Chicken Spadge
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Sale and Question about Expansions

Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:37 am

I notice that Pride of Nations is on sale this week with a 60-percent discount, so it costs around 9 euros.

I've decided to buy it, but it appears that the expansions aren't included. (The complete version appears to have disappeared for the moment).

Am I right in thinking that The Scramble for Africa is the best expansion if you decide to buy only one (especially as a new player)? Do any of the other expansions add something really essential beyond the actual scenarios that they are linked to?

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Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:06 pm

The other DLCs are the smaller scenarios. If you are just interested in the grand campaign(s), then the Scramble of Africa DLC should be what you are looking for. I just noticed the complete package is on sale on Steam, though.

Chicken Spadge
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Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:14 pm

Owl wrote:The other DLCs are the smaller scenarios. If you are just interested in the grand campaign(s), then the Scramble of Africa DLC should be what you are looking for. I just noticed the complete package is on sale on Steam, though.

Yes, for 14 euros, I hadn't spotted that.

Thanks for the advice.

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Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:16 pm

Scramble for Africa is a short(er) campaign scenario, the 3 other ones are battle scenarios

about battles, interest depends on the interest you have for subject, personally I wouldn't miss the franco prussian war for anything in the world, and I'd buy austro-prussian, crimean war, great war, russian civil war and russo turkish war blindly, immediately, lots of people are fans of american civil war and will buy it - american spanish war is less known but interesting scenario.

besides their (great) intrinsic value, those scenarios train you (ground, tactics) for this situation in campaign (better kowing to play ACW in PON system if you intend to play USA), but aren't compulsory to play it

what you get in 1880 is :
- historical 1880 starting point, balkans states emancipated from Ottoman, Germany and Italy are unified, France is weakened, results are more uncertain in great scenario (especially AI led countries)
- stronger at start industrial basis (if you intend to play japan for example, or are less interested by economy building, it may appeal on you)
- shorter scenario means more playable (if you have limited time) one - as it is a long game - for having an historical later starting pointy, i'd say at least this one is a must - if you like short tense quickly playable scenarios and battles , buy the oters too

what you get in campaign game is :

- Italian risorgimento (if you play Italy, Austria, even France), may appeal to you,

- German wars for unity (you may like it if you play germany especially, as with Danish, Austrian, French wars over, next historical meeting is in 1914, of course, game isn't that predictable, and doesn't stick faithfully to historical agenda you may have a war before, or no ground for it, but here, you'd better like Tanganyka and SudwestAfrika as a big piece of action is over)

- Crimean war (you may actually win it as Russian, else, France, Britain, Ottoman and even atypical Austrian may have interesting times and frustrate the Russian)

- Russo Turkish war (both sides)

- American Civil war (if you don't get it, hope as American player you like to crush a helpless Spaniard)

- more time to micromanage if you like it , which allows you to create an economic, diplomatic and military powerhouse (of course, once you have a powerhouse, challenge is almost over, but it's the fate of all powerhouses - and you have not the gung ho suicidal behaviour from competitiors you can meet in victoria (blind badboy effects)
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

Chicken Spadge
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Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:11 pm

Thanks for the detailed info.

In the end I decided to buy the complete version. I would have preferred to buy directly from AGEOD, but the Steam deal was just too good. If AGEOD is offering the complete game at a discount, I can't find it.

I think that AGEOD should keep a closer eye on how Steam responds in situations like this and react accordingly.

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