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Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:24 am

The funny thing about this scenario is, we are not allied in any way. Punic forces and provinces are listed as Neutral to me, and my units cannot enter their territory (and I assume vice-versa).

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:17 pm

Turn 37 – March 277

Brutus returns with the main army to Maleventum, and Obsidius, the Jeb Stuart of the Romans, manages to evade Pyrrhus’ army coming after him at Metapontum and returns to Maleventium as well. All things considered a successful raid.

In Sicily, Rufinus manages to cross the straits and takes over the Neapolis garrison for the time being. And the Roman fleet moves down through the strait, just as the Carthaginians were retiring. Now we are the ones blockading Catania and Rhegium. The main Greek navy seems to be in port in Syracuse; I have no idea what condition it is in.

Anyways, Brutus is activated (he wasn’t last turn, hence the conservative move back to Maleventium), so I think it’s time for another attack. I could move to Venusia, since Pyrrhus left it … or I could try something a bit different. Hmmmm …


By the way, here’s the latest F7 screen. I’ll start screen shotting this on a regular basis, as this is another way to keep track of the invisible (to me) war between Pyrrhus and Carthage:


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:46 am

fascinating stuff, you are being pretty aggressive in looking to force Pyrrhus off balance, and you have a nice NM gain over the Greeks
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:24 pm

Turn 38 – April 277

Brutus storms the Samnite village of Grumentium, opening up more options for maneuver versus Pyrrhus. Unfortunately many of the Samnites were outside the city and hence escaped:


Meanwhile, the cavalry legion lays siege to Paestum, backed up by the Roman fleet blockading the port.

Interestingly, Pyrrhus failed to reoccupy Venusia, a victory city (which I had pondered going for instead of Grumentium). Hmmm.


It looks like the Carthaginians suffered a defeat in Catania, as there is no longer any of their control in the region. This is bad. And to confirm, here is the F7 screen, as you can see the Punics suffered some losses last turn:


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Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:00 pm

By the way, from here on out I'll be using my old screen name, which thanks to help from Pocus last night I was finally able to reactivate! :)
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Wed May 01, 2013 2:13 am

By the way, from here on out I'll be using my old screen name, which thanks to help from Pocus last night I was finally able to reactivate!

How do we know you're not jimwinsor's evil twin? :)

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Wed May 01, 2013 7:49 pm

Turn 39 – May 277

A somewhat already battle damaged Greek fleet comes up and engages our navy off Paestum, and defeats it:


So much for my dreams of sea domination, and back to being a raiding force/fleet in being.

No sign of any Carthaginian army active anywhere in Syracusan territory. The F7 screen sadly indicates more Punic losses have been suffered (although I still have a commanding VP lead):


Pyrrhus moves back to Venusia, while I move my main army to join my cavalry at Paestum. The latter isn’t worth waiting around conducting a siege for (especially without a blockade fleet now), and Brutus is activated … so where to strike next?


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Wed May 01, 2013 10:19 pm

If there were a later start date to when Pyrrhus moves on Sicily (similar to the later start date for the FPW when Rome invades Africa), this could be a very good three-player scenario.

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Fri May 03, 2013 7:41 pm

Turn 40 – June 277

Pyrrhus retakes Grumentium, while I sweep south, taking unwalled Hipontum on the fly and laying siege to VP city Croton.

I did not want to lay siege to Croton, I wanted to assault it. But unfortunately, Brutus fell victim to an oddity of the game system. He began the turn at level 2 fort Paestum. Because there was no breach there at the start of the turn, however, the game system downgraded his Assault mode to Attack mode. Which meant there was no assault when he arrived at the walls of Croton. Drat.

Brutus is inactive this turn, which limits my options. I can (and should) retire north, but if Pyrrhus correctly guesses my direction there will be a battle. And I don’t want to get defeated and trapped down here in the toe.


