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roads and pathfinding

Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:40 am

the game is fantastic :coeurs:

only a few things to tidy up

one is, often units don't follow roads and highways when setting paths; it seems to be faster to go by the route involving fewest areas rather than along highways

sometimes the pathfinder says is faster to cross back and forwards along unbridged rivers than to follow the highway!

seems a bit odd; are speed modifiers for highways being applied?

Edit - two examples, if you're ordering units to march between prag and iglau, they won't go through kolin along the highway, they'll always cut the corner by going through the area to the SW of kolin, which has no road. The Vienna to prag highway was the best maintained road in the empire, the kaiserstrasse, either the map needs to be redesigned so that highways traverse fewer areas than competing routes, or movement modifiers need to reflect the greater mobility available on well maintained roads.

The other example was units travelling from the Rhine up the Main towards nuremburg; a highway runs along the southern bank but the pathfinder will set a route that zigzags across the river including across unbridged river area-boundaries, whereas it should be faster to simply follow the highway.
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