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Ottoman "Chronic Desertions" not working

Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:10 pm

On page 156 of the manual it says:

"Chronic Desertions
The Turkish Army suffers chronic desertions of manpower. Its corps are
often reduced in strength.
Turkey rolls automatically a D12 at the end of each Reinforcement Phase:
-3 in 1914 -1 in 1916 +1 in 1918+
-2 in 1915 +0 in 1917
-2 per battle in defense (at the last turn)
A limit exists: max. 7 losses.
These losses have no effect on the Turkish NW. Do not count them.
If Turkey goes to war against Central Powers, all the losses must come
from the Balkan front (I and II Armies).
Intact units are chosen first.
Reduced units are chosen afterwards, and roll a special morale check. The
test is done with a negative effect of -1 (uniquely), ignoring all the other
modifiers. This, without loss of RP.
Losses from desertion have no consequence on Turkish NW."

I am playing 1.06a and have had Turkey in the War with the CP since August 1914, but I haven't seen any desertions at the end of the reinforcement phase. As a result, the Turk Army has more RP than it can use.

Has anyone out there seen the desertions actually happen?


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Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:14 am

As reported in another thread, I fixed this point a couple of days ago. I also fixed the Slavic desertions stuff in the Austrian Army, and the sinking of Austrian warships by Italian MAS, as well as the sinking of British warships by German submarines.

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:23 pm

Great news, thanks as always for the hard work! :thumbsup:


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Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:03 pm

By the way, testing the Desertion rule for Turkey I realised it has a terrible effect... performing it every Reinf. phase would make Turkey collapse in half an year! So I changed it "a bit": now it's performed every Interphase... ;)

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:14 pm

calvinus wrote:By the way, testing the Desertion rule for Turkey I realised it has a terrible effect... performing it every Reinf. phase would make Turkey collapse in half an year! So I changed it "a bit": now it's performed every Interphase... ;)

It is indeed harsh in the boardgame, depending on how the Turks roll. The max of 7 / turn helps avoid total catastrophe though. I believe the original intent was to keep the Turks relatively weak, which it certainly does by making it hard for them to build up an RP surplus, especially late in the war. In effect, it means 1 Turk Army can be kept at full strength. Doing it every interphase instead would certainly diminish the impact, so it might worth trying that out and seeing what happens.


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