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Odd Battle Result

Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:11 pm

Recently in a PBEM Caesar vs. Pompey game, we experienced what seems to be an odd battle result. At the beginning of the turn, Pomey's forces had ~33,891 troops inside the city of Rome. They were attacked by one of Caesar's armies comprised of ~56,437 troops. Over the coarse of the month, there were seven battles for Rome. A table of results is listed below. Note also the changes in National Morale for each battle (+ is increase for Pompey and - is loss for Pompey)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 30"]
[TD]Pompey Starting Strength
[TD]Pompey Losses
[TD]Caesar Starting Strength
[TD]Caesar Losses
[TD]National Morale Change

At the end of the battle, all of Pompey's forces, save for one leader were destroy, yet Rome held and Caesar's forces were in retreat with a huge NM loss. The first battle result was surprising to me. The attackers had a 1.7:1 attacking advantage, attacking troops in a level 1 fort. Yet, the attackers lost only one soldier for every 4.8 soldier lost by the defenders. Additionally, once the initial battle was complete, the attacker had huge numerical advantages, yet lost many of the subsequent battles with a large loss of NM. Is this a bug?

Attached are the appropriate files for the turn just before the battle and the turn just after the battle. I reran the turn several times yesterday using the latest v1.01 engine with very similar results. My favorite was a battle where 4 of Pompey's troops sacrificed their lives, holding off 34963 of Caesar's troops and inflicting 5781 casualties on the enemy.

I'm running AJE on an older PC running Window's XP SP3 and with 3 Gb of RAM. Please let me know if any additional files are needed.

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