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---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed May 18, 2022 3:35 pm

Dear players,

After releasing Empires in 2019, our new game will be named ... Kingdoms!
It has been announced at the Slitherine Convention, HOW 2022 in Venice.

It's a game that will be a significant evolution from Empires while staying true to its predecessors on several points. Expect though many novelties, like a simple dynastic system, religion, disloyal peers of the realm, and much more.

Some info here:

The first round of beta testing will be open in Autumn. You are all welcome to apply.

THIS IS (still) AGEOD! :niark:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Fri May 20, 2022 1:11 pm


I guess beta is here: ... i-medieval

Will the engine be some improved? (maybe new features which might not be in FoG:Empires)
or you can't answer yet, nor here

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon May 23, 2022 9:10 am

Yes for the beta page, but there are still some weeks before we call for beta.

There will be many novelties yes, I'll disclose them progressively! What can I say here & now ... Let's say there are now religions, they are important, and you can go on Crusade/ Jihad (or be at the receiving end of it) :laugh:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:56 pm

Pocus wrote:Dear players,

After releasing Empires in 2019, our new game will be named ... Kingdoms!
It has been announced at the Slitherine Convention, HOW 2022 in Venice.

It's a game that will be a significant evolution from Empires while staying true to its predecessors on several points. Expect though many novelties, like a simple dynastic system, religion, disloyal peers of the realm, and much more.

Some info here:

The first round of beta testing will be open in Autumn. You are all welcome to apply.

THIS IS (still) AGEOD! :niark:

Thank the good Lord above; this is excellent news. The period chosen is ideal. Thank you for the info.

One, and only one criticism. As an Empires player, I always found the colored text to destroy immersion and pull me out of the game. It might seem crazy, but this was why I stopped playing Empires. I could not get sucked into the game with the bright fonts reminding me this is a game rather than a transportation to a period.

So the newly released screenshot with a piece of bread divulges information about a "bakery. " In this screenshot, some of the text is bolded in blue and yellow, etc to me, this is an arcade type of writing, and it reminds the player he is playing a game rather than feeling like a ruler of a realm. If you were to come up with a medieval-style of writing and artwork to convey the information, perhaps appearing as if it came from the period, it would significantly improve the gameplay. Medieval 1 total war, did this well. Perhaps you could look to them for ideas.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:35 pm

In Medieval 2 Total war you had various agents among them were priests. You could recruit them from churches and cathedrals. You could rank them up by converting people to your faith, fighting heretics, and condemning witches in somewhat of a theological duel where your priest could also be converted to their heretical views as well.  Your priest could rank up and become a bishop appointed by the pope. He then became more powerful. If your bishop became ranked up he could become one of the voting members of the college of cardinals who elect the next pope. If your bishop became one of the top 3 ranked in the world he could have a chance of being elected as the next pope which gave your realm an advantage and certain benefits if he was elected. 

It added a layer of strategy, diplomacy [could trade votes during papal elections, etc], and fun to the game. Does anything like this exist in Kingdoms and if not could it be implemented?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:40 am

Burn Them at the Stake- Heretics and Witches

In Med 2 TW heretics and witches would appear randomly in your provinces spreading their heresy. You could contest them with a priest or cardinal with the chance of condemning them where they would be executed and you would "level up" as an enemy of heresy. There was always a chance they would convert your priest, however. Will anything like this kind of religious spiritual warfare occur in Kingdoms?

I always loved this part of med 2. It was a more active role in conversion than "build a church here" etc

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:48 pm

Sorry for so many questions.

I was thinking it would make the game as well as diplomacy much better if there was an option that made it so you did not know who was cpu and who was human. You would have to conduct yourself with far more caution diplomatically and take more care not to anger what could be a potential human (dangerous) advisory. 

Is there any way of having an option like this? Could it even work?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:42 pm

That would mean obfuscating who is human and who is not in Multiplayer; This could certainly be done, but that's the first time it has been suggested and there are so many other options that could be done!

As for your questions on characters (priests and bishops), we at AGEOD handle all these special rules with regional decisions, it's a kind of toolbox for special situations. There will be three times more regional decisions in Kingdoms compared to Empires, and some deal with burning a possible heretic put to trial someone, etc.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:33 pm

Pocus wrote:That would mean obfuscating who is human and who is not in Multiplayer; This could certainly be done, but that's the first time it has been suggested and there are so many other options that could be done!

As for your questions on characters (priests and bishops), we at AGEOD handle all these special rules with regional decisions, it's a kind of toolbox for special situations. There will be three times more regional decisions in Kingdoms compared to Empires, and some deal with burning a possible heretic put to trial someone, etc.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Any possibility of the colored text being replaced with medieval-period text and artwork for immersion?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:13 pm

Don't get your expectations too high... We would like if time allows proposing a color blind mode, and it could certainly be tweaked to what you ask, but even this is not a given.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:46 am

Pocus wrote:Don't get your expectations too high... We would like if time allows proposing a color blind mode, and it could certainly be tweaked to what you ask, but even this is not a given.

I love the sounds of that. But it's no good not getting my hopes up, the timer period alone is irresistible for me. Add to that 16-player MP and i am a hopeless romantic.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:00 pm

Good news. But I've left Slitherine&Matrix forums as they are 'God save the Queen' players. Very good old age nationalists. ;) If any beta here I 'll gladly join. :siffle:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:08 pm

Heavens, what a treat to hear about this!

I am especially interested in learning how you plan to evolve the economic system from Empires. The economics in that game were interesting and certainly far from trivial, but also clumsy to handle and kind of inscrutable, at least until one had played for quite a while.

