Pocus wrote:Dear players,
After releasing Empires in 2019, our new game will be named ... Kingdoms!
It has been announced at the Slitherine Convention, HOW 2022 in Venice.
It's a game that will be a significant evolution from Empires while staying true to its predecessors on several points. Expect though many novelties, like a simple dynastic system, religion, disloyal peers of the realm, and much more.
Some info here:
https://www.slitherine.com/game/field-of-glory-kingdomsThe first round of beta testing will be open in Autumn. You are all welcome to apply.
THIS IS (still) AGEOD!

Thank the good Lord above; this is excellent news. The period chosen is ideal. Thank you for the info.
One, and only one criticism. As an Empires player, I always found the colored text to destroy immersion and pull me out of the game. It might seem crazy, but this was why I stopped playing Empires. I could not get sucked into the game with the bright fonts reminding me this is a game rather than a transportation to a period.
So the newly released screenshot with a piece of bread divulges information about a "bakery. " In this screenshot, some of the text is bolded in blue and yellow, etc to me, this is an arcade type of writing, and it reminds the player he is playing a game rather than feeling like a ruler of a realm. If you were to come up with a medieval-style of writing and artwork to convey the information, perhaps appearing as if it came from the period, it would significantly improve the gameplay. Medieval 1 total war, did this well. Perhaps you could look to them for ideas.