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Aryaman vs Bertram

Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:19 pm

The first round fight for the far west, between Aryaman (Union) and Bertram (CSA).

As Aryaman is welcome to post his side of the story here (and read these posts) I'll might keep some surprises out of the text till they are sprung.

The first turn started with the CSA force under Sterling Price in Jefferson and the Union force in St. Louis. The Union force is stronger and has more leaders.

The general options are just a few. I can raise my volunteers now or later. I opt for now, and get 7 (!) units. I dont spent them on replacements (I have noticed the replacements get used to bring the fort garrisons up to strenght -I rather need the men elsewhere), but instead go for reinforcements. I do buy two militia, two sharpshooters and a cavalry unit.

I expect the Union to go for Rolla. Intercepting them isnt an option, as his force is stronger. Staying where I am isnt an option either. I can not take St. Louis or Lexington - the garrisons are to strong. And if I do nothing the Union can just march to the south. So I decide to fall back and order Price to Buffalo. But first I detach two units. One militia unit stays in Jefferson - just to make sure that the Union has to send more then a token force to capture it. And I send my cavalry unit to the north, to Bloomington with a mission to sow chaos and play havoc with the rail lines :) . At the very least it will force the Union to garrison the towns there - and every unit up there isnt fighting my troops down south.

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Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:48 am

I will add my comments later, when we finish the match, I think that by commenting every turn we can reveal too much and I like FOW.
I would rather post action reports, like
1st Turn: Union takes Rolla, CSA takes Bloomington in a cavalry raid.

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Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:08 am

In that case I will stop posting here.


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Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:53 am

LOL, what a rivality :D

You do not want to lose, not even playing parchis :mdr:

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Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:17 pm

Nikel wrote:LOL, what a rivality :D

You do not want to lose, not even playing parchis :mdr:

No, it is not that, to the contrary what I like is a game as interesting as it could be, and for me FOW is what makes it more ineteresting, guessing all the time what your opponent is going to dowhile planning your own movements.

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Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:10 pm

And I think you misunderstood me as wel :) . I didnt stop posting because I dont want Aryaman to read the posts, or because he does not post his side of the story, but because he preferred me not to post the AAR.

As soon as he is ok with me posting the turns I can do that, I have a turn by turn AAR ready (no pics though, I found them difficult to embed in Word).


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Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:33 am

We are far enough along in the game that I feel I can resume posting the AAR without "spoiling" the game. Here it goes.

Turn 2: Late july 1861

I raised two more units, one cavalry and one sharpshooter.

As expected the Union went for Rolla. My cavalry reached Bloomington unhinderd, and took the town. I decided to send it on to St. Joseph (an alternative I considered was hitting the rails around St. Louis).

I left Price were he was, counting on my opponent resting a turn in Rolla.

One of the raised militia is send with all haste to the Fayetteville depot – to prevent “horse pouncing”. Another is send by boat to Charlston.

Benjamin McCulloch arrived, together with an army HQ. Not much they can do yet. McCulloch is send to Springfield, to assist Price when he arrives.

The VP total is 10 for the CSA, 8 for the Union, with a 9-9 each turn.

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Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:34 am

Turn 3: Early august 1861

My cavalry unit arrived in St. Joseph. A militia unit was guarding it, so it is now besieged. My cavalry isnt strong nough to take it, so I wil destroy the railroad and move on to Carlton (the harbor across Lexington).

Lyon and his troops didnt rest in Rolla, and arrived at Erie, besides Buffalo. So I decided to retreat Price to the Springfield depot (all depots are empty by the way – this might give me some trouble later on..). If Lyon makes for Springfield, he might get there sooner then Price, which would leave Price in trouble…
I also finally made Price a division commander – till now he was inactive so this was not possible earlier.

My first cavalry and sharpshooter units are trained. The cavalry is send to Charlston, to hinder the Union on that flank. The sharpshooter is send to Springfield, to join Price.

Due to the commision of the division I have only 13 dollar left, so I raise just one cavalry unit.

The VP total is 19 for the CSA and 17 for the Union.