Meanwhile, intelligence suggests the Carthaginians are sieging Agragas (where if you notice I also have a Subversion mission going on … I put down a few of these last turn, as I had a bunch of extra EP, and figured what the heck):


And here’s the latest F7:


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Sun May 05, 2013 10:06 am

Read it all ! Very interesting indeed, seems very balanced but I am under the impression that Pyrrhus hands are like tied due to him wanting to avoid the Dictator Army (which triggers a bit too easily for balance in my opinion), and that even with getting all the "no-dictator compliant" objectives, he does not get quite enough VP to win or catch back significantely. In addition, it seems your are grinding back the cities, even though it also exposes your army.

"Leader-spying" is I believe frowned upon in AACW, but I guess it is fairly realistic in the Roman era.

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Sun May 05, 2013 8:48 pm

Turn 41 – July 277

Brutus luckily picks the right path, and steers the army back to Maleventum, while Pyrrhus wheels around us to retake Hipontum.


I can’t say I’m unhappy with this. We now have a golden opportunity to steal a march on Pyrrhus and retake VP city Venusia easily … but Brutus is not activated! Neither is the other consul present. And neither is Barbula! In fact, the only activated Roman general on the map right now is the one-star cavalry leader Obsidius. Hmmmmmmm …

Here the latest F7:


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Sun May 05, 2013 9:06 pm

A long march! How many hits did the army suffer? From the screenshot messages, those numbers seem very low in my experience. 2 hits going through an undeveloped region like Consentia? That's very good.

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:27 pm

dans221 wrote:A long march! How many hits did the army suffer? From the screenshot messages, those numbers seem very low in my experience. 2 hits going through an undeveloped region like Consentia? That's very good.

It was sunny July weather so it was not too bad. Mud and snow are what in my experience really cause the attrition hits.

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:32 pm

Narwhal wrote:Read it all ! Very interesting indeed, seems very balanced but I am under the impression that Pyrrhus hands are like tied due to him wanting to avoid the Dictator Army (which triggers a bit too easily for balance in my opinion), and that even with getting all the "no-dictator compliant" objectives, he does not get quite enough VP to win or catch back significantely. In addition, it seems your are grinding back the cities, even though it also exposes your army.

"Leader-spying" is I believe frowned upon in AACW, but I guess it is fairly realistic in the Roman era.

Sadly for me, as you'll soon see, Pyrrhus manages to find another source of VP ... reversing the situation. But it's not over yet, this could go down to the wire!

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Sun May 05, 2013 10:15 pm

Turn 42 – August 277

Well, we transferred Obsidius from the cavalry to the infantry, and assigned him our two best legions (up to his command capacity), and ordered him to assault … but he didn’t quite have the juice to take the place:



But the non-activated consuls brought the rest of the army along too, and they are now at least ensconced in the province, as Pyrrhus went as far as Metapontum and halted. It will fall next turn.


The AI Carthaginians suffered a defeat of some magnitude this turn, as the Greeks picked up a ton of VP … and passed me by! Here the latest F7:


This changes the complexion of the game quite a bit.

On top of all that, this distraction occurs (causes -2 morale):


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Tue May 07, 2013 8:56 am

This is a great way to see the choices you are faced with.
So will it be the battle of Venusia?

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Tue May 07, 2013 6:23 pm

Turn 43 – September 277

To take Venusia, I decide to split my armies again, with a Legio and an Alae under Barbula as the Assault force, while Brutus stands back with the rest of the army in Defensive posture. This way if Pyrrhus marches in the main army will be defensive and entrenched, where we excel.

Unfortunately … we took the town:


But Pyrrhus did march in, and after a brief skirmish Brutus opted to retreat in good order (0 pursuit casualties):


Given the power disparity shown by that tooltip, I can’t say I fault Brutus all that much. But still, the gain then immediate loss of Venusia, a key VP city, is a bit disappointing.

And the Carthaginians still have a bit of fight in them, as they managed to take that city in Sicily they were sieging:


Here’s the lastest F7, as you can see we gained a bit in the various battles this turn overall. Plus we are now have a 5 VP per turn advantage over him again (due that lost city in Sicily), which gives me some hope:


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Wed May 08, 2013 12:12 am

Turn 44 – October 277

This was a quiet turn where both armies just rested and took in replacements.


