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Basmachi movements

Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:57 pm

After the fall of Russian Empire some factions(nations) try to form under nationalistic or conservative religious ideologies in the east part of Russian geography. Some uprisings occur under foreign influences some were by their own inner dynamics. In game turns those factions are identified as either cossack or green factions. What I come across is "Basmachi revolt" backed up by independent Ottoman officer Enver Pasha occured in Turkestan region. There are many phases of this movement starting from 1916 to 1931. From my readings revolts were surpressed by Mikhail Frunze and resulted the death of Enver pasha(his name and picture is in database of the game). What I thought is apart from historical flavour can it be simulated in the game to some extent. It can be a good reason to add turkic subfactions to the database. Actually this movement is independent from siberian white cossacks but they were figthing against Reds and maybe they corporate with siberian cossacks in to some extent. It is witten as British maintain some intelligence to the leaders of Basmachi generals.

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