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Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:26 am

Turn 4: Late august 1861

Lyon arrived in Springfield before Price did. Price decided not to engage, and retreated back north. He is now cut off. I send him around Springfield, to the Fayetteville depot. Lets hope he arrives there before Lyon does…

My cavalry units are send to the region around St. Louis, to cut rail. This serves both to make the supply of Lyon more difficult, and to make a reaction by forces from St. Louis slower. And repairing them will cost the Union some resources….

I buy another sharpshooter and a cavalry unit (the last “cheap” one).

The VP total is 19 for the CSA and 17 for the Union.

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Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:28 am

Turn 5: Early september 1861

A Union cavalry force, consisting of two units, tried to take Ft. Smith. The garrison defended heroically, but were clearly overclassed. After suffering 90% losses, the last 50 men retreated into the fort. They are now besieged.
I send most of the troops form Little Rock to Ft. Smith (the HQ, a cavalry unit, a sharpshooter and a militia unit). McCulloch is recalled to Little Rock to lead this force.

Lyon went on south, and took the Fayetteville depot. After a long delibration Price is ordered back north again (his men must be grumbling) to take the Springfield depot back. He cannot fight Lyon, cutting his supply is the only alternative.

In the west Stand Watie has agreed to join my forces. He is send to raid the Rolla depot. My roaming cavalry units are send to Hilsboro and Potosi, (the area’s southwest of St. Louis), to destroy the rails there.

I buy one replacement, to refit the heroical defenders of Ft. Smith, and have enough left for one militia.

The VP total is 38 for the CSA and 37 for the Union.

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:21 am

Turn 6: Late september 1861

Lyon split his forces! Lyon self with about half of his men (? A strenght of 101 according to the reports) kept going and arrived at Ft. Smith. Fortunatly my troops under McMulloch arrived before him. A short battle followed, in which the circa 5500 men under Lyon defeated my 2500 men. Losses were 350 (union) against 500 (CSA). My troops have retreated into the fort.
I promote McMulloch to division commander, and the troops form an ad hoc division. With a strenght of 99 they should be able to hold the fort some time.
An (unknown) part of the union forces went north, and arrived in Neosho (north of the Fayette depot). A thirth force (2 units) stayed in the Fayetteville depot.

Price stormed the Springfiled depot and took it. Exactly 1 (one) supply was taken, no ammunition was found. Price cant stay there, and moving on to Rolla isnt a good option – he would starve there to, it would take just a bit longer. So he is ordered south, after burning the depot.
It should take him 2 turns to reach Ozark, he has just enough supply for that.

Stand Watie arrived in Vienna. He is ordered to storm the Rolla depot, where just one militia unit is guarding (as far as my information goes). I expect him to burn the depot. My two roaming cavalry units are also send to Rolla, to finish the job if it turns out to much for Watie’s irregulars.

In Little Rock van Dorn arrived. I send him, with a cavalry unit I raised, to Dan (the region east of Ft. Smith). In Malvern I raised a sharpshooter unit and another cavalry unit. They are send there as well, so I can use them to either reinforce Price or McMulloch.

If my troops can hold against Lyon at Ft. Smith, my situation isnt bad. I think Lyon overreached, and will have trouble to extract himself. When Price arrives I will have a local superiority around Ft. Smith, and better supply…..

I have enough resources left for one reinforcement – I need it after the battle. I have enough men left (14) to form more units, but am out of money ($1 left). With 59 ton of war material left that isnt a problem either.

The VP total is 46 for the CSA and 47 for the Union. Morale is still 100 on both sides.

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:57 pm

Ok, I will write my comments together with Bertram´s more ellaborated AAR.
I didn´t write them turn by turn, so they are rather general comments on the strategy.
I was sure my opponent would retreat towards Arkansas without making an stand, so I was surprised to see after first turn Price command standing close to Lyon, who had taken Rolla. Furthermore, Price had weakened his command by detaching several units, so I thought my opponent was deliberately offering me battle in order to delay me from my objective, Ft. Smith (Ar), the key of the campaign. So I decided to bypass Price to the north and go for Springfield. As price had not enough strength to take St Louis I was pretty sure he would have no alternative but to fall back and follow me. I keep advancing south, I had won a couple of turns of advantage over Price, so I thought I could arrive to Ft Smith before his defenders could be joined by Price´s force. So I did, but my first assault on the fort failed, and then Lyon´s command was struck by epidemics, so I had to settle for a siege for several turns before I ventured into another assault...

