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Mon May 18, 2020 8:32 am

Hi all
Enjoying an 1850 game with Prussia but I have been very surprised to see Russia occupying Sweden almost entirely and Great Britain invading Hannover all by 1853. Is this normal? It seems pretty weird to see especially Great Britain attacking Hannover out of the blue. And how will this effect the Unification of Germany ?

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Re: Aggressiveness

Mon May 18, 2020 12:14 pm

As far as my knowledge of the German unification goes, you have to distinguish the country Hannover from the region Hannover. As long as Hanover (or any other German faction, for that matter) exists as a faction, even if they don't possess land, the mere event chain can go on and the region of Hannover can still be targetted by your appropriate regional decision cards.

The North German Confederation event can still fire for that matter, as the 'ok' checks to that event are not tied to regional possessions, afaik. But will the region of Hannover be taken over by the North German Confederation? Yes, if GB only occupied the region. No, if it is in their possession at the moment that the event fires. Same applies for all other regional possessions of North German Confederation factions.

Same applies later for probable South German Confederation events or the overall German Unification, respectively.

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