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Question - Breaking Siege

Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:58 am

AJE Manual page 46
12.2 Laying Siege
Laying siege to a structure can be a time-consuming process. It consists of a gradual wearing-down of the defender’s will to resist through attrition (i.e. starvation, disease, desertion, etc.). Combat is resolved by comparing the Siege Value of the besieging force to the Siege Value of the defending force (i.e. the besieged force). The siege resolution procedure every turn continues unless the siege is broken.

The siege is broken if the besiegers are leave the region or withdraw from the siege (e.g. attacking other enemy in a field battle counts as withdrawal). All breaches of structures are immediately repaired once they are unbesieged.

Rule 12.4
At the moment the siege is completed or ceases for any reason, be it because the besieged structure
has fallen, the siege has been broken, or the Legion has moved away from the region, the siege
engines will be automatically destroyed

The sige is broken if
1) besiegers leave the region
2) withdraw from the siege
~~~~~attacking other enemy in a field battle counts as withdrawal

So does that mean if i am the besieger who is in a Defensive Posture w/ a Defend RoE & I am then attacked by a different (ie not the Force being besiged) enemy Force in Offensive Posture that moves into that region....does that mean even if i WIN the combat that the siege is now considered a broken siege....thereby allowing the enemy in the besieged enemy to rebuild/repair all breaches & I lose all crafted siege engines.

Hence, if all of that is true, I want to make certain i fully understand the siege mechanics lest i spend time trying to breach & building siege weapons to then have it all undone by a "spoiling" attach via a smaller enemy force.

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Re: Question - Breaking Siege

Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:16 am

This is complicated. You have mostly outlined the issues and the problems. However, if you hold, say in a defensive stance, and you win the battle, you should maintain the siege, but no guarantee. You may need to win the battle and restart the siege. Yep, not simple.

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Re: Question - Breaking Siege

Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:16 am

Durk wrote:This is complicated. You have mostly outlined the issues and the problems. However, if you hold, say in a defensive stance, and you win the battle, you should maintain the siege, but no guarantee. You may need to win the battle and restart the siege. Yep, not simple.

So you are saying that I would maintain the siege or not?

The concern of mine is that the manual makes it seem like a binary decision.
I interpret the manual to mean that even if i win, it will break the siege simple because i was attacked....regardless of outcome.

Which would mean the only way i could hope to maintain a siege with a second enemy Force near is to have a "screening" Force of my own in the same region to be set for Offensive posture with the idea that my "screening" force has to win, too or else the enemy could then engage my besiegers.

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Re: Question - Breaking Siege

Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:20 am

The siege should not be broken unless the besiegers are defeated and withdraw from the region after the battle or they lose part of his military control percentage of the region (95% when you are besieging) which may happen on some cases after the battle, usually when the result is a stalemate or a close win and the enemy don't withdraw from the region.
Sometimes some strange or buggy siege interruptions happen, but not much fortunately.

In any case, if you are strong enough I feel it's better to siege on offensive so your forces will actively try to clean the region of any enemy forces that may remain on the region.
But on offensive you lose terrain advantage and lose cohesion so it's a difficult choice.


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Re: Question - Breaking Siege

Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:52 pm

appreciate the replies
good info

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