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HANNIBAL Observations

Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:33 am

Played my first 2-3 games and need help also some observations:-

1. Northern route is totally bereft of supplies, even with just 40000 troops under Hannibal and 9 wagons, my armies melt away due to cohesion and supply losses by the time i reach Gallic Lands in Northern Italy.

2. Carthage is invaded by Roman Armies very very early. in 218 itself, so forced to bring Hannibal home to defeat this strong army- 2 Legion + 2 Alea, however; Hannibal (being Superman :cool :) unlike dumb- Hanno, crushed them and AI- ROME lost a lot of men (my losses were mainly some militia and part of Hanno's Army, Hannibal army's losses were very less). I always thought Carthage was never invaded till the very end in Punic Wars.

3. Then i tried Sicily Route, but most cities are level 2/3/4 forts. Now after 2 years just a single city (Deprenum??) is with me. Though i have crushed 2 strong Armies include Varrus Legion and 1 more Legion.
Help me take these cities, looks impossible, after seiging for 8-9 months not a single breach in walls!!

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Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:25 am


i confirm the fact romans armies make invasion of Africa (usually Utiqua) very early but not before the fall of Pharos so you have time to prepare.
I don't need to send Hannibal's army to defeat them but you must reinforce Hanno's army a little bit, give 1 Impedimenta to Utiqua and just wait the good time to counter-attack (when roman's army becomes orange, low on supply).

Yes, Hannibal arrives in Cisalpine Gaul with quite a bit depleted army: so what?
In vanilla game, you can send it replacements as you wish and if you play the Insubra revolt at the right time, it should be ok.
It is an other story against a human player.

The Sicilia choice is a very hard one because, yes, it is very difficult for carthagian armies to make breachs and you don't have naval superiority.
You have to conquer very quickly small towns (level fort 1) and when done, besiege Agrigentum which has no port so no supply arriving by sea.
One Agrigentum in your hand, build a big depot in order to have enough supply and wait and destroy romans armies arriving.
This strategy will ask you a big effort on navy because you nearly won't be able to capture other big town (with fort level 2 or more) without a naval blocus.
You have only 3 siege cards.

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Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:45 am

I have a strong navy under a decent 3* commander... Crushed Rome navy twice.. Using it.. Went ahahistoric n built all the ships I could n combined in one single strong fleet

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Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:45 pm

Sicily is a grind but it worked well enough for me. It took me 3 years to conquer the island, but now I have a firm launchpad into Italy and Hannibal has been able to keep a strong and reinforced army. Having suitable fleets to beat the Roman Navy back while maintaining a constant blockade on their cities is key to making those cities fall by surrender. I played all 3 siege cards against Lilybauem to take it's major port and depot, but Hannibal nor any other Carthaginian general managed to make even a single breach against any Sicilian city, but one by one they all fell to starvation.

I saved Syracuse for last but it refused to fall, so I kept it besieged and moved Hannibal into Italy. Then a bunch of interesting options appeared, and Syracuse was willing to talk...

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Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:26 am

Well, Thanks guys, i think too - SICILY is Better, i am not winning, but ROME is bleeding men, they lost 2 LEGION + 2 ALEA (almost total except 1 Imediment and maybe 1/2 units saved by ship) to Hannibal in Carthage.
Further, 2 Legions and 2 Alea in Sicily. Roman Armies are in tatters but Hannibal can't take their cities as no BREACHES, so stalemate after 4 years of game.
Further, ROME's Fleets are bleeding ships, my combined fleet is killing their trade ships and war ships.

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Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:53 am

One of the challenges to Carthage is the absence of siege units, except for level one forts, Carthage must take some serious time.

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:51 pm

Durk wrote:One of the challenges to Carthage is the absence of siege units, except for level one forts, Carthage must take some serious time.

This is absolutely valid, historically. There was a stalemate in Italy for many years after Cannae. Hannibal had great difficulty with fortified cities in Italy, and needed treachery to take them, or the city revolted against Rome and joined him. I cannot think of a single successful siege he had of a strongly fortified city in Italy.

Nevertheless, it is not impossible int he game, if you cut off a city from supply long enough, it will fall, but it could easily take years.

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Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:35 pm

As for Pbem it is very enjoyable scenario. Cities changing sides when Hannibal move deep in Italy. Definitely Carthaginians have a chance to win. There is a slight problem in siege and breach when garrison starts fighting outside breached fort. It can eliminate breach points.

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Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:25 am

I actually like this feature of the garrison coming out to fight an eliminating the breach. It is historical. The garrison is at risk and can be eliminated leaving the city for capture.

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