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Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:26 pm

How exactly does supply work? It never seems to replenish. I have size 4 depots and build castrums strategically and put size 4 depots in place, and yet it seems to take forever to replenish. What am I missing?

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Re: Supply

Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:19 am

This piece from the manual is very informative:

Each turn, supply points (both General Supply and Ammunition) are produced and stored in friendly-controlled
cities, ports, fortifications, and depots. Supplies are produced and distributed on the first day of each game turn
and generated solely in basic or full SC increments The number of full or basic SCs produced by a structure depends
primarily on the level of the structure, but other factors modify that number..
 The countryside of a region generates 0-4 basic SC to
unbesieged units (depending on civilization level, weather
and looted status). When enemy armies co-exist in the same
region, the region’s supply is distributed in proportion to the
percentage of military control. For the moment there is no
cavalry, light troop or irregular advantages to foraging.
 Level 1 cities and Raider villages generate 1 basic SC.
 Unbesieged level 2 (or +) cities, all fortifications, depots and
unblockaded harbors generate full SCs as follows
 1 / city level
 1 / port level
 5/ fort level if there is a fort in the region
 10/ depot level if there is a depot in the region
SCs do not accumulate from one turn to another: they only serve to replenish units and Impedimenta in the same
turn. Any surplus is lost.

You might say, supply never replenishes, it is just there each new turn. Note that forts, not castrums, add to the calculus. But you never 'build' supply beyond the numbers above.

Unlike most other AGEOD games, supply is not forwarded from depot to depot. Supply is made and consumed in the same region.

I try to match armies to the current supply of the region the army is inhabiting. The one way you can extend supply is to run wagons back and forth between the army and another supply source.

From your post I am uncertain of the scope of your question. Are you wondering about supplying troops, rebuilding troops or some other issue.

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Re: Supply

Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:57 am

Your post is quite clear. My whole thought was I have depots, and I control adjacent provinces. Why does the supply not get sent from the city or wherever to replenish my supply in the field. From your response, that does not happen, I have to actually be in a supply centre for that.

My follow up is this, let's say I am down to 35% supply and ammo. Why does it take so long to replenish that supply if I have Impedimentia in my stack? Sometimes it goes down, sometimes it goes up very little.

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Re: Supply

Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:35 am

Supply wagons (impedimentia I think) only carry supply. Unlike other AGEOD games they only draw supply from the region they are in and adjacent regions. So these wagons are not adding to your supply. The only way they would add to the supply in region is to make them depots.

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Re: Supply

Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:15 am

Essentially I use Impedimentia if I am besieging a city, and run supplies back and forth. Otherwise, I build depots, and then I build more depots, and so on, lol.

I am learning that lesson in Spain in the Second Punic War Scenario

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Re: Supply

Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:16 am

Yep, that is the way to deal with the situation.

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Re: Supply

Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:31 pm

What does current supply level mean?

If army have current stock 800, usage 200 - what curren supply level in region I need?

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Re: Supply

Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:04 am

I do not know for sure. I calculate supply based upon elements, not current stock. Each unit has a certain number of element, usually from four to ten, but if you click on individual units you will see how many. Regions have a supply value. A city, for example, might have 20 supply.
You gather supply from the region you are in and adjacent regions.
So what I do is count the number of elements in my force and count the number of supply values in the regions the force is in. If they match or the supply value is higher, my force is fine. However, if the supply value is below the force's elements, then I:
Build a depot
Move some of the force to a different region

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Re: Supply

Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:39 am

Supply level*5=supply points in units.

You can gather supply on the region you are and adjacent controlled ones if you have at least a supply cart on your force.

Bear in mind that supply carts also consume supply, so better send empty ones back to base to replenish.

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Re: Supply

Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:50 pm

Durk wrote:I do not know for sure. I calculate supply based upon elements, not current stock. Each unit has a certain number of element, usually from four to ten, but if you click on individual units you will see how many. Regions have a supply value. A city, for example, might have 20 supply.
You gather supply from the region you are in and adjacent regions.
So what I do is count the number of elements in my force and count the number of supply values in the regions the force is in. If they match or the supply value is higher, my force is fine. However, if the supply value is below the force's elements, then I:
Build a depot
Move some of the force to a different region

Ooooh so THIS is how it is done!!! No more supply guessing for me. Should have ben done more intuitive in the game's UI really but oh well.

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Re: Supply

Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:10 am

It is a bit more detailed supply process, but it works fine.

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