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Civil War II releases on the 151st Anniversary of Antietam with the Civil War Trust

Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:45 pm

“It is a revolution; a revolution of the most intense character; in which belief in the justice, prudence, and wisdom of secession is blended with the keenest sense of wrong and outrage, and it can no more be checked by human effort for the time than a prairie fire by a gardener’s watering pot”
Judah P. Benjamin,Senator from Louisiana, (1860)

These words foreshadowed the most terrible war in American History. A war which changed the fate of a nation. A war which turned brother against brother. On September 17th 1862 at the battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history, with 22,717 dead, wounded, and missing took place.

151 years on we look back at this epic struggle and want to know more. Ageod allows you do just that. In Civil War II you take command of the Union or of the Confederate States of America and must try to steer your nation through the turbulent times ahead. This grand strategy games puts you in control of everything from production and recruitment, to diplomacy and more importantly the war effort. You’ll be commanding vast armies and testing your skill against the AI or other players online. Civil War II is a deep an engaging strategy game with a huge amount of flavor and historical research.

The innovative play system has both sides issuing orders and then executing them simultaneously so much of the skill comes from predicting what your opponent will do and where they will be, not where you see them at the start of a turn. This makes for a very exciting and realistic experience. You really get a feel for what generals went through 150 years ago. There are hundreds of units and over 300 generals, all with their own portraits and background – it’s a huge game.

There are a host of new features in Civil War II, of which here is a sample:

- 'Regional decisions' that allow special events such as the attack of Confederate submarine CSS Hunley.

- All new map covering a much larger play area stretching from the Rockies to the Caribbean and even down in to Mexico, allowing for new campaigns. There are 5 main scenarios from the battle of Shiloh all the way up to the Grand Campaign.

- A completely new look and feel that enhances the immersion and makes the game easier to play with numerous UI improvements and new features.

For anyone with any interest at all in the Civil War this is a must have game.

If we have not persuaded you that this is a game you must have then let’s just add one more thing! Ageod has teamed up with the Civil War Trust, America’s largest non-profit organization devoted to the preservation of American Civil War battlefields and is donating a portion of the proceeds to help this great organisation.

Get more information on Civil War II from its official product page.

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