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how to raise loyalty against rebel faction

Sat May 08, 2021 4:06 pm

I am not sure if there are still active players. I could figure out most game mechanics playing my first game with BEL. Now i switch to Ottoman for some challange. I want to decrease rebel faction loyalty in national regions. Is this ever possibe without editing and game file ? Game manual states it is possible raising loyalty slowly with martial law and martial law is auto declared if militancy is above 10 and there are troops in the region.

But in Smyrna region there is like 90 militancy and also i been keeping some troops there for 2 years now. I did not see any change in loyalty. I cannot view if region is in martial law right now. Is there anything i am missing ? I also wanted to know what is effect of military police and police attribute of other units.

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Re: how to raise loyalty against rebel faction

Tue May 11, 2021 12:29 am

Welcome to the forum, though the numbers of active members declines, PON remains a favorite title for play.

Use of units helps, a regular, not militia, army and police units help. One thing about the game which frustrates players is that it uses historical data with regard to loyalty and rebellion calculations. So in historically rebel regions it is very hard to gain loyalty.

Do not let this bother you too much. Build some structures to employ your citizens, make sure they have rail or road access. Each time the economy improves, your population loves you more
So many players leap to scripting as a solution, but I suggest look to history first. Was this an historically troubling region. Then just treat them tenderly.

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Re: how to raise loyalty against rebel faction

Tue May 11, 2021 4:38 am

Thanks for answer. As you mention TUR were full of rebellions historically at that period.

So you mean aside from scripted events each region is different hard coded for loyalty change rate?

I might switch to a more peaceful nation in that case

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Re: how to raise loyalty against rebel faction

Tue May 11, 2021 10:56 pm

Yes, usually France is the most direct country to play as it does not have too many compounding factors. But each power has its own challenges. The USA and Russia have so much internal development to do; while Italy and German need to unify.
The Ottoman Empire is challenge as it is an Empire torn with nationalist movements, so these factions will be working against loyalty; just as Britain and France and Austria will be working to add slices of the Ottoman Empire to their own empires. This can be fun to play.
Also, one way to raise loyalty across all regions is to win a small war. So don't give up playing the Ottomans for the loyalty challenges alone.

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