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Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:07 pm

That's good news, it's good to know the AGE engine is continuing to get support :thumbsup:

But, a question; is this "pack" the misterious volunteer AGE project ?


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Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:08 pm

Florent wrote:A pack of scénarios if you prefer. :)

That's amazing!!!

The Austrian Succession should be a campaign as big as the Seven Years... Are you focusing in several shorter scenarios, or a new grand campaign for RoP involving 1740-1748?

Oh, 2012 seems a very good year for AGE-players :love: (a brand-new game, expansion for RoP...). And the Philippes trying a new thing with Napoleon Campaigns 2. You have my support (it is not too much, but it's a beginning) ;)

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Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:35 pm

The Austrian Succession should be a campaign as big as the Seven Years... Are you focusing in several shorter scenarios, or a new grand campaign for RoP involving 1740-1748?

Shorter scénarios.
I'm working on 6 of them. There is some details in other threads but here they are:

Molwitz 41 : Actually the start of the war from dec 15 1740 to end August 1741/early sept41 just before the treaty of Kleinschnellendorf between Prussians and Austrians.
The Prussians invade Silesia and must secure it with 3 Corps, the Austrians must prevent them to reach their goal. Their Army after the disaster of the Austro-Turk war of 1737-39 has lost morale and has been dispersed all over the Empire and will have to concentrate for the counterattack. Brown leads a corps of perhaps (in Silesia)8000 men but reinforcements are on their way. Important decisions have to be taken ; do you try to resist with your initial force gathered or do you fill the important fortresses with troops and retreat back to Moravia to build a new army like history.
It will be a fun small scenario replayable depending of the time the prussians will take to besiege towns like Glogau, Brieg, and Neisse. Like history you will find yourself spread all over Silesia and vulnerable to counterattack by a concentrated Austrian Army as Neipperg did at Molwitz.

Maria Theresa at Bay : The same scenario with a End in march 1742. This scenario is semi-historical because there is no treaty of Kleinschnellendorf thus as the Austrians you will find suddenly the Bavarian and French armies marching on Linz and Vienna whereas another french army arriving at Amberg is going for Prague as well as ...the Saxons coming from Pirna and Freiberg.
Resistance is prepared at Vienna to resit with the Militia, Bürgerwehr, Students etc... and reinforcements from Italy are on their way. Will you be able to defend your beloved Queen and Capital ? and saving Prague ?

The Campaign in Bohemia, Moravia and Bavaria 1741-1742
This scenario starts in september 1741 and will last until december 1742 thus covering the prussian invasion of Moravia, the 2 famous sieges of Prague and the campaign in Bavaria invaded by hordes of ferocious grenzers light troops.

Maria Theresa the Great or King Georg V's War/ : The Prussian Army invades Silesia but as Maréchal Belle-Isle is coming back to France after promising a support to Fred and Elector of Bavaria to be Emperor all by his own initiative, he finds himself confined to the Bastille as the French King and Cardinal Fleury want peace. All of this against all expectations by Fred II.
KIng Georg V of Britain immediately organizes a coalition under the treaty of 1731 with 12000 british troops, 6000 Hanovrians, 6000 danish, some Hessians and possibly some austrians forces from nederlands.
Maria-Theresa is calling Empress Anna of Russia for a 18-20000 expeditionary corps.
What will happen when the Redcoats will met the blue coated prussians is up to you in this alternative scenario where Fred II like Saddam in Koweit opens a Pandora Box.

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Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:11 pm

The Second Silesian War 1744-1745 The Prussians according to treaty with the french invade Bohemia which is a secondary theater of operations running for Prag (august 1744) and then Pilsen and Wien. The french have the primary theater in germany and especially bavaria.
The Prussians got the permission to cross Saxony despite knowing that there is talking and treaty with austria and thus risking to have an hostile Saxony in the back.
By an extraordinary bad luck in history, french King Louis XV fell ill with no hope for restablishments and the french army simply becomes idle and stopped.
Lead by the formidable von Traun the austrians escaped toward bohemia which is becoming the main theater of operations. What should have been an easy victory for Prussians could be soon a nightmare as the Saxons joined into the fray.
Despite the taking of Prag and Tabor the prussians will be checked by Traun who avoid battles with fred with a huge screen of lights troops and when Fred is by luck able to offer a battle, the austrian position is so strong that fred retreat and will soon be forced to retire in silesia losing between 10000 and 30000 men depending the sources.
As the prussians you will have options to have replacements with Cantonists, Auslander etc...for the second round. Note that in reality Traun was send to Bavaria leaving Prince Charles against the Prussians at Hohenfriedberg.
The Bavarian theater is not treated for now but a scenario will certainly be done later or if time allows me. The scenario will end early 1746.

1744 Saxony First The same Campaign but Fred which hesitated to strike in Saxony first(historically) will indeed strike but instead to have a few troops mobilised (like in 1756) will have all the Saxon Army at Pirna and Freiberg (Dobeln) + Batthyanyi Corps in Observation not far away.