Here’s the F7 screen. As you can see, I’m down by only 23 VP now, and I have a +4 a turn advantage. So now it’s official: I’m GLAD I didn’t spend 20 VP on a Dictator. Let’s see if there are ways for me to rack up a few more precious VPs …


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Thu May 09, 2013 5:28 pm

Turn 45 – November 277

Brutus went on an extended march to the south and back this turn. I had hoped to test whether the ‘assault on the fly’ rule was working, which under AJE rule 14.1 if you set your Assault posture to “all out” you could storm cities along your movement path (and not just the cities at the end of movement). Well, I have to report the rule is in fact NOT working, as Brutus marched through Grumentium and Croton without assaulting. The only thing accomplished was the recapture of empty Hipontum.

And Pyrrhus moved out of Venusia. Clearly, he wants to tempt me into a fight outside the Dictator zone. I’d actually take him up on that but for the fact Brutus is inactive and the weather throughout Italy is dreadful:


Here’s the F7, he’s managed to get some more VPs somewhere, and is now at a 27 VP lead. However, this turn I began a MASSIVE program of public works and urban architecture in the north that in 5 more turns should close this gap:


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Sat May 11, 2013 5:11 pm

Turn 46 – December 277

No moves, and Brutus is once again inactive. My fleet in the Adriatic sinks another Greek merchantman.


The F7, his lead his narrowed to 22 VP:


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Sat May 11, 2013 6:52 pm

Turn 47 – January 276

With Pyrrhus stationary in Metapontum again this turn, Rufinus retakes Venusia with insignificant losses (Brutus again refused to activate so we left him behind). We are going to dig in and try to stay this time. Hold at all costs! Venusia is wooded hills, and it’s raining, so we can hope for nearly the same frontage conditions as existed at the battle of Maleventum several months ago.

Tooltip intelligence tells me there are opposing forces in Tyndaris in Sicily. Hopefully the Carthaginians won’t screw it up again.


Here’s the F7. Our VP a turn advantage is now 20 to 14, and we are only down by 16 VP. And I have 30 VP worth of Urbae and Public Works going on in the north, the first round of which will mature in three turns.


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Sun May 12, 2013 4:20 pm

Turn 48 – February 276

No moves, except the Greek troops stationed at Tarentum unlocked finally, moved, and retook Hipontum:


Here’s the F7, VP lead has been shaved to 11. I should pass him in two turns provided the Carthaginians don’t do something foolish again:


And we have new consuls:

Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges
4-2-3, Fast Mover (+15% movement), Politically Connected (+2 CP)

Lucius Genucius Clespina

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Sun May 12, 2013 5:37 pm

Turn 49 – March 276 (part 1)

Pyrrhus moves into Venusia and triggers what will go down in history as the epic Battle of Venusia, a six day battle of 6 rounds each except for the last which was for 5 rounds. So epic in fact, that this turn has to take up two posts due to image limitations.

At the end of the day, Rome holds the field, inflicts 3-2 casualties on an enemy that outnumbered her 3-2 … yet because of the erratic victory determination algorithm the games uses, loses morale and falls far behind in the race for victory points.

Here are each of the 6 battle-days; I've tallied up the hits and pasted them in that little beige rectangle, and tooltipped on the power ratings on each one:






(continued on part 2 ...)

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Sun May 12, 2013 5:41 pm

(... and finally Turn 49, part 2):


As you can see, Rome suffered 2 stalemates, 3 defeats (!) and 1 victory (at the end when Pyrrhus was made to finally withdraw. Here’s the 6 battle results tabulated in one list:

Rome starting strength: 64,955 men (2647 power)
Epirus starting strength: 96,434 men (3788 power)
Location: Venusia (wooded hills)
Weather: Fair
Roman posture: Defend, at all costs (entrenchment 1)
Epirot pasture: Attack, (probably) at all costs


These battles were satisfactory to me in many ways (I held at all costs because I wanted to bleed Pyrrhus in defensive terrain at a favorable exchange rate, and as you can see I did so quite nicely), but less than satisfactory in one way: the “referee calls” at the end of each day of battle announcing the winner. Many have commented before in other posts that the game has an anti-Roman bias in calling the battle results, and here you see it vividly on display. On each day I not only held the field but inflicted superior casualties on a superior enemy. Yet the parsimonious game system only credited me with one victory, and gave me 2 stalemates and 3 incredibly damaging “defeats”.

Here’s the F7, note the victory point totals now. I gained 98 VP (78 from my single victory), while the Epirans gained a whopping 172 (!) VP, putting my in a very deep hole with only about 20 turns left in the game. On top of that, those 3 “defeats” costs me 3 morale as well (I got no morale for my one victory).


Oh well. Both Rome and Pyrrhus’ armies are now reduced by 2/3 of their former sizes. And I do have lots of replacements stored up, and nearly 6000 denarii in the bank to buy more. So I will recover quickly. Hopefully that will not be the case for Pyrrhus!

And one final bit of news: Tyndaris in Sicily is now 100% Carthaginian controlled, so whatever conflict going on there has gone in their favor.


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Sun May 12, 2013 6:56 pm

Turn 50 – April 276

Everyone sits and absorbs replacements. That and I shuffle some supply wagons around behind my main army; not being camped adjacent to rich provinces like Capua and Neapolis necessitates some attention to logistics now.

One amusing development: A 4-unit mercenary army from Messena (at war with both Rome and Epirus) invades the toe of Italy and lays siege to Rhegium.


Here’s the F7, as you can see I managed to pick up some ground in the VP race when my Urbae and Public Works projects matured; still it is not enough:


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Sun May 12, 2013 9:12 pm

Turn 51 – May 276

No move except I sent the decimated IV Legion back to Capua to recover. It only has a cavalry and an officer element left.


Here’s the F7:


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Sun May 12, 2013 9:55 pm

Turn 52 – June 276

No moves again. I’m having supply issues here in Venusia, as I keep having to shuffle wagons back and forth. On top of that, my units are not getting eliminated elements replaced; I think that may be due to the supply situation.

As a result, I’m actually thinking of falling back to Maleventum or Capua, so I can heal my army better. Pyrrhus in Metapontum is already back up to 5 green dots (while my dots are but yellow still).


Here’s the F7, I’m now down by only 37 VP with 18 turns to go:


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Sun May 12, 2013 10:16 pm

Turn 53 – July 276

I move back to Maleventium and just as I thought, replacement elements come rolling in. This is not a Rich supply province, but it is adjacent to Capua and Neapolis that are (both with supply values of 77) and that seems to do the trick.

The Epirans appear to have won another victory against the hapless AI in Sicily, as his VP lead has increased and he’s now sieging in Agrimentium.


I have to figure out more ways to get VP. My Urbae improvements in the north reliably generate 25 VP every 6 turns, and I still have a 6 VP a turn advantage due to my cities … but if he’s able to keep beating the Carthaginian AI for VPs I may not be able to catch him.

One thing is for sure … battling his main army under Pyrrhus is NOT a good strategy. The deck is too stacked against me, as those 6 battles at Venusia demonstrated. Even when my army does superbly, holds the field and inflicts superior casualties, the arbitrary and capricious game system is to all too likely to interpret that as a “Roman Defeat” with disasterous morale and VP consequences.

So, I have to find another way …


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Tue May 14, 2013 4:25 pm

Turn 54 – August 276

Agragas falls, which pushes me further back in VP, despite the fact that I retook the Samnite village of Grumentium. The ineptitude of the AI is killing me.


Here’s the F7:


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Tue May 14, 2013 5:50 pm

Turn 55 – September 276

No moves except for a new raiding fleet send into the Adriatic.

My strategy at this point is to keep racking up VP via options like Urbae (like I said, 25 every 6 turns). There are 15 turns to go, and I’m down by about 50 or so. Also, once Pyrrhus gets recalled by event next year, I can actually consider attacking his main army if need be.


Here’s the F7:


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