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doubt a novice

Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:15 am

especially sorry for the translation ( made ​​with Google translator) and if I'm skeptical whether this resolved any discussion Forum.
I played again in the first innings and I came the following questions:
1) Missions ( eg , the world's largest producer of carbon ) that I can know the progress of the mission
2) how to build military units ( of any kind )
3 ) I have to achieve in a city goal
Thank you

Posts: 95
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:38 am

Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:33 am

The mision of largest producer of ___ can be done if you build a specific factory or mine or farm it requires.

To build military unit you need to go select on the top right corner military selection and drag the unit cards from the bottom of the screen to the place you can build units

the city goal im not sure but it requires good economy and increase population leads to more cities

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:50 pm

with city goal i think he meaned that city named xxxx mhave to be part of your empire - and there are only 3 ways how to get it by event (you need manualy to look at event files if you get it), get it in war by negotating and if it is unclaimed colony, by plaing colony cards declaring it protectorate and then slowly upgrading it by cards until it is declared colony and part of your nation :) .

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