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:31 am

Turn 7: Early october 1861

Stand Watie delivered, his Indian regiments took Rolla. They will need some time to recover, but did get a lot of experience (one ** and two *). I ordered them to burn the depot. (I thought they would do this automatically?), and take some rest.
My two cavalry units also arrived in Rolla, but their assistance wasnt needed. An Union sharpshooter unit arrived in the region between St. Louis and Rolla. My cavalry is ordered to engage him.
At Ft. Smith Lyon tried an assault, but didnt really press it (he lost 150 men from the 5100, I lost 130 from the 2100). My strenght went up to 139, his to 116. Troubling is that the other Union force (under van Buren) returned south. Together Lyon and van Buren might be able to take Ft. Smith.
Another troubling thing is that they might be supplied by river. I have two forts and a gun boat unit at Reel lake to block the river, but am not sure that those really block supply. (I have noticed before that river supply can get over absurd distances into enemy territory. Same goes for the river transports, van Buren can ship his troops along the river from Ft. Smith to Little Rock, magically creating the boats needed, and there is no way I can stop them).

Price is on his way south, but it seems he forgot his matches, as he did not burn the depot before leaving. It is not really troubling, as the amount of supply is 1/0, so it wont do the Union much good. And the Union burned the Fayetteville depot (an other sign they might get supply through the river? I need to hold on till the river freezes, but am fearing that will be to late to safe Ft. Smith.)

I bought another reinforcement (the previous one was used again to restore the troops in Ft. Smith), and a militia unit. This is the last Arizona volunteer unit. And I dont want to buy units in Missouri, as they will probably appear in Jefferson City, and be useless. So I will be forced to raise irregulars (3 sharpshooter units left to raise in Arizona) , as I sure have no resources to raise regulars or artillery.

The VP total is 56 for the CSA and 57 for the Union. Morale is still 100 on both sides.

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:42 pm

Turn 8: Late october 1861

Lyon and van Buren joined forces at Ft. Smith, but did not attack. Their force is now about 220 strong, while my besieged defenders are 144 strong. Troubling is that their strength is still going up. I noticed Lyon took a field hospital along – I guess one reason why he is recovering so fast.

Price arrived at Ozark. He is ordered to cross the Arkansas river, and join Van Dorn on the south bank. Together they should be about 200 strong, and be able to try to relief the siege of Ft. Smith.

My cavalry units near Rolla tried to engage the Union sharpshooters, but they gave them the slip, twice. The sharpshooters ended up in Springfield. The cavalry is still chasing. Watie wil move to Jefferson and rest another turn (the cohesion is only back to 30).

The replacement was used to reinforce the Island 10 fortress. Pretty useless, I wil go without (infantry) replacements for now. As several of my cavalry units are pretty low on men I buy a cavalry replacement (especially as one of my units in Ft. Smith an use the troops – and everything that boosts the strenght of the troops there is good). I have 8 $ and 12 men left, but no units I can buy in Arizona. So I decide to save it till next turn – I might even manage to buy some regulars!! (well, cheapest is 27$, 28 men, so that would be two turns of).

The VP total is 67 for the CSA and 65 for the Union. Morale is still 100 on both sides.

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:10 pm

Bertram wrote:Turn 7: Early october 1862

At Ft. Smith Lyon tried an assault, but didnt really press it (he lost 150 men from the 5100, I lost 130 from the 2100).

I think that was because my troops were already very low on cohesion after the long march from St Louis and the battle the previous turn. In fact I ordered the attack because I thought your main force was retreating towards Little Rock instead of inside the fort, it was an unpleasant surprise not to be able to take Ft Smith that turn :(

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:56 am

Turn 9: Early november 1861

Snow has falen across the land. A good thing for the defender :) . (ed: man, how wrong I was….. :( ) .
Up north Fremont got active, and marched on Jefferson. He chased away Watie, and took the town. No surprise. Watie is send to the harbor across St. Louis. After that I’ll send him to Charleston.
My cavalry arrived at the Springfield depot and took it. Supply is plenty (92/35), I hope it comes from the north. I ordered the cavalry to burn the depot. Dont want Fremont to arrive in Ft. Smith, or Lyon to use it retreating. .

