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Straight Arrow
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Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:26 pm

What months make up the different seasons?

I'd like to make sure my boys are not putting to sea in the winter months.
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Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:08 pm

Found it in the rules.

It states on page 64 that winter is November through February; it also says weather conditions present can be considerably different than weather occurring in an adjacent region.

Additionally the rules say that weather generation does take into account seasonal variations in temperature and wind patterns.

From other threads it sounds like storms at sea are fixed in certain areas and seasons change the percentage of occurrence.

But back the original question, would spring be - March through May; summer - June through August; fall - September through October?
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Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:23 am

If by seasons you are asking when to be sure that there will be no storms at sea, the answer is I have observed storms at sea occur January through December. In one game I am playing at the moment, it is July and there are storms all around Sicily. So they can happen any month. There are no safety plays, but if you avoid current storm regions in plotting your naval movement you will have minimized the probability of losing a fleet in a storm.

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:47 am


Check this thread

Post 21 and 22.
There you have screenshots showing all the sea zones that can have storms. Only the ones shown there with storms can have them, even in winter. The rest of the sea zones are 100% safe.
You can download this images and used them to plan your sea movements. I've been doing it for a long time and they never failed me! ;)

On the sea zones that can have storms, they are more frecuent on winter months and very rare on summer months.
Season is also important because storms aren't always as bad.
Winter storms can wreak havoc on a fleet an eliminate many units. A total disaster... On the other seasons storms are usually weaker, specialy in summer and if you are afected by one it will only do moderate damage to your ships.

But even on summer is better to try to plot your moves through safe sea zones as much as you can.


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