Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Complete crash with new games

Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:47 pm

Tutorial games are fine to load up.

When I try to start a new game on any scenarioo (bar the tutorials) I get a complete crash where I am informed RUS.exe is no longer working.

I am NOT loading a save game.

I have updated to 1.3 and have the hotfix for the weather installed

Can someone help??

18:00:36 (Reporting) User: Andy Computer: ANDY-PC
18:00:36 (Reporting) Loading general settings
18:00:36 (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 598 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
18:00:36 (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1643 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Der Fünfte Kongress der Sowjets läutet den endgültigen Bruch zwischen den Bolschewiki und den Sozialistisch-Revolutionären (SR) ein. Letztere hatten die Auflösung der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung und den Frieden mit Deutschland abgelehnt. Am 6. Juli ermorden SR und Anarchisten den deutschen Botschafter in Moskau und versuchen, die Macht in der Stadt zu ergreifen. Aufstände brechen in anderen Städten in ganz Russland aus, die wichtigsten in Moskau und Jaroslawl. in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2070 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Wir haben den baltischen Staaten noch nicht den Krieg erklärt und verlieren 1 NM in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2180 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Moskau begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2187 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Petrograd begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2194 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Tzaritsyn begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2927 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Hindenburg zurückrufen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2943 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Stalin enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2950 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Frunze enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 3616 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Dies ist eine Gardeeinheit. in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:43 (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
18:00:43 (Reporting) Loading Display Options
18:00:43 (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
18:00:43 (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6630 ms
18:00:43 (Reporting) Cursors 44 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 1037 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Fonts 17 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 54 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 54 terrains files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 900 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Areas 245 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 184 Abilities loaded, out of 184 abilities files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Units Abilities 778 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 10 StrucDef loaded, out of 10 StrucDef files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Structures 24 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 42 FactionDef loaded, out of 42 FactionDef files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Factions 171 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
17:58:08 (Reporting) Max Texture size: 8192 x 8192
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 230 sounds loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 19 Musics loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 4 Voice Languages loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_balticjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_caucasusjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_finlandjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_rumaniajoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_red_balticdow , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_red_caucasiandow , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 26.021 seconds Memory usage: 611804 kb
17:58:08 (Reporting) Media Librarian 28258 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Particles II 20 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 1983 Regions definitions loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Regions & the Map 5026 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 56 buttons definitions loaded, from 26 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Buttons 135 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 15 frontend definitions loaded, from 15 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_back
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 26 frontend definitions loaded, from 38 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 7847 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Game World
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TModels.Create 1754 (Cached) Models loaded in 1501 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 1757 (Cached) Units loaded in 374 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TWeather.Create 16 Weathers patterns loaded, from 16 files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TResearchDefs.LoadFromFile 37 Research loaded from 37 Research files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 0 files, in 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Atttributes loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 6 Region Decisions loaded, from 6 Decisions files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 1220 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
17:58:08 (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Renderer
17:58:08 (Reporting) Rendering Engine 18 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Game ...
17:58:08 (Reporting) Global Load Time: 54245 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app...
17:58:08 (Reporting) Game Engine version: RUS 1.03
17:58:08 (Reporting) TGameSim.OnNewGame_FilePicked C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Scens\Grand Campaign.scn Scenario file loaded, # of entries: 133124
17:58:08 [Critical ] TListUnitDefs.Get ListUnitDefs Index out of range (Index/MaxIndex): 1758 1756
17:58:08 [Critical ] TUnit.UnSerialize Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 006E9612 dans le module 'RUS.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 0000002C

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Posts: 431
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Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:18 pm

timeforaction wrote:Tutorial games are fine to load up.

When I try to start a new game on any scenarioo (bar the tutorials) I get a complete crash where I am informed RUS.exe is no longer working.

I am NOT loading a save game.

I have updated to 1.3 and have the hotfix for the weather installed

Can someone help??