At Ft. Smith McMullochs troops almost are up to strenght again (power 160). Lyon is down to 140 strenght, and sitting outside in the snow. The other troops (mainly Price’ division) consolidated under Van Dorn. Their relieve attempt has to wait, as they got hit by an epidemic (strengt down to 120). The supply at Ft. Smith is down to 3/12. I hope that the depot gets filled a bit coming turns. I just noticed that the supply at Little Rock is also falling fast...

I have lost sight of some of the Union troops (where did that sharpshoooter go? It evaded combat at Springfield. And the cavalry that tried to surprise the troops in Ft. Smith? Part of Lyons army, or elsewhere?). For now I’ll hunker down, attack Lyon when he is seriously weakened, and try to let him not escape.

My cavalry replacement was used up. Now all my troops up to strenght, so I’ll not buy any new. I save the resources for regular troops later (maybe).

The VP total is 77 for the CSA and 77 for the Union. I get 10 vp each turn, the Union gets 9 (though I dont know what happens after burning Springfield). Morale is still 100 on both sides.

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:27 am

Turn 10: Late november 1861

Not much happened. The cavalry burned the Springfield depot. Watie arrived in Charles. Van Dorn retreated direction Little Rock (and just in time, he is running out of food. I hope that he gets some supplies when he is sitting on the depot).

Lyon his force grew to 200 strength. I now know the missing sharpshooters unit arrived there as well, but it seems he isnt out of supply yet :( . My troops is Ft. Smith are up to strenght (about 160), but the food is dwindling.

I had enough resources to buy one Brigade of regulars (consisting of 2 inf and one cav). We will see where it will muster. Little Rock would be nice…..

Most of the land is covered in snow, my men are ordered to stay where they are.

The VP total is 87 for the CSA and 86 for the Union. We now get both 10 vp each turn. Morale is still 100 on both sides.

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:33 am

Turn 11: Early december 1861

Again not much happened. Fremont got back to St. Louis. A Union cavalry raid took Ft. Gibson. In respons I send Watie east, along the Missouri, to the harbor across Lexington.
My besieged units are getting lower on food, and the besiegers are getting stronger (now at 286 str). It seems that indeed, the Union can keep a force in the middle of Arizona without depots. I fear Union supply gets across the river, even though I have Fortresses and Gunboats there.
The reinforcements arrived in Helena. Quite a bit away from the action, but I can send them to Charlestown. I managed to buy another of those regular units.

I am now quite sure that I will loose this game. The force besieging Ft. Smith is only getting stronger, and will probably be able to take Little Rock after taking Ft. Smith. Fremont will take Charlestown. As I am not as strong, I opted for outmanoeuvring the Union. But with no supply for the CSA at all, and Lyon not running out of supply in the middel of Arizona, that isnt possible. Maybe when the river freezes he will start running out of supply?

Meanwhile my supply situation is getting worse, Ft. Smith is out of supply, Little Rock is almost out of supply, Charleston is out of supply… it seems I can not keep this army as it is in supply at all.

The VP total is 97 for the CSA and 96 for the Union. The Union gets 10 vp each turn, CSA 9. Morale is still 100 on both sides.

(Nb: I edited all posts above, to change the date from 1862 in 1861 :bonk :)

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:57 pm

Lyon was sheltered from the snow by the 2 supply wagons he was carrying. He received a bount of supply one turn, but after you burned Springfield my supply started to dwindle. I was confident I can resupply after taking Ft Smith, that was my experience in the Grand Campaign, unfortunately it was not the case in this scenario... :(

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:21 pm

Turn 12: Late december 1862

Lyon stormed Ft. Smith, and wiped out my 2600 men. The only survivor is McMulloch. This is a serious disappointment to me. I thought the men, entrenched to level 4, several guns in their possesion, in command, and inside a fortification, should be able to hold out a bit. What is otherwise the use of a fortification? As it turns out the Union, attacking with 5200 men, only lost 1300, and wiped out the garrison in one day.

I fear the Union troops will be back to strenght in a few turns, and then take Little Rock.

My toops in Little Rock meanwhile are starving, strength is going down. As my resources are going down as well, I can now buy one militia each turn (if I had any to buy).

No orders are given, as there are no troops that can do anything.

The VP total is 81 for the CSA and 158 for the Union. The Union gets 14 vp each turn, CSA 5. Morale is 76 for the CSA, 127 for the Union.

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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:51 am

Turn 13: Early januari 1862

Nothing happend. Supply went to 0 in all towns. Some suply is left in the fortresses. Van Dorn is halfway in the red. Two more turns and my troops will be going.

The cavalry is ordered to disperse. Van Dorn’s troops are staying in Little Rock, it does not really matter where his soldiers will starve. The raiders in Panther are disbanded, maybe my militia unit there can now survive.

Only one “active” is Stand Watie, he is resting in the harbor area across Lexington.

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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:52 am

Turn 14: Late januari 1862

Nothing happened. Van Dorn is down to his last food. According to my intelligence Lyon is down to strenght 6. Price could attack him, if he had food… (and when the intel is correct).

There are new volunteers (the poor guys), so I order up one cavalry unit and one militia. I wonder if buying more river transport will get me a better distrubution of food, but I have 16, and that is one above maximum.

The VP total is 91 for the CSA and 186 for the Union. The Union gets 14 vp each turn, CSA 5. Morale is 81 for the CSA, 126 for the Union.

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Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:08 am

Bertram wrote:Turn 14: Late januari 1862

Nothing happened. Van Dorn is down to his last food. According to my intelligence Lyon is down to strenght 6. Price could attack him, if he had food… (and when the intel is correct).


That was a terrible miscalculation on my part, in the end Lyon´s entire command was wiped out by lack of supplies!

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Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:05 am

Turn 15: Early februari 1863

Fremont attacked Charleston. My troops retreated without giving battle. I thought I had told them to defend at al cost. But maybe they have heard of the fate of their fellow soldiers at Ft. Smith, and decided that retreating was the better option…. (that is, it might be due to the low CSA morale). They retreat to the New Madrid fortress. A good choice, there is actually some food there.
Some cavalry skirmishes at the Creek village. My men manage to hold the village, and hold starvation of for another turn. I think they dine on horses that got killed, as I expected them to starve this turn.
Lyon pops up at St. Louis. This seems to indicate that his troops did starve at Ft. Smith.
I order Van Dorn towards Ft. Smith, his men eating the last bits of food in the supply wagon. He has assault orders, so I hope the fort is really deserted.
The only active force is Stand Watie. I order him to take Lawrence.

The VP total is 96 for the CSA and 196 for the Union. The Union gets 14 vp each turn, CSA 5. Morale is 81 for the CSA, 125 for the Union.

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Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:14 am

Turn 16: Late februari 1863

Van Dorn wont arrive at Ft. Smith, his troops are to hungry, they dont move. He is still in the region adjacent at Little Rock. His troops will be destroyed next turn. An other brigade (Colberts) is send from Little Rock by boat, with assault orders. The other troops in Little Rock (with exception of the locked garrison) are send by boat to the fortess, maybe they will survive there.
Stand Watie once again won a battle and is sitting on Lawrence. He can not take the town, so it stays Union, even though there are 3 regiments of Indians inside now. He wil try to destroy the infantry unit he chased from Lawrence.
I get all kind of partisan units, but they dont do any good, with all the rail and the depots already destoyed.
One of my cavalry units is besieged in Creek, and out of food.
All supply in all towns is still 0. Only the fortresses have some food.
I buy one river transport (the abstact kind), to see i fit helps getting food to the troops. Buying troops is useless, they will only starve.

The VP total is 101 for the CSA and 207 for the Union. The Union gets 11 vp each turn, CSA 5. Morale is 83 for the CSA, 124 for the Union.
Losses are 5325 for the CSA and 3915 for the Union.

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Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:07 am

Turn 17: Early March 1863

Van Dorn’s troops (2600 men) all died of starvation. Van Dorn himself is taken to the hospital in Panther. Price and the (empty) supply wagon are all wat remains.
My colberts Brigade arrived in Ft. Smith. Disregarding their orders, they did not attack. The fort is being held by Samuel Curtis, all by himself. Colberts Brigade is sieging him.
At Creek the Union Cavalry left – probably went hungry. I send the newly raised Indian regiments to Cherokees.
Stand Watie was fooled by the infantry unit, who evaded his cavalry regiments. I send him to Ft. Smith (the northern one). Maybe he can take that one..

I have lost about 90% of my force, but I think I can take Ft. Smith back next turn…

Supply in all towns is 0, with exception of Little Rock. After the starvation of Van Dorns men there is 3 food in surplus at Little Rock. Supply in the fortress where my troops from Charlston retreated is going down as well. If the scenario was any longer they would starve too.

3 new Indian cavalry regiments are rised, to replace the destroyed ones – is Stand Watie leading an army of undead warriors?

I have 22 dollars, I buy a cavalry and an infantry replacement. I dont think they will be used, and new units are rather superfluous in ths stage of the game.

The VP total is 106 for the CSA and 218 for the Union. The Union gets 11 vp each turn, CSA 5. Morale is 85 for the CSA, 124 for the Union.

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Humanitarian Drop Event Trigger

Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:51 am

Seems like you guys could have used the first ever Humanitarian Drop...:-)


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Humanitarian Aid Drop by... Balloons!

Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:09 pm

josh4bs wrote:Seems like you guys could have used the first ever Humanitarian Drop...:-)

...slingloaded in, air assault style, by transport balloons! :)
(you know... the ones that enable your sweet little generals to kinda disappear here and reappear there, almost instantly...)

Great story, you guys! :) I didn't know who to root for, so I rooted for both of ya, when it was your turn! :) Very Shakespearean: a real tragedy, ya know? Everybody dies at the end. How sad. :p leure:

Both of you get smooches, for such a heart-rending performance.
:coeurs: for you, Bertram; and :coeurs: for you, Aryaman!
Aphrodite Mae

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:12 am

There is more dying to follow - though it is more red shirted extras then main characters....

Turn 18: Late march 1862

Colberts Brigade continues to siege Samuel Curtis. During the siege resolution Curtis manages to hold out, but he looses against the assault. I dont know if he makes a heroically last stand, or manages to slip away (and travel across snow covered Arizona to St. Louis - now that would be a tale!).
So I have Ft. Smith back. Supply there is 0, my poor victorious troops will starve in 3 turns (lucky for them the scenario will end before they are dead :) ).
My cavalry in Creek is one turn from starvation – seems they survive the scenario also.
Some strange battles occured at Cherokees. The troops - my 3 Indian regiments and an Union cavalry regiment - have a running battle for 7 (!) days. Though the Indian regiments get the better of it in the first two days, the regular troops are to though for them, and they loose the next 5 days. At the end of the fight all Indian regiments are destroyed, and the Union cavalry is down to 50 men......
Stand Watie takes “the other Ft. Smith”. Just out of spite he is ordered to burn it, and advance on the Union cavalry in Cherokees.

I have massed my surviving troops in the New Madrid fortification. Strenght about 120, not enough to contemplate taking Charleston (the Union force there is 190 according to my intelligence).

I have 22 dollars and 47 men, so I buy a infantry replacement (the previous one was used up), and a militia.

The VP total is 136 for the CSA and 207 for the Union. The Union gets 12 vp each turn, CSA 9. Morale is 110 for the CSA, 99 for the Union :thumbsup: .

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A Seven day battle! Wow!

Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:30 pm

Bertram wrote:There is more dying to follow - though it is more red shirted extras then main characters....

He's dead, Jim! -- L. McCoy

Bertram wrote:...Some strange battles occured at Cherokees. The troops - my 3 Indian regiments and an Union cavalry regiment - have a running battle for 7 (!) days. Though the Indian regiments get the better of it in the first two days, the regular troops are to tough for them, and they loose the next 5 days. At the end of the fight all Indian regiments are destroyed, and the Union cavalry is down to 50 men...

Do you still have the battlelog, by any chance? I'd love to see that 7 day battle!

Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Civil War General! -- L. McCoy


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