:12 am

You see the problem isn't the rice, it's the dancing girls that are delivering the rice. The rice is cheap, but the girls definitely aren't.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:07 pm

Jim-NC wrote:You see the problem isn't the rice, it's the dancing girls that are delivering the rice. The rice is cheap, but the girls definitely aren't.

That's a slanderous accusation - the rice is merely used as the centrepiece at elegant dinnner parties. :)

I'm also not convinced that the Swiss aren't just stringing loki along with this "strike" thing. I'm guessing they're trying to put a break on Italy's expansionist tendencies.

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