18:00:36 (Reporting) User: Andy Computer: ANDY-PC
18:00:36 (Reporting) Loading general settings
18:00:36 (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 598 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
18:00:36 (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1643 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Der Fünfte Kongress der Sowjets läutet den endgültigen Bruch zwischen den Bolschewiki und den Sozialistisch-Revolutionären (SR) ein. Letztere hatten die Auflösung der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung und den Frieden mit Deutschland abgelehnt. Am 6. Juli ermorden SR und Anarchisten den deutschen Botschafter in Moskau und versuchen, die Macht in der Stadt zu ergreifen. Aufstände brechen in anderen Städten in ganz Russland aus, die wichtigsten in Moskau und Jaroslawl. in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2070 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Wir haben den baltischen Staaten noch nicht den Krieg erklärt und verlieren 1 NM in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2180 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Moskau begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2187 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Petrograd begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2194 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Tzaritsyn begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2927 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Hindenburg zurückrufen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2943 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Stalin enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2950 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Frunze enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:36 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 3616 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Dies ist eine Gardeeinheit. in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RED.csv Can be a key parsed in alias itself! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie ...
18:00:43 (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
18:00:43 (Reporting) Loading Display Options
18:00:43 (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
18:00:43 (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6630 ms
18:00:43 (Reporting) Cursors 44 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 1037 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Fonts 17 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 54 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 54 terrains files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 900 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Areas 245 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 184 Abilities loaded, out of 184 abilities files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Units Abilities 778 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 10 StrucDef loaded, out of 10 StrucDef files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Structures 24 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 42 FactionDef loaded, out of 42 FactionDef files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Factions 171 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
17:58:08 (Reporting) Max Texture size: 8192 x 8192
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 230 sounds loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 19 Musics loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 4 Voice Languages loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_balticjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_caucasusjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_finlandjoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_ger_rumaniajoin , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_red_balticdow , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: opt_red_caucasiandow , ExImage ignored
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 26.021 seconds Memory usage: 611804 kb
17:58:08 (Reporting) Media Librarian 28258 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Particles II 20 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 1983 Regions definitions loaded.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Regions & the Map 5026 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 56 buttons definitions loaded, from 26 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Buttons 135 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 15 frontend definitions loaded, from 15 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_back
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 26 frontend definitions loaded, from 38 frontend files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 7847 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Game World
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TModels.Create 1754 (Cached) Models loaded in 1501 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 1757 (Cached) Units loaded in 374 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TWeather.Create 16 Weathers patterns loaded, from 16 files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TResearchDefs.LoadFromFile 37 Research loaded from 37 Research files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 0 files, in 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Atttributes loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 6 Region Decisions loaded, from 6 Decisions files.
17:58:08 (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 1220 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
17:58:08 (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Renderer
17:58:08 (Reporting) Rendering Engine 18 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) Starting Game ...
17:58:08 (Reporting) Global Load Time: 54245 ms
17:58:08 (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
17:58:08 (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app...
17:58:08 (Reporting) Game Engine version: RUS 1.03
17:58:08 (Reporting) TGameSim.OnNewGame_FilePicked C:\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Revolution Under Siege\RUS\Scens\Grand Campaign.scn Scenario file loaded, # of entries: 133124
17:58:08 [Critical ] TListUnitDefs.Get ListUnitDefs Index out of range (Index/MaxIndex): 1758 1756
17:58:08 [Critical ] TUnit.UnSerialize Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 006E9612 dans le module 'RUS.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 0000002C

Your game isn't properly installed as your units folder contains files with the same number. Do a new clean install of the game then of the patch, it should solve the trouble. :)

My last post on this board. :cool:
Fatal Years mod for RUS: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2875975

My blog: http://moddercorner.com/about/

[SIZE="2"]Players quotes about Fatal Years:[/size]

the more I play this the more I become convinced that RUS is one of the best strategy games I have ever played... and I have played many since the mid 80's. The AI in this mod is at level with Sid Meier's best efforts.

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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:04 pm

OK, I reinstalled and am about to install 1.3 patch, my question is where?

In the folder where RUS.exe exists or somewhere else?

I believe that putting it in the wrong place is what screwed up the first installation so this time I want to get it right !!

I am getting a warning saying

<< E:\Program Files (x86)\Revolution under Siege already exists. Would you like to install to that folder anyway?>>

Sorry to be so dense

Tried to install in the above directory but keep getting


an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click retry, ignore or abort>>

So what now?

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:17 pm

timeforaction wrote:OK, I reinstalled and am about to install 1.3 patch, my question is where?

In the folder where RUS.exe exists or somewhere else?

I believe that putting it in the wrong place is what screwed up the first installation so this time I want to get it right !!

I am getting a warning saying

<< E:\Program Files (x86)\Revolution under Siege already exists. Would you like to install to that folder anyway?>>

Sorry to be so dense

Tried to install in the above directory but keep getting


an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click retry, ignore or abort>>

So what now?

Yep the patch have to be installed in the Revolution Under Siege folder. So does the RUS.exe file :)

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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:20 pm

So I keep getting the error mentioned above.