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Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:45 pm

Wow, it's impressive...

Short scenarios are always interesting for making easier PBEM and introducing new players. Veteran players can this way try something new, of course.

ROP is the game that brought me to ageod (I knew about it from Paradox forums) so I'm very pleased knowing there's something ongoing related to it. I really like playing it, AACW and PON, as well as the tries I've had until now with RUS (I haven´t played really WIA or NCP).

Good work, then :thumbsup:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:30 am

ROP expansion would be great ! I really like the map most. It is very elegant game, Looking forward to it. And be relaxed, we are with you ! :mdr:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:47 am

I love the atmosphere of the cartoon...reminds me of RL :mdr:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:30 am

Nikel wrote:Are you interested in the Thirty Years War? :)
Reference boardgame, GMT Thirty Years War :)

I'd buy a Thirty Years war AGE game instantly too. :coeurs:
Never seen the above wargame, but still have this one:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:30 am

An interesting source of information regarding the 30YW is the yahoo group:

it is especially valuable as a starting point for research gathering all the links in one place as a launching pad

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:30 am

Great news Florent! I´m looking forward to play those scenarios. :coeurs:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:16 am

Drax wrote:I'd buy a Thirty Years war AGE game instantly too. :coeurs:
Never seen the above wargame, but still have this one:

Tactical battles, the other above is the strategical game of the TYW.

From what I read after The Lion of the North they released 2 games with tactical battles:

Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms

Sweden Fights On

The manuals include interesting historical notes :)

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:57 am

From what I read after The Lion of the North they released 2 games with tactical battles:

I have all of them, a french battle module was published " Under the Lily Banners" with Rocroi, Lens, Freiburg and Mergentheim.

The latest is about Swedish-Danish war " Nothing gained but Glory" in the 1659-1675 period.

Their next volume in the P500 is "Saints in Armor" covering the early battles from 1620 to 1626 normally published end 2012.

"This Accursed Civil War" will be reedited also covering the English Civil War. 2nd Newbury was published in C3i mag.

Other games will have early Louis XIV war in the 1674-1675 and battles in the time of English Civil war like Les Dunes, Dunbar or Cropredy Bridge.

This is a fantastic serie :thumbsup:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:00 pm

Florent wrote:From what I read after The Lion of the North they released 2 games with tactical battles:

I have all of them, a french battle module was published " Under the Lily Banners" with Rocroi, Lens, Freiburg and Mergentheim.

The latest is about Swedish-Danish war " Nothing gained but Glory" in the 1659-1675 period.

Their next volume in the P500 is "Saints in Armor" covering the early battles from 1620 to 1626 normally published end 2012.

This sounds like that after you finish with the Austrian Succession War you will be the leader of AGEOD Thirty Years War team? :neener:

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:07 pm

Yes why not, i would like a second expansion adding Flanders for Fontenoy, Raucoux, Lawfeld and more of Alsace for the 1743 Invasion, more of Germany with Trier, Saarbrücken etc...and of course Northern Italy from the border to Mantoue to have the Operations in Italy, battle of Guastala and Parma in 1734 and all the operations in 1742 to 1746 with the French and Spanish armies.

I did the research and i already have the Spanish, Piemontese and other Italian OOB. ;)

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:26 pm

This would be great but it begs the question of the map. How complicated/costly would it be to extend the Rop map ? Ideally you would want a map of the whole of Europe, then all the different European wars of the period 1600-1900 would be doable, with overlays for transports etc.. But without overlays and with a map being basically static, almost all the wars from 1600 to 1850 would be doable.

If a european map proves a pipe dream, what are the odds of a map extending at least to Paris in the west and the Po in the south ? Even better, would be a map going from the line Rouen-Paris-Lyon-Marseille in the west to the current eastern limit of the ROP map, but going all the way to Genoa- Florence-Venice in the south. not quite a complete European map, but at least an extension that meanst that one could really play some campaigns that would otherwise be amputated (like the War of Austrian Succession for exemple).

regarding a map of Europe. If with the current engine a whole map of Europe is impossible because of how it would slow down the game. Would a game divided on several maps be possible ? Could the Spanish Peninsula and southern France be an altogether separate map? then the ROP map, then an Italian map, etc... ?

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:49 pm

Why not the NCP map ? It covers everything and is, it seems, faster...

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:02 pm

Florent wrote:Yes why not, i would like a second expansion adding Flanders for Fontenoy, Raucoux, Lawfeld and more of Alsace for the 1743 Invasion, more of Germany with Trier, Saarbrücken etc...and of course Northern Italy from the border to Mantoue to have the Operations in Italy, battle of Guastala and Parma in 1734 and all the operations in 1742 to 1746 with the French and Spanish armies.

I did the research and i already have the Spanish, Piemontese and other Italian OOB. ;)

Here are all the games you commented

But how many RoP expansions will there be?

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:28 pm

Yes Consimworld is a great forum, i read messages there everyday, questions on games are fast answered with designer or fans.