I suppose there will be some dev diaries to stoke interest?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:27 pm

Yes, we will do dev diaries, but probably not before mid-beta. The economic system won't get a major overhaul that would turn the tables as you would like, sorry to disappoint! :)

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:56 pm

Don't get me wrong -- the economic system in Empires actually gave you a reason to think about where you chose to expand. It did a lot of things well. It's just that it takes a while to understand how to make best use of the resources available to you. Anything that can be done to make those decisions more transparent will help a lot.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:57 pm

Pocus, I've gone back and played Empires a while to remind myself of how things work, and I have a couple of suggestions. For what they're worth:

First, if you intend to keep the same system of bonuses to income and production for having trade goods in the same or neighboring regions, then I think things could be made more transparent if the map could be filtered to show individual trade goods. You can do this with the ledger, but not directly with the map, as far as I know.

Second, the system for "needing" a trade good into a province and then having the trade good also be available to provide bonuses for neighboring provinces could be loosened a bit so that the province into which the resource had been "needed" could also become a point of export. The Middle Ages had a far more developed trading system than the ancient world did, and to my thinking there is nothing wrong with allowing certain import regions to become essentially entrepots in the further distribution of goods. I don't mean to suggest that this should always be possible of that it should happen without investments by the player, but I think it should be possible.

Those are just a couple of thoughts. As I said, for what they're worth. However you do this, I am eagerly looking forward to the game!

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:10 pm

Pocus wrote:Dear players,

After releasing Empires in 2019, our new game will be named ... Kingdoms!
It has been announced at the Slitherine Convention, HOW 2022 in Venice.

It's a game that will be a significant evolution from Empires while staying true to its predecessors on several points. Expect though many novelties, like a simple dynastic system, religion, disloyal peers of the realm, and much more.

Some info here:

The first round of beta testing will be open in Autumn. You are all welcome to apply.

THIS IS (still) AGEOD! :niark:

It's looking pretty good. I will definitely buy it to support Ageod. I hope it's a success for you Pocus. :dada:

After I discovered Ageod's games, unfortunately late, I've already acquired practically all of them. I think AGE is the best system for strategy games, but I understand that it was getting "outdated" for more modern systems, and they had to change to the current one.

I have a question though, for you Pocus, just out of curiosity. Why didn't you release a game back then in the medieval era? I believe that one was missing in the AGE system. Thanks!

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A request and a question

Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:03 pm

Hi there.

Great news. This one is on my whishlist already.

If possible, please add an ironman mode, like we have in Paradox games.

Could you tell me if provincial micromanagement regarding population assignment has been somewhat reduced?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:37 pm

Medieval era requires a lot of stuff about dynasties, plus Crusades, religion. This could have been done after Pride of Nations, but PON was really the last game adding significant code, and probably too much for the engine shoulders.

There are two main novelties for provinces in Kingdoms, one is about a new gameplay feature, one is about better automating the province governance. I can't disclose specifically what this is for now, Marketing watch over me, they want me to keep some large ammo reserve for proper dev diaries :niark:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:29 pm

Pocus wrote:Medieval era requires a lot of stuff about dynasties, plus Crusades, religion. This could have been done after Pride of Nations, but PON was really the last game adding significant code, and probably too much for the engine shoulders.

There are two main novelties for provinces in Kingdoms, one is about a new gameplay feature, one is about better automating the province governance. I can't disclose specifically what this is for now, Marketing watch over me, they want me to keep some large ammo reserve for proper dev diaries :niark:


Thanks for the reply! Keep up the good work. :dada:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:12 pm

Pocus wrote:Medieval era requires a lot of stuff about dynasties, plus Crusades, religion. This could have been done after Pride of Nations, but PON was really the last game adding significant code, and probably too much for the engine shoulders.

There are two main novelties for provinces in Kingdoms, one is about a new gameplay feature, one is about better automating the province governance. I can't disclose specifically what this is for now, Marketing watch over me, they want me to keep some large ammo reserve for proper dev diaries :niark:

cant wait.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Thu Oct 06, 2022 3:58 pm

"Standard of Saint Peter"

Reading various books on feudal history from 800-1300, I keep coming across "The Banner of the Holy Roman Church." It was carried into battle as a symbol of Papal favor. It was not only used in crusades or against heritcs but in various wars between Christian (or excommunicated) lords where the Church endorsed one side. I guess it would give a nice moral boost to the army that carried it, believing they were on God's side.

Is there any chance of something like this being incorporated into the game?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Fri Oct 07, 2022 3:31 pm

Ok, so it seems you are Sir Jeb the Epic on Steam ;) ... 492486341/

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:16 pm

Pocus wrote:Ok, so it seems you are Sir Jeb the Epic on Steam ;) ... 492486341/

lol, yes I am.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue May 07, 2024 6:43 am

"June 4th" :dada: ... n-june-4th

. four times as many Regional Decisions
. cooperation between allies

Still hoping for a kind of "Medieval TotalWar 3", and its mods...

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:36 am

Pocus wrote:Ok, so it seems you are Sir Jeb the Epic on Steam ;) ... 492486341/

I don't see a section for the game FIELD OF GLORY: KINGDOMS on the forum. Maybe we need to create it now?

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:12 pm

Done! Thanks for the reminder :coeurs:

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:19 pm

It is said that OS: Windows 10 & 11 is needed, but it works well with Win 7 home Premium 64bit.

PS: Polish king Casimir I the Restorer (Polish: Kazimierz I Odnowiciel was a member of the ruling Piast dynasty, So his last name was Piast not Branicki (Braniccy were XVII centuy nobility).
Meteoryt-like user. Strikes and disappears.

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Re: ---> Field of Glory: Kingdoms announced <---

Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:03 am

That's actually a RNG ed name, for starting ruler we don't have entries to set the Family Name, something that will need to be improved in the future. As they are all already in charge by definition, it was deemed not too important.

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