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3 short reports

Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:25 pm

Just finished a sequence of 3 MP AJE games, really had forgotten just how much fun it can be. My opponent (we did them all 1-1-AI) doesn't have an account here and is relatively new to the AGE system, so we chose sides with that in mind.

1) Sulla-Marius

I took Marius, left the Pontics to the AI. Got lucky with the Spanish revolt kicking off in Portugal that allowed me to bring the at start Spanish forces into an army. Few inconclusive battles and one win basically stalemated that theatre, raised all the possible reinforcements and was able to protect the economic worth of the region.

In N Africa, my opponent didn't realise how hard it is to take a level 2 coastal fort without naval power, so he lunged for the coast with his Numidians. I then got in behind him and while I lost a couple of battles I left him out of supply. Italy saw a Pontic invasion but otherwise mostly manly staring with me in Perugia. As I'd sorted out the economy, built out the force pool, lost the first battle with the Sullan army in Italy but was able to refit and he couldn't. Sulla surrendered.

2) Vitellus-Vespasian

Took Vittelus, Otho to AI. Didn't do too much forced requisitions, pulled one legion from Britain to Gaul and basically stalemated the Rhine and Gaul. Took the Otho camp near modern day Geneva, and then Rome relatively easily. This gave me a huge NM lead so was able to take on the Danubian legions and win.

Again really experience trumping relative starting power.

3) Niger-Severus

Took Niger, left Clodius to the AI. My opponent had clearly learnt the earlier lessons. Not helped that Clodius didn't revolt but did lose 2 legions in Asia Minor. My opening idea was to keep the bulk of Niger's forces around Antioch in the hope that Severus would invade Asia Minor and let me loose on his supply lines. He didn't. A fair bit of naval jostling in the Aegean, I took Delos (which gave me a good position) but several attempts to take Athens failed.

I finally committed the army forward but he had the VP and NM just to sit back, the game would have run out of time but I managed to get Niger killed at Adrianople (thus setting an example for later Emperors) with it ending about 5 months early.

Going by some old comments from Narwhal, think this one really needs 3 human players as its Clodius' balancing act that makes the game balanced. All the games are inbalanced with is good for coping with different levels of experience but that one needs the tension and diplomacy rather than the other two where the third faction is much more straightforwar. If done 1-1 I wonder if Clodius vs Niger is a better pick?

Really nice to slip back into this, if only we could get WiA to work MP but we can't. Trying to convince him that RoP is woth the effort.

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Re: 3 short reports

Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:02 pm

Hi loki, nice to see you here.

What is the problem with WIA PBEM?

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Re: 3 short reports

Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:21 am

we can't get it to work, we can both play it SP, so its not clearly the .exe. I can pick up my opponent's turn MP and run it but he can't process my turn.

we've been through multiple uninstall/install, made sure we are on the same patch etc.

tried a range of scenarios just in case it was particular to one

its a pity as I still regard it as the best MP experience of the AGEOD classic games - perhaps even more so than RoP as there are so many decision points and ways to use your opponent's strength against them.

It might be a win10 thing, my last WiA MP was against Alteri here and I think that was at least 5 years back?


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Re: 3 short reports

Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:27 am

Must be frustrating.

I guess it is not a problem of corruption of the file solved by zipping it, if you already played several AJE campaigns and now is happening with several WIA scenarios.

But what error does your friend get when he tries to process the turn? Is it always the same?

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Re: 3 short reports

Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:11 pm

Nice AAR in any case, and it's good to see you around!

I can only think of something like a file virtualization problem, but I think it was mostly something happening in older Windows, like the despicable Windows 8...

There is always the possibility that you get his trn and process each turn...

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