Just remember when they said to you to send questions with an enveloppe 20 yeras ago :D Internet changed all that :thumbsup:

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:37 pm

I hope Battle of Vienna is in the plans also :turc:

Greatest cavalry charge of the Polish Hussars. Some regions already in map in ROP. Ottoman forces depart from Edirne and move slowly gathering vassals armies in north march with total 120 k men lay siege in vienna.

The importance of battle is decline of the Ottomans and Habsburg more concentrated in Europa politics.

The scenario can start 1 year earlier for preparing Holy empire to gather alliances and Ottoman advancing with some attrition.

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:48 pm

Florent wrote:Yes why not, i would like a second expansion adding Flanders for Fontenoy, Raucoux, Lawfeld and more of Alsace for the 1743 Invasion, more of Germany with Trier, Saarbrücken etc...and of course Northern Italy from the border to Mantoue to have the Operations in Italy, battle of Guastala and Parma in 1734 and all the operations in 1742 to 1746 with the French and Spanish armies.

I did the research and i already have the Spanish, Piemontese and other Italian OOB. ;)

I strongly approve of all these plans. Since long I wished AGEOD could launch a bundle of strategic games on warfare in 18th Century. And Thirty Years War is no less fascinating. I hope the ideas and projects mentioned in the last posts could materialize, in spite of some eyebrows raised

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Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:57 pm

You have the maps.

How about producing an easy scenario maker for all these fans who want to create their favourite battles - a sort of operational art of war for post gunpowder - pre-tanks?

Or a random scenario generator? Personally I find bridge a tedious game because of the "post mortem" - if you had played that - he could have finessed that. Sid Meier's Gettysburg, Waterloo, Napoleon's Last Battle, Combat Mission, Imperialism, Civilization (too much Sid I'm beginning to realise), AGEOD's WW1 - (well the events bring enough variety to almost make it random) - there's a 'new day' feel about a random scenario.

Even though I have never played all the scenarios - e.g. in NCP - Spanish Ulcer 295 turns - games with just a few scenarios slightly piss me off because I feel they've only given me a small amount of ammo to play with.

History never repeats itself except insofar as first time it's a tragedy and second time it's a farce.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:43 am

As a person who has played the ROP about 20 times: the AI adopted as many as seven different strategies in the first two years. And then things got even more complicated. I doubt it's different with other AGEOD games, which I haven't started/played as much.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:51 pm

Baris wrote:I hope Battle of Vienna is in the plans also :turc:

Greatest cavalry charge of the Polish Hussars. Some regions already in map in ROP. Ottoman forces depart from Edirne and move slowly gathering vassals armies in north march with total 120 k men lay siege in vienna.

The importance of battle is decline of the Ottomans and Habsburg more concentrated in Europa politics.

The scenario can start 1 year earlier for preparing Holy empire to gather alliances and Ottoman advancing with some attrition.

Yes, this I would really like.

Zap Brannigan
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Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:14 pm

Great to hear of new scenarios/expansion for RoP - good game and interesting period - add 1 buyer :thumbsup:

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Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:09 pm

Franciscus wrote:That's good news, it's good to know the AGE engine is continuing to get support :thumbsup:

But, a question; is this "pack" the misterious volunteer AGE project ?


Rise of Prussia was my first AGEOD game and any expansions would be on my shopping list. Also curious like Franciscus - is this the 2nd project or will there be another project to get excited about?


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Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:39 am

DanSez wrote:Rise of Prussia was my first AGEOD game and any expansions would be on my shopping list. Also curious like Franciscus - is this the 2nd project or will there be another project to get excited about?


I seriously doubt this is that 2nd project. Florent, I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, Florent, has been working on this for awhile on his own, just as added content. Although, I'm sure we who like the game will buy it if there is a price attached to it. I know I will.

Edit: Also, Philippe T has said it will be on something not yet covered.

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Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:17 pm

I think it will be the Rome/Punic Theme which offers a long timeline for updates and upgrades and many opportunities for a serie of GCs and Scenarios...

heartly greetings

Hohenlohe who loves either the Rome Theme as the 30YW Theme... :bonk: :coeurs:
R.I.P. Henry D.

In Remembrance of my Granduncle Hans Weber, a Hungaro-German Soldier,served in Austro-Hungarian Forces during WWI,war prisoner, missed in Sibiria 1918...

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War of the Roses!

Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:52 pm

The War of the Roses would provide an excellent backdrop for the great maps and gameplay that is the history of AGEOD...I hope one day to see a game set in this period. With Sharon Kay Penman's novel...and Thomas Costain's history...there is a wealth of material...

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Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:00 pm

I realise it's probably a bit too niche, but I would really like to see a game of The English Civil War! And you could use the same maps for the War of the Roses too, though whether the AGEOD system would work that far back I would be interested to find out.

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Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:28 pm

Knight of the Realm wrote:I realise it's probably a bit too niche, but I would really like to see a game of The English Civil War!

Me too.

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