A retry does not work because the error says access is denied hence I guess it cannot rewrite the exe file. Should I just ignore it and continue or attempt to keep retrying????

Attached is a screenshot of the error (if I can work out how to attach it)

If I click retry it just goes right back to this position.....

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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:25 am

OK, my solution was to press< ignore>, knowing that I will physically replace the exe file later with the hotfix. This works, however, now this game is being marketed a bit more heavily, I don't think you should assume that everyone is a software expert.

1.3 does not replace the exe file from the original install as it stands and this is a problem.

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:38 am

Windows 7 or Vista ?

Before installing you should disable UAC and run with administrator rights.


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:29 pm

timeforaction wrote:Tutorial games are fine to load up.

When I try to start a new game on any scenarioo (bar the tutorials) I get a complete crash where I am informed RUS.exe is no longer working.

I am NOT loading a save game.

I have updated to 1.3 and have the hotfix for the weather installed

Can someone help??


17:58:08 [Critical ] TUnit.UnSerialize Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 006E9612 dans le module 'RUS.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 0000002C

A couple of days ago, I started up a new campaign game of Rise of Prussia, was about five turns in, then experienced a game-stopping crash (no workaround) much like the one you report. (Different game, but same general situation.)

Before that, I had run through several games of the short-term Invasion of Saxony scenario just fine.

And, along the way, "innocently" tweaked a game data file or two.

For all of AGEOD's games, the advices to:

--(a) Never do incremental installs; always do a fresh install, then apply the latest patch directly.
--(b) Never muck with the game data files unless you are prepared to do (a).
--(c) After patching a game, never resume an ongoing game; always start over.
--(d) Never install in the Program Files folder; always install in some other top-level folder, such as "C:\Games\AGEOD\".

are all generally sound.

After doing a fresh install like the above, I am now about a year (>20 turns) into a new ROP campaign game with no crashes (and indeed no perceptible problems at all).

I have a gut feeling that a majority of the game-stopping error conditions and CTDs in AGEOD games result from not following the above advices. My sense is that, if only players would follow the above rules, most of the show stoppers would stop. :blink:

Not saying that's definitely your case. But I believe it to be generally true.
What this town needs is a good Renaissance band!
Early MusiChicago - Early Music in Chicago and Beyond - http://earlymusichicago.org
PIKT - Global-View, Site-at-a-Time System and Network Administration - http://pikt.org
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Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:34 pm

Hi All,

I no longer install games in the programs directory. I use a seperate folder like

C:\Ageod\Revolution under Seige

timeforaction, I'm glad you got it working but, you are right, it shouldn't be that hard.
'just a thought' maybe next time you could try

E:\Ageod\Revolution under Siege

you have to erase 'program files' from the default install and enter Ageod. Best of luck!

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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:39 pm

Franciscus wrote:Windows 7 or Vista ?

Before installing you should disable UAC and run with administrator rights.


Windows 7. If you are correct then I wonder how I am supposed to know this after innocently buying the game and attempting to install it......

Before installing what? the game? the patch? If you are talking about the game itself that would not be possible as it was bought through Impulse and that automatically installs the game in the default folder for Impulse.

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:40 pm

jack54 wrote:I no longer install games in the programs directory. I use a seperate folder like

C:\Ageod\Revolution under Seige

Yes, good point, and a principle I always follow. I have added that to my above list of general advices.
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Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:43 pm

Well this is all very interesting but absolutely no help to someone who bought the game through Impulse and, quite reasonably, did not expect to have problems with the install or the patch.

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:13 pm

timeforaction wrote:Windows 7. If you are correct then I wonder how I am supposed to know this after innocently buying the game and attempting to install it......

Before installing what? the game? the patch? If you are talking about the game itself that would not be possible as it was bought through Impulse and that automatically installs the game in the default folder for Impulse.

You should be running your PC with admin rights, allways.

UAC is a known source of problems, not only with Ageod games. The usual advice is to turn it Off, before installing a game and keep it Off.
(in my laptop the first thing I made after Win 7 booted up for the first time was to disable UAC :) . Fortunately my desktop is happily running Win XP)

PS: IIRC you can change the default instalation folder in Impulse, somewhere in it's options


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Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:51 pm

from the upper left envelope of Impulse

general settings/ advance settings / folders


the fact that the error says 'access denied' it is probably tied to administrative rights... getting it out of the program files may help. I am not sure about window 7 but in vista you can right click a file and run as Administrator this might work also

Good luck timeforaction

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