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Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:10 am

Hello fellow forum generals.

AGEOD newb here... I've started work on my music mod finally. All orchestral scores I'll be adding are completely composed and arranged by me. I'm in no way a pro. So don't expect a Hans Zimmer, or John Williams recording at Abbey Road studio sound, LOL.

For starters, this mod currently only has the title music changed with a composition I've already scored for Rome Total Realism VII mod for Rome: Total War. This piece was originally set for the Roman factions pre-battle movement for that mod. I do realize that this track is unsuitable as a Main Menu Theme but this is just a practice run to see how everything works.

The mod is currently an 8mb download.

Well here's fingers crossed...

EDIT: Updated to a more permanent link.

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Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:40 pm

Hey, link is broken... Care to upload that music again? :D

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Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:27 am

I'm wondering if what passes as 'ancient time music' is really even loosely related in style to what was played at this time? Do we have some clues about what was the music of this time even? A question for scholars perhaps ;)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:38 am

@hister - If you can wait a few more days I'll re-up the file.

@Pocus - Funny you should mention that. There are indeed examples of music written then. I'm currently reading a most excellent introductory work called "Music in Ancient Greece & Rome" by John G. Landels. It's very clear and concise. The music I wrote for this mod is modern cinematic orchestral. I've been studying ancient music for a soundtrack I'm writing for a game mod for Rome II Total War. I only stopped working on this AJE mod because I thought there was zero interest in it. Thanks for commenting Pocus. You guys make some of the best damned games! Also my heart goes out to you folks in France. Maybe one of these centuries the human race will learn to coexist and work together to better our world.

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Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:32 am

Sure, I can wait. ;)

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:04 am

Ok mate. Sorry about the long wait, hope your still interested. Here is a link, http://www.filedropper.com/hollowfaithajemusicmod Get it while its still good. I've included backups of the original files just in case you think it stinks. Hope you like it and thank you. I'll update the first post as well with the link.

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Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:06 am

Can you reupload please ? :-)

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Fri Dec 25, 2015 6:46 pm

Gordar wrote:Can you reupload please ? :-)

Sure thing buddy, but man did that link dry fast. I'll upload to another site later this evening. Preferably to one that does not disappear so quickly. :)

EDIT: Updated OP with a more permanent link at Mediafire. Hope it works.

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:14 pm

Took me a while to get around to finding this, but it's a great mod.

The Main Theme music that came with the game is just wrong. I've taken stabs at replacing it with different pieces (including the introductory music from HBO's Rome), but nothing I tried worked as an introduction AND fit in well with the other music that comes with the game.

This does.

The only thing I felt I needed to do in my own personal copy was to lower the sound level in an editor, to make it about the same volume as the other pieces of music that came with the game. But that's easily done and is strictly a matter of personal preference.

Very well done !

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Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:11 am

Philippe wrote:Took me a while to get around to finding this, but it's a great mod.

The Main Theme music that came with the game is just wrong. I've taken stabs at replacing it with different pieces (including the introductory music from HBO's Rome), but nothing I tried worked as an introduction AND fit in well with the other music that comes with the game.

This does.

The only thing I felt I needed to do in my own personal copy was to lower the sound level in an editor, to make it about the same volume as the other pieces of music that came with the game. But that's easily done and is strictly a matter of personal preference.

Very well done !

Wow! Thank you very kindly my friend. I was hoping someone, ANYONE would download to check it out. I would've done more but as you can see, you seem like the only one that bothered to download it. LOL. Again, thanks! :)

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Re: Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:50 am

Does anyone know (the devs read this, right?) if the lenght of the music tracks is hardcoded? because I'm trying to replace the tracks in the game (no offence, game is great but the music is really uninspired and dull imo) and the new tracks play in game but they cut of abruptly at certain points, I have noticed that the new tracks I have modded into the game are longer than the original tracks (which are usually 2 minutes long) so that must the reason why they cut off before they end I guess, it's like the game only recognize the lenght of the original tracks even if you replace them and the new tracks get cut off because of that. Is there a way to edit the playback lenght of the original tracks somewhere?


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Re: Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:56 am

I am not the code guy, but I don't think there is an inbuilt music duration. What may cut the duration is some game event like a battle, a phase change, save-load or reports, but not always. I have included myself pieces of music of various duration and never encountered the issue. :indien:

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Re: Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:53 am

nothing I can remember about, unless it is hardcoded deep in the music DLL. Music uses up memory, so perhaps the issue is because of that.

I would say it has to do with the format of encoding used. Check if the tracks cut off at the same moment or more or less randomly.

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Re: Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:56 am

Thanks for the replies, I guess the mp3s were corrupted (but they work without problems when I listen to them out of the game) or something because i replaced them with other mp3s (same tracks but from a different source) and now the playback doesn't cut off anymore. Weird but I'm happy that I sorted it out.


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Re: Hollowfaith's Music Mod

Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:43 pm

If you use a proper sound editor you won't have any problems. I use Goldwave, but there are plenty of others.

The random selection program that these games use is very weak, and on several occasions I've attempted to overcome this by building all of the music selections into one massive file. I've always managed to play that constructed file (sometimes an hour long) without interruption.

So the game doesn't dictate the length (or size) of a music clip. If your clip is getting interrupted, it's something else that's causing it, and almost certainly on